Realistic offensive coordinators

Would those guys come knowing it will only last a year though
Well, I’m not sure about that...if we could’ve averaged 30 points per game (discounting the 63-0 BCC blowout), we likely have a 9-3 season. If our offense can muster 30 points per game next year we should win 9 next year. God I pray Manny cuts ties with Enos!!!
Some good candidates listed. I think Tom Albin from Ohio is a good realistic candidate as well.
Kevin johns from memphis. Was at indiana for about 6 years under kevin wilson and spent 2018 under klingsbury. Uptempo spread and is balanced.

Could bring in greg frey with him to coach o-line. Frey was co-oc and o-line coach at indiana with him. Frey produced three 1st team all american o-linemen there. He is a analyst at uf right now.
USC? This is the school that hired Lynn Swann to be its AD...
I think the SC brass wants to play ball, high priority, I would think Swanni is much better at directing athletics than Blake for maybe no other reason than he knows what it takes to win, and the SC admin is behind him. Blake aint gotta damm clue what it takes and our admin could care less, that's a big difference.
Keep this in mind, our admin coulda hired BD instead of Manwell, they knew damm well BD would deliver more W's, but they chose not to. Makes me question if they really wanna win, or rather have a 500(maybe) ball club and stay clean of all the attention that comes with winning big. Make no mistake, winning big brings attention, lots of scrutiny, etc. It has its own problems that they have seen before. Its 100% their choice, we are always the right coach from winning big, and i dont think they want the baggage that comes with winning big yall