Confirmed RB Coach Tim Harris Jr

idk if he'll be successful here. A lot of variables. He can be, though. he's a good dude and he's a hustler...he puts in the work and he's been well respected everywhere he's been. I can see this being a really good fit and you all loving this guy. He's going to have to land some big fish at RB and that has been an area we've been spotty in recently, those big ticket running backs. We've had a couple...but that's something Harris is going to have to do here and until he lands one, its a fair criticism.
Always wondered why we never got Jr on the football field. He was an AA sprinter. Could’ve been a special teams sniper like Nelms. Good hire, welcome home.
Texas RB </> Florida RB 👀?
Get the best player regardless of where they come from.

But I would surmise his area of focus will be South FL, considering his background & relationship with most local South FL HS coaches & because the FL RB class is pretty deep once again like it was last year.

However if you’re asking me personally, my favorite RB’s in this class are Dwight Phillips (GA) & Harry Stewart (TX).
Based on which other names under consideration?
He was basically saying that Harris wasn’t ready yet, needed to get a real lower level power 5 job first (not one just about to be) and that If Mario, who he loves, was hiring people like this after the oc and dc hires it was a sign that bigger coaches don’t want to come and we can’t poach from our theoretical peers because coaches don’t want to work at a boot camp like Mario seems to be running

He wanted Seider initially but knew that was no shot when they threw the other title out. Honestly it’s the most down I’ve heard him on Mario situation since he got hired. Not saying he’s right but also don’t hit me with the bs he doesn’t know what he’s talking about at all. He’s more informed than most here by far generally if not an actual insider. He does talk to Mario.
jump to the 19 minute mark @TheOriginalCane
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"Home Run."
The first or the 2nd time we hired him? The nepotism with UM is necrotic. We can't seem to ever break the cycle.

You need to take a mood stabilizer along with a cholinesterase inhibitor, you also need to learn the meaning of the words nepotism and necrotic, and their usage in the English language. 😉
He's been a close friend to me and my family for 28yrs....If you don't like it you're more than welcome to go F yourself....

Take a xanax dude. No one called you any names. So don't curse at me, please. Talk ball. Don't get so emotional.

And I don't care if he's St. Teresa, Boutros Boutros-Ghali or if he pulled you back from getting hit by a bus. It doesn't have ANYTHING to with the fact that the man finished 1-18 at FIU. That's why he was fired. Because he finished his career as the worst performing coach in CFB. Not because of anything he said. He could have solved the Middle East conflict but he was still getting fired because of football.

Those are facts. You're not doing yourself any favors by taking a ridiculous position that no rational sentient being would agree with.