Rashada is suing Napier and a Florida booster.

Tweet by Andy Staples

Yeah I understand what Staples wrote. He is not wrong for saying that contract is at the heart of the lawsuit, the entire lawsuit is about a broken promise to pay 13.85 million. But if he meant the lawsuit is over the contract I would argue that is wrong. His tweet does not say that the contract was attached to the complaint or they were trying to enforce it. He just got a copy of the collective contract and posted it. I just read the entire complaint and nothing even purports to attach a contract or any document.

Here is a link to the actual complaint filed:

Yeah I understand what Staples wrote. He is not wrong for saying that contract is at the heart of the lawsuit, the entire lawsuit is about a broken promise to pay 13.85 million. But if he meant the lawsuit is over the contract I would argue that is wrong. His tweet does not say that the contract was attached to the complaint or they were trying to enforce it. He just got a copy of the collective contract and posted it. I just read the entire complaint and nothing even purports to attach a contract or any document.

Here is a link to the actual complaint filed:

Thank you for the explanation. I was under the impression it was attached. I should have read closer to the complaint.
Can't wait until a maniac like Rusty Hardin gets to go after this clown.

It was the Botox talking!!! I had accidentally inhaled a significant amount of spray tan! Look at me! I could've never legitimately offered this kid THAT amount of money as my brain has been severely injured by a clinic in Turkey that does hair plugs using only a nail gun and the manes of euthanized race horses!

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FTR, good for the kid for securing that kind of deal (although he'll never see the money) but what a desperate ridiculous gambit by Napier. The percentage of these blue chip QBs that are either busts or just okay, throwing that kind of money around for a freshman is pretty wild to me.
Either desperation or pure amateur inclinations…on a side note, did Ruiz play chess in this instance and the turds bit?
Yeah I understand what Staples wrote. He is not wrong for saying that contract is at the heart of the lawsuit, the entire lawsuit is about a broken promise to pay 13.85 million. But if he meant the lawsuit is over the contract I would argue that is wrong. His tweet does not say that the contract was attached to the complaint or they were trying to enforce it. He just got a copy of the collective contract and posted it. I just read the entire complaint and nothing even purports to attach a contract or any document.

Here is a link to the actual complaint filed:

I highly doubt we've been given full information here.

Rashada isn't suing unless the likelihood of money being paid out via a settlement is fairly high. Which means some form of contractual violation has taken place.
I highly doubt we've been given full information here.

Rashada isn't suing unless the likelihood of money being paid out via a settlement is fairly high. Which means some form of contractual violation has taken place.
not necessarily. If they thought that then I imagine they would sue for breach of contract. However the contractual language is so wishy washy here Rashada's attorney didnt even include it in a 7 count complaint, not even as an alternative theory or a throw away. Seems to me like the misrepresentation, tortious interference, detrimental reliance are the much stronger arguments. Not to mention the media/negative public perception to try and force a settlement. The longer this stays in the news the worse it is for the gator and napier.
not necessarily. If they thought that then I imagine they would sue for breach of contract. However the contractual language is so wishy washy here Rashada's attorney didnt even include it in a 7 count complaint, not even as an alternative theory or a throw away. Seems to me like the misrepresentation, tortious interference, detrimental reliance are the much stronger arguments. Not to mention the media/negative public perception to try and force a settlement. The longer this stays in the news the worse it is for the gator and napier.
I'd argue it's the "Is it a contract, yes or no and are they obligated to make the payment?" question.
I am a lawyer. I just quickly reviewed the complaint. Couple quick thoughts:

1. To clarify some of the earlier posts, Jaden is not suing for breach of contract. Instead, his damage theory is that UF misled him into committing to UF and as a result, he gave up a $9.5 million NIL deal with Miami. So, as I read it, his damage theory isn't he lost out on $13 million but rather the $9.5 million Miami promised (allegedly).

2. I don't like this for us.

In order for Jaden to put on his case, he will have to show that Miami had a real $9.5 million offer. That means that in discovery, both sides will have to obtain documents and subpoena individuals connected with our NIL collective/group (that means likely Ruiz or whoever engaged with Jaden's team on behalf of UM). That also means that whatever discussions Jaden or his team had with Miami (and with whom) is fair game.

I don't like this stuff getting out. Stuff in litigation can get taken out of context, which in turn can cause a public black eye for us.

The only silver lining is there's no doubt we're paying so at least the 'croots know that.
I am a lawyer. I just quickly reviewed the complaint. Couple quick thoughts:

1. To clarify some of the earlier posts, Jaden is not suing for breach of contract. Instead, his damage theory is that UF misled him into committing to UF and as a result, he gave up a $9.5 million NIL deal with Miami. So, as I read it, his damage theory isn't he lost out on $13 million but rather the $9.5 million Miami promised (allegedly).

2. I don't like this for us.

In order for Jaden to put on his case, he will have to show that Miami had a real $9.5 million offer. That means that in discovery, both sides will have to obtain documents and subpoena individuals connected with our NIL collective/group (that means likely Ruiz or whoever engaged with Jaden's team on behalf of UM). That also means that whatever discussions Jaden or his team had with Miami (and with whom) is fair game.

I don't like this stuff getting out. Stuff in litigation can get taken out of context, which in turn can cause a public black eye for us.

The only silver lining is there's no doubt we're paying so at least the 'croots know that.
I agree, generally point 2 is NOT good and Ruiz already spouted out that Life Wallet and Ruiz did not have a deal that big. However, Miami has some big boy lawyers. I am unsure if a federal Judge would entertain discovery that led to the discussions or draft agreements around our alleged 9.5 million number. I assume if Rusty if throwing that number out Rashada likely signed something with our collective that promised to pay him 9.5 million. That should be the only piece of documentation relevant and discoverable, not necessarily if Mario told him about the deal, or who he talked to, or text messages, or who was involved etc. I just dont see how any of that is tied to fraud and misrepresentation of UF? I know UF will try but I think all Rashada would need to show is he had a deal for 9.5 mil.
OK, this is going to be unpopular, but I’m objective so idgaf.

Ruiz just said there was never a $9.5m on the table for Rashada. OK, here’s the problem I see w/ Rashada’s camp trying to sue Napier/UF…it’s a NIL deal. At what point did UF or its Collectives monetize off Rashada’s name, image, or likeness?
-Was it when they sold his jersey? No, that didn’t happen. -Was it b/c of viewership to watch him play? No, that didn’t happen.
-Was it at an event that he attended to help sales for the booster group? No, that didn’t happen.

As I told my lil homie’s mom, whose son now attends UW, b4 signing anything u have to read the entire document until u see a blank page, & have someone versed in financial law to read along w/ u. If UF made verbal promises, but didn’t fulfill said promises by a specific timeline, then it was up to the Rashada’s to either a) make the decision the program wasn’t for them & go elsewhere or b) enter into the NIL agreement & enroll thus making them fully liable. Also, if UF upon review felt that the kid wasn’t worth the price point, then they too had the right to bow out & move on.

They chose option a; now here’s the thing:
From 3 NIL contracts I’ve seen, enrollment + playing time were buried in the language. I’m not sure what his agreement was, but it appears to be sour grapes on The Rashada’s part b/c they chose the bush v. the bird in hand. The fact is, this kid & his camp played themselves. They used us to leverage more $$ from other programs, & instead of doing due diligence or better yet staying loyal, they got burned.

If I’m the courts, I’m being very weary of this type of suit b/c it would set up precedence, rewarding kids, parents, handlers for making ill informed decision to not follow throw on a commitment going to the highest bidder.

However, let’s be clear….if college students want to be treated as employees, welcome to adulthood.