Radakovich informs staff he’s coming to Miami

Well they don't want Diaz either. They shot their shot, if Mario has cold feet, then no choice but plan B. Cannot possibly go into next season with a HC that has had the negative press Diaz had.
I hope you're right
I'm not convinced it is Mario or bust. Why would he logically be the only option? Because none of the other options attended Columbus High?
You answered your own question. This is UM we’re talking about. When has logic ever come in to play when conducting a coaching search?
Most people in the mainstream media have no idea wtf is going on.

I mean, Miami looks like a cluster****, in part, because you have so many nobodys slapping send on tweets with nonsense that isn't true or is an assumption on their part that they are packaging as news or relaying the same information as someone else after they used a thesaurus.

Just a lot of garbage out there that makes Miami look like a complete and utter cluter****...which is it...but this Mario story has more variants than the Marvel Cinematic Universe at this point. Its ridiculous and 99% of it is garbage.
Seeing how this doesn’t seem like a sure thing and I doubt it even happens…
What about the current Louisville AD? I see FSU is courting him.
Who are some others?
I was excited at first till I read his resume. Isn't the last HC he hired Paul Johnson at GT? That scares me.
What makes this plausible the fact that Manny has not been fired. Announcing firing of one and hiring the other at the same time says that firing Manny is contingent on Mario signing the contract. No other logical explanation for keeping Manny as a lame duck HC. It is not even fair to him. Kind of cruel and unusual punishment.
Does watching Manny’s defense count as unusual punishment?
Seeing how this doesn’t seem like a sure thing and I doubt it even happens…
What about the current Louisville AD? I see FSU is courting him.
Who are some others?

The previous Louisville AD is light years better than the current Louisville AD. That's the guy we should go back to.
This worked out perfectly for him. He gets to play the victim, while being embraced by a virtue signaling press, and collect millions of dollars he otherwise would not get at this time if he actually performed his job well.
Manny and his willingness to be a placeholder in this scenario tells you all about his psyche and the mindset of our team for the past few years. Pathetic

Why should he resign? He had every reason to believe Epstein and his dad would somehow sway UM at the last minute to keep him for at least another year. They managed to spread disinformation that painted UM in a terrible light, gum up the works with Cristobal, and torpedo the deal with Jurich. You think it's a stretch that they would have been able to threaten to fire Frenk if he didn't play ball? It's not as if the university was climbing the academic rankings so they easily could have swayed the majority of the BOT ( most of whom generally don't care about UM sports) to replace Frenk.