Regret setting in for Francois?

They’ve been using that less distractions part forever. And yet where do they get in trouble more at? These small town buy these kids and win and then they blame the winning on their coaching and “lack of distractions” and on campus stadiums and packed stadiums.
I can see that dudes that wrote this have absolutely no idea how distracting it was down here in the 80’s 90’s. Didn’t seem to stop 5 natty’s.
Was there social media in the 80s and 90s?
Was there social media in the 80s and 90s?
No it was worse. We had cocaine being snorted on club tables and drug dealing police officers. We had riots. We had shootouts and chilled trailers with dead bodies.
Social media exists in Alabama too.
I guarantee you there are plenty of social media distractions at college campuses with over 50k students.
You have a tendency of posting sht about how much better it would be to play somewhere else or how much better this or that is in some other place.
The fact that you're hating on a young black man getting a free education because he chose not to play football for the school you're a fan of is hilarious yet sad
Miami education vs Nebraska education???


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Not only him and wr when they go through their 1st winter there. Lol
Who’s the last Florida player that went to Neb prior to this year?
Lmao..You clearly haven’t been around many 16/17/18 year olds..their decision making process isn’t highly developed

This mindset just excuses these kids behavior and is a huge reason kids are how they are now. I'm not saying they will make a sound decision all the time but they certainly know they're being an ******* trolling schools and coaches. The kid acted like a little **** and should be recognized as such.
1. The love Nebraska showed him (they had like 6-7 different coaches calling & texting him every day seeing how his day was going. When he landed for his OV fans were in the airport asking for pics begging him to come. Random people in Lincoln knew who he was)

2. Academics (Nebraska has the largest academic support staff in the country & has produced the most Academic All-Americans, #2 isn't close)

3. Travis Fisher's coaching prowess (in 2 years at UCF he turned Mike Hughes & Shaquill Griffin into draft picks; in 2 years at Nebraska he's turned Lamar Jackson from an overrated Cali DB into an NFL draft pick next month & has turned Marquel Dismuke, Southridge kid Dicaprio Bootle & Cam Taylor into NFL prospects. Also, Nebraska allowed the fewest passing yards per game in the Big Ten this year)

4. The fan support (90,000 fans show up cheering every Saturday no matter how bad they are)

Nobody denies that he experienced those things.

But he doesn't factor in a number of things.

1. The "love" factor, vs. what happens in reality. Every school "shows love" during recruiting. Some may show more love than others. But what we do know is that once that kid enrolls, the coaches are no longer "calling & texting him every day seeing how his day is going." As for the "fans in the airport", yes, people in Lincoln, Nebraska literally have nothing else to do in life. My family comes from a state that borders Nebraska, I am not merely tossing out cliches and generalizations. I know what Midwest sports love is like, I know how the fans react. But I guarantee you, that "love" is conditional, same as it is everywhere, but maybe it hurts more if he loses it, because it felt so good at the beginning.

2. Again, nothing better to do. And, hey, academic support is great, I worked as a tutor for the Athletic Department at UM. But people have to be honest and realistic...if there is a DIRECT CONNECTION between the size of the Academic Support Staff and Academic All-Americans...then maybe, JUST MAYBE, it's not the players earning those honors, it's the tutors and "essay-editors". I'm not saying Jaiden wasn't impressed, but why didn't he consider that Miami's football GRADUATION RATE (one of the best in the country year after year) is pretty strong evidence that we get the job done, honestly, and regardless of staff size.

3. Travis Fisher may be a good coach. But Rumph and Banda have been putting guys in the league too. I'm not going to knock this one too hard, every kid is entitled to evaluate his coaches and decide who he feels most comfortable with.

4. See #1 above. Literally, nothing else to do. Consistent with #2 above, we should all want a sense of accomplishment in life, that we earned something. Not sure why "90,000 fans, no matter how bad they are" and "largest support staff in the country produces the greatest number of Academic All-Americans" are such great selling points when Nebraska, as a school and as a football team, has been on the decline. Nebraska is an AAU institution, based on how things were 40 years ago, and they are not nearly as good academically as they once were. And football has not been nearly as good since Osborne left.

In summary, if all of these "good reasons" were so powerful, and gave Nebraska such a clear-cut advantage over Miami, then it still doesn't explain the crying and the delaying and the game-playing on Signing Day.

You have a couple of good points, but if those were so compelling, then Jaiden should have dried his tears and signed with Nebraska drama-free. And not played games with Miami. That is all.