Reddit post breaks down Miami

"But as I mentioned in the scheme discussion, these guys are frequently a total non-factor in the outcome of the play - they’re asked to guess fast, and if they guess wrong, they wind up badly out of position. Especially troublesome was how often they got burned on offensive plays that are designed to break big if the defense over-commits early - counters, reverses, bootlegs, etc. ... ****, Pitt’s winning 4th down TD came on an old-school QB waggle where the poor backers weren’t even on the screen. My tally sheet indicates that, on balance, these LBs weren’t guessing correctly enough to produce sufficient extra havoc to make up for the opportunity cost of getting caught flat-footed, and I think the truly excellent defensive line has been masking a structural weakness here."

This is the damning part of Manny's D. Clemson and Wisconsin ate our linebackers alive.
he couldnt be more correct about the manny diaz breakdown. We are so out of position far too frequently. Great write up by that dude
He's was about 80% correct on this piece. Spot on about Rosier. I thought he was taking more heat than it was needed considering what we lost towards the end. I think that conversation gets lost between the trolls flaming and folks that don't understand football. Losing one of your bread and butter base personnel at the end season sucks. That same 11 personnel did a number VT and ND. That drop off between Herndon and Irvin was dam season killer, and I'm glad Miami addressed that **** with the last recruiting class.

The LBs are taught to shoot that gap, which I have no problem with, especially with these LBS being in the third year of the system. It's a problem when you have new LBs, with no game experience. He's right about the Gap integrity. Even though he praised RJ, he gave up that **** a lot last year, but on the flip side, he look good doing it.

That's Manny defense in a nutshell, it's a High Risk, High Reward defense, but if he can pull off that style anywhere, it can definitely can pull it off in Miami. We have the base athletes to play that scheme. I rather have Manny style of defense that than bend but don't break BS we saw with Doritos. You can't play scared, but It was good read though!
I love breakdowns like these. It keeps us as fans grounded. Too much narrow-mindedness going on with our fanbase imo.

The only thing I will question is Knowles but I do understand why he mentioned him. It was merely a breakdown of last season so he doesn't know about transfers, freshmen, STRIKER position, etc.

" But the real issue, which I think reverberated throughout the entire team’s performance, was that this group was so ineffective at run blocking. The problem was footwork - they just weren’t creating the leverage that this zone-blocking scheme requires, and without a solid push into defensive lines the RBs were bouncing off the line and forced to improvise a whole lot. In turn that made the run game (which put up deceptively good overall numbers) extremely feast-or-famine, which translated into an inability to sit on the clock or set up a convincing play-action pass game. By the end of the year defenses were playing a pretty light box, covering the QB or RB as run threats only as outside bounces (or just another receiver), and freeing up a defender to both bracket Berrios and get extensive safety help against Miami’s plethora of deep weapons. That’s the last piece of the puzzle for why I think Rosier’s dip in performance should be evaluated in a fuller context. "

"DC Diaz’s scheme completely abandons gap integrity and instructs backers and run-support safeties to react instantly and take whichever run fits they see immediately. It’s highly aggressive and sometimes devastatingly effective, but at the risk of uselessly doubling up on gaps, losing edge contain, or just plain guessing wrong and getting taken out of the play. "

These two stood out to me the most and needs to be refined if we want to have similar or better success.
Manny's scheme is hit-or-miss for the most part so Shaq, Pinck, and McCloud are going to have recognize plays faster and have better awareness with an inexperienced interior DL.

I'm not versed in understanding how offensive lines work but if anyone is, what is the cause of erratic footwork and how is it usually fixed?

Except we are more athletic on the offensive line this year which is critical in a zone blocking scheme. What deeps threats did we truly have last year once Richards was lost for the season? As it is he was 80% at best even early in the season. Thomas was a 155 pound true freshman that could be manhandled. Cager was coming off a major knee injury. Cager is confident in his knee. Thomas is 15 to 20 pounds heavier. Richards is 100% and when he is he is arguably the best receiver in America. The influx of freshmen wideouts who can run are significant. I will say this about Homer. As good as he was he was still a work in progress. He didn't carry the ball the year prior after than 7 carries. 10 pounds heavier. He gym numbers are through the roof. Deejay is 20 pounds heavier and hasn't lost any burst.

