Reddit post breaks down Miami

Loved it. Thanks much.

This, for better and worse, is Manny's defense in brief:

The novel aspect -- which even though I was somewhat familiar with Jimmy Johnson’s 4-3 slide and so shouldn’t have been too shocked to see at Miami again, still caught me by surprise -- is that DC Diaz’s scheme completely abandons gap integrity and instructs backers and run-support safeties to react instantly and take whichever run fits they see immediately. It’s highly aggressive and sometimes devastatingly effective, but at the risk of uselessly doubling up on gaps, losing edge contain, or just plain guessing wrong and getting taken out of the play.
For someone who doesnt really follow miami that was a really good breakdown. Had a couple of big misses here and there but I see that happen with coaches even who get paid to do it for a living. The biggest things that stuck out to me which he hit on the head were:

Us running Walton into ground early in season and not using Homer enough, when he was fully capable. That was always head scratching to me, we literally rode walton into the ground twice.

The dline dominant play masking alot of the free flowing back end and can these new guys duplicate the upperclass production we got from the guys we lost. All those guys made alot of plays.

By end of season, Rosier was hurt, oline was not helping and we lost alot of weapons that did not help Rosier play at a high level.

This also made me very curious about how we will play in the trenches. We are depending on a makeshift line Jahair has never played after being here 5 years, Mahoney was mainly a backup, Donaldson was a guard and kicked outside to tackle because noone else could hold down the spot in spring. And our RT moved to the left, they have been getting good reviews against our new dline but we will know in first game if it was hype or real deal.
I agree with him on Walton. Walton turned busted plays into positive yardage by regularly making guys miss in the backfield. He has the L2 button (did I just age myself?).

That’s my only knock on Homer. I like him a lot. He is fast, strong, and a load to bring down. It looks like he was shot out of a cannon, and if there’s a hole he will hit it and hit it hard. But he doesn’t make anyone miss. In another thread I predicted the Homer/Dallas attempt numbers will be a lot closer than many think. Dallas is shiftier, and has that patience that Walton had to allow the hole to develop.
Some good points but to not even mention Garvin who had flash plays in back to back weeks on national tv is criminal. I will go out on a limb and say we will be better on D in all areas, maybe not as many turnovers
That's easily the best (and most accurate) breakdown I've ever seen on here, this guy should be working for CIS.

All this time and nobody's thought to wonder why we suck so bad at run blocking.

I hope Richt reads this. I get the feeling he's calling plays by feel and/or based on what he's decided he should do. I'd like to see him do a little better with doing what we're good at rather than what he'd like us to be good at. I guess you don't get good at something without doing it, so I see why he insists on running up the middle and throwing fades to short guys.

I don't have any serious complaints about Richt, he's done well enough overall but we're starting to get talented enough to think we can beat the Clemsons of the world with a better scheme. If we aren't considerably better on O this year, I'll be on board with pressuring him to get an OC. Yes, I know everybody else was at that point a year or more ago, I just didn't see it as one of our top 5 or so problems.
His 2nd paragraph discussing LBs was particularly accurate. We were/are lucky to have Jaquan erase so many bad angles and reads from our LBs and DEs who can’t contain
Nice breakdown. More researched than any ESPN type analyst I’ve seen in a while. Kind of seemed like a Cane closet fan? One small detail overlooked was the lack of FB last year and being able to line up in 21 this year. Not a big deal unless your talking about 3rd and short or goal line formations which I believe we will be more successful with this year. And I’ll say it again. Mallory will be a matchup nightmare.
Loved it. Thanks much.

This, for better and worse, is Manny's defense in brief:

The novel aspect -- which even though I was somewhat familiar with Jimmy Johnson’s 4-3 slide and so shouldn’t have been too shocked to see at Miami again, still caught me by surprise -- is that DC Diaz’s scheme completely abandons gap integrity and instructs backers and run-support safeties to react instantly and take whichever run fits they see immediately. It’s highly aggressive and sometimes devastatingly effective, but at the risk of uselessly doubling up on gaps, losing edge contain, or just plain guessing wrong and getting taken out of the play.

Live by the sword, die by the sword. Life is short, go for the ****** jugular.

Or, ya know, you can always clutch pearls....
That's easily the best (and most accurate) breakdown I've ever seen on here, this guy should be working for CIS.

All this time and nobody's thought to wonder why we suck so bad at run blocking.

I hope Richt reads this. I get the feeling he's calling plays by feel and/or based on what he's decided he should do. I'd like to see him do a little better with doing what we're good at rather than what he'd like us to be good at. I guess you don't get good at something without doing it, so I see why he insists on running up the middle and throwing fades to short guys.

I don't have any serious complaints about Richt, he's done well enough overall but we're starting to get talented enough to think we can beat the Clemsons of the world with a better scheme. If we aren't considerably better on O this year, I'll be on board with pressuring him to get an OC. Yes, I know everybody else was at that point a year or more ago, I just didn't see it as one of our top 5 or so problems.

Sounds like the internal monologue of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. AKA, every Canes fan, all the time. Well put.

To go where we want to go, we need to run the football against anyone/everyone. Whenever we want to.

He broke Diaz’s defense down to the ground. The LBs are guessing, it’s a crapshoot. I agree on Rosier, he was not the only problem, many things contributed to his inconsistent play. And Walton was definitely ran into the ground and rushed back. The most eye opening and new perspective take was on the o-line. I thought Gauthier did well and Darling was bad. But his breakdown on our lack of a push in the run game and why was spot on IMO.

Good find and post, but a definite reality check/downer before the opener. We still gonna roll. 31-13. Our coaching has to improve.
Gotta wonder about some of those evals though. Most are on point but Knowles, Dean, & Darling?

I love Walton as a runner but his vision is spotty. He looks for the cutback early and often when sometimes he needed to run fast and hard to the playside called hole.

When he got hurt he then regressed to becoming indecisive.(fsu)
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That was quite a detailed write up. Here are some things I noticed:

1) Garvin, like someone else said, went criminally unmentioned.

2) He called Walton a “transformational talent.” That seems to fly in the face of many discussions on here of late and also seems to overlook Walton’s production vs power 5 teams dropping off a lot compared to how he performed vs the Toledos of the world.

3) He seems completely unaware of the existence of Gerald Willis. But based on his analysis of the defense, Willis is going to have to play like a “transformational talent” this season or else the defense is going to take a big step back.

4) He watched tons of film and came way believing that Knowles belongs in the safety rotation. How is that even possible?

5) His analysis of Rosier was insightful. I thought he gave a good explanation of his late season struggles and also really seemed to hit on something with the “happy feet” and failure to produce anything positive when the play breaks down angle.