Rashada is suing Napier and a Florida booster.

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Ruiz when he saw this news pop up on his Twitter timeline today
Wouldn't be shocked if Ruiz is talking about the high school NIL deal he was able to offer Rashada since he lived in Calif, and the college deal wasn't in effect yet. He would have the worst attorney in the world, like stormy daniels attorney, to put out those figures and have them not be anywhere close to being true.
I thought stuff like this might happen. This is the first of probably many. Anytime you have a disadvantaged group (high school or college-aged kids) dealing with financially savvy and advantaged groups, the potential for inequity is high. NCAA is going to have to come up with some regulations for how negotiations can take place so that these backroom discussions don't turn into lawsuits.
I've canceled my subscription, but Laine Higgins was the one who wrote the 'Rashada committed to Miami for money but flipped to Florida because they're better' article last year.

I wonder whether she reckons with that article at all in the new piece.

Someone needs to demand a traction...



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Wouldn't be shocked if Ruiz is talking about the high school NIL deal he was able to offer Rashada since he lived in Calif, and the college deal wasn't in effect yet. He would have the worst attorney in the world, like stormy daniels attorney, to put out those figures and have them not be anywhere close to being true.

Or Ruiz and the UM Collective could have each paid PART of the $9.5 million, the same way that Hathnocock and Gator Guard did.
I think this is Exhibit A on why D$ cautions not to overinvest in top HS QBs. You need to keep recruiting and landing who you are projecting to be a great Miami QB. But you can't throw funny money at them, it's very case by case. And the market hasn't settled yet.
FTR, good for the kid for securing that kind of deal (although he'll never see the money) but what a desperate ridiculous gambit by Napier. The percentage of these blue chip QBs that are either busts or just okay, throwing that kind of money around for a freshman is pretty wild to me.
What exactly has he EARNED thus far?

Your "you don't work for free" logic doesn't really fit the story here. Nice try though.

Look, I'm not saying he DESERVES all that money.


At every level of sports, you "earn" your future paydays with past performance. Whether a HS kid can underperform or overperform his HS accomplishments in college, or whether a college kid can underperform or overperform his college accomplishments in the NFL...who knows....

In addition to Rashada's HS performance, let's not overlook the impact on a recruiting class. Signing a top QB can help you with your current class and your next recruiting class or two.

Now, whether it can go in the OPPOSITE direction too (kid decommits or transfers out), that is a fair question.

But let's not act like Rashada deserves NOTHING and has proven NOTHING.

Rashada peformed, as a HS-to-college athlete, the same way that a college-to-NFL performs. That is to say, his first contract is based purely on scouting and potential, and NOT "actual performance at that level".
I am rooting for both sides to lose.....by a lot.

This case demonstrates everything that has gone wrong with CFB since the portal and NIL. I'm not blaming the kids, their agents, their parents, the schools, the coaches, the conferences, the TV networks or the fans who contribute to collectives or not. I'm blaming ALL of it. The entire thing is based on greed and who gets the shaft in the end? The fans and alumni.

Before you come @ me with you're an old man (kind of true but not really) and insults, I do recognize all of the different angles to see this from....the kids' perspectives to get paid the most they can, the schools' and coaches' desires to win more and win now, the fans' desire to participate, etc. However, my bigger concern is that without some oversight at some point, this system cannibalizes itself until there are only a handful of teams (not schools) who play in the top tier of CFB. I've seen the Harlem Globetrotters play before. They were super cool when I was 7. They sucked when I was 47 because I saw it for what it really was.....the Washington Generals never win because the Globetrotters got all the Curly Neal 5 stars on the payroll.
Look, I'm not saying he DESERVES all that money.


At every level of sports, you "earn" your future paydays with past performance. Whether a HS kid can underperform or overperform his HS accomplishments in college, or whether a college kid can underperform or overperform his college accomplishments in the NFL...who knows....

In addition to Rashada's HS performance, let's not overlook the impact on a recruiting class. Signing a top QB can help you with your current class and your next recruiting class or two.

Now, whether it can go in the OPPOSITE direction too (kid decommits or transfers out), that is a fair question.

But let's not act like Rashada deserves NOTHING and has proven NOTHING.

Rashada peformed, as a HS-to-college athlete, the same way that a college-to-NFL performs. That is to say, his first contract is based purely on scouting and potential, and NOT "actual performance at that level".
I understand all that you wrote. I don't disagree. I also understand nuance and that not all things are either-or propositions. When I see people say/write things like "he deserves what he's earned" and " you don't work for free," it slightly irks me because it lacks nuance. I've seen what you say across these boards plenty, therefore I know you know what I'm talking about.

People seem to be taking sides on this portal/NIL thing and I'm not a fan of that because I think long term it's bad for the sport. At some point, donors stop donating and boosters stop boosting if the wins aren't enough. At some point - and I believe we are nearing it - CFB becomes nothing more than straight up HwooreHouse athletics where the highest bidders get all the talent. Once all the top players hit the portal every year, we will have reached Ground Zero in this regard.
Huge story about this in the Wall SJ. Rashada must be dumb as a box of rocks if he actually thought someone was going to cough up $14M for him. There’s one born every minute. :zczkqmritjdsoaq.jpg:
Two years ago elite high school quarterbacks were a premium.

The market appears to be changing somewhat towards paying the money for elite transfer quarterbacks. Which makes more sense, given the failure rate for high school quarterbacks