On defense, our back 7 is experienced, very experienced. I'm willing to bet our gap integrity greatly improves. I also believe Simpson makes a huge difference. "Meet Me at the Quarterback" had one concern and that was to get upfield as quickly as practicable and that is going to give up gap integrity up front. Was never a fan of that guy. We will improve as a run defense. I believe significantly. That being said we're weren't gashed last year on explosive plays. We got nickled and dimed to death on 3rd downs.
That was quite a detailed write up. Here are some things I noticed:

1) Garvin, like someone else said, went criminally unmentioned.

2) He called Walton a “transformational talent.” That seems to fly in the face of many discussions on here of late and also seems to overlook Walton’s production vs power 5 teams dropping off a lot compared to how he performed vs the Toledos of the world.

3) He seems completely unaware of the existence of Gerald Willis. But based on his analysis of the defense, Willis is going to have to play like a “transformational talent” this season or else the defense is going to take a big step back.

4) He watched tons of film and came way believing that Knowles belongs in the safety rotation. How is that even possible?

5) His analysis of Rosier was insightful. I thought he gave a good explanation of his late season struggles and also really seemed to hit on something with the “happy feet” and failure to produce anything positive when the play breaks down angle.

he doesn't know about willis, the incoming class, or any of the roster that didn't see the field because he's not a miami fan (he's an oregon guy). all the guy did was watch our film as a neutral observer. i'm stoked that he picked us first and i'm excited to see some more breakdowns if he does them.
It's really just a review of the 2017 season. Nothing earth shattering for anybody who actually paid attention to games last season. The o-line had trouble run blocking and the running game was entirely all or nothing? No **** sherlock. Diaz's defense puts a premium on getting into the backfield and disrupting plays at the expense of gap integrity? Mind-blowing. He was correct about fans (myself included) placing a little too much blame on Rosier but his analysis of his play was spotty at best. Richt doesn't call a bunch of easy throws for him? He calls at least 6 or 7 screen passes a game. His "happy feet" is more an example of the fact that he was, for the most part, a one read quarterback last year. In that he was to check his first option and if that guy was covered, he was to tuck it and run. There was no progressions or checking off to second and third options in the passing game last year. Also, one of my biggest complaints about Diaz was that he didn't use nickel personnel enough and I don't think he used dime personnel once all season. This dude is claiming Manny was spending too much time in nickle and dime sets.
It's really just a review of the 2017 season. Nothing earth shattering for anybody who actually paid attention to games last season. The o-line had trouble run blocking and the running game was entirely all or nothing? No **** sherlock. Diaz's defense puts a premium on getting into the backfield and disrupting plays at the expense of gap integrity? Mind-blowing. He was correct about fans (myself included) placing a little too much blame on Rosier but his analysis of his play was spotty at best. Richt doesn't call a bunch of easy throws for him? He calls at least 6 or 7 screen passes a game. His "happy feet" is more an example of the fact that he was, for the most part, a one read quarterback last year. In that he was to check his first option and if that guy was covered, he was to tuck it and run. There was no progressions or checking off to second and third options in the passing game last year. Also, one of my biggest complaints about Diaz was that he didn't use nickel personnel enough and I don't think he used dime personnel once all season. This dude is claiming Manny was spending too much time in nickle and dime sets.

I don't think his audience is Miami fans, especially ones who follow the team closely. The whole point of these reddit break downs is so fans can get a sense of how good teams are that they don't follow.
Not bad. What I'd expect from a Sporting News breakdown. Not exactly glowing reviews of Richt the O-coordinator and called a spade a spade in Diaz's style - it's by design we tend to be a hot mess when we don't get a TFL.

As for Rosier, he missed that eval in terms of his release and those "happy feet" being a cause for inaccuracy.

Finally, I have no idea what he's looking at by saying we freely tossed extra DBs on the field all season. We were in 3 LB sets an unnecessary amount of time.
Thanks for the write up OP. It was refreshing reading a team analysis with someone not wearing orange and green shades. I'm hoping Richt uses plays that helps Rosier this year. I wish he would take notes from Pete Carol's 2005 year. Incredibly athletic on offense and found ways to get guys in space. Whether it be going bunch formation and hitting a receiver on a curl route, or always having Reggie Bush as a check down/swing route. Short passes going for big plays made their qb look like a world beater when he was average at best and less of an athlete of most qbs.

With all that said, I know Richt is a qb guy and I don't think we'll see big success on offense until we get a legit pro style guy(thinking of when Ga had Murray and Stafford).

Anyways back to drinking my orange kool-aid. Let's embarrass LSU. 24-10 The U
I think we are being way too optimistic about our depth across the entire defense. We are not deep in many positions.

I'm not a Rosier advocate by any stretch, but he is the one taking all the heat this off-season. Its like the fan base forgot how bad Richt's playcalling was for large stretches of the season. I think we will be calling for the same changes after a few games. We need a full-time OC, who brings new wrinkles to the offense.

This is pretty standard for our fan base. They tend to have blind allegiance to the coaches and will use the players as a scapegoat until about the end of year 3.
Not bad. What I'd expect from a Sporting News breakdown. Not exactly glowing reviews of Richt the O-coordinator and called a spade a spade in Diaz's style - it's by design we tend to be a hot mess when we don't get a TFL.

As for Rosier, he missed that eval in terms of his release and those "happy feet" being a cause for inaccuracy.

Finally, I have no idea what he's looking at by saying we freely tossed extra DBs on the field all season. We were in 3 LB sets an unnecessary amount of time.

Just curious, what did TooColdTooHold find dumb about this post?
I got about halfway through the defense portion and had to run to a meeting. Did he evaluate Robert Knowles' play?
What was by far and away the most interesting statistic he came away with was Rosier. The article says for every 1 good tuck and run choice, he made at least 3 bad ones. What confirms this finding is how Richt called Rosier out in many interviews last season. Richt said Rosier thinks he has a lot more wiggle and running ability talent wise, than he actually possesses. It wasn't in those words, but that's exactly what he meant.
Ok writeup but he has his head in his *** when knocking Dallas in the Wildcat. It was highly effective last year, and that was without Dallas throwing a pass. I would like to see it a lot more next year to keep defenses off balance.
Thanks OP for posting. What a refreshing feeling that was to read a completely unbiased breakdown from someone who hasn't rooted for or against Miami.

Not sure what this guy sees in Knowles. But clearly Diaz sees it as well. Mcintosh was our best player on D last year. Quite frankly it wasn't even close.

Berrios crisp routes and ability to go over the middle is going to be missed. Jeff Thomas is more of a big play option and I think that could hurt are ability to consistently move the chains.(something we already struggled with) I worry we'll be heavily reliant on the big play once again.

I think we can all agree we were very fortunate that we won a few of the games we did last season. But we have the talent to beat everyone on our schedule. We aren't perfect but no team on our schedule aside from LSU and FSU have close to the talent we have. We have the coaching advantage over LSU and FSU's staff is a major question mark.

Coaching will decide our season. Richts play calling and Mannys ability to implement the striker position. I believe that although we may have gotten lucky a couple times last year, the players don't. They believe they were close to the playoff and it has created a confidence and focus this off season that I haven't seen in the past 10 years. So I do think we take a step forward this season.
Thanks OP for posting. What a refreshing feeling that was to read a completely unbiased breakdown from someone who hasn't rooted for or against Miami.

Not sure what this guy sees in Knowles. But clearly Diaz sees it as well. Mcintosh was our best player on D last year. Quite frankly it wasn't even close.

Berrios crisp routes and ability to go over the middle is going to be missed. Jeff Thomas is more of a big play option and I think that could hurt are ability to consistently move the chains.(something we already struggled with) I worry we'll be heavily reliant on the big play once again.

I think we can all agree we were very fortunate that we won a few of the games we did last season. But we have the talent to beat everyone on our schedule. We aren't perfect but no team on our schedule aside from LSU and FSU have close to the talent we have. We have the coaching advantage over LSU and FSU's staff is a major question mark.

Coaching will decide our season. Richts play calling and Mannys ability to implement the striker position. I believe that although we may have gotten lucky a couple times last year, the players don't. They believe they were close to the playoff and it has created a confidence and focus this off season that I haven't seen in the past 10 years. So I do think we take a step forward this season.

Good stuff Zane.