Radakovich informs staff he’s coming to Miami

My prediction might come true.
This was all smoke and mirrors to delay as much as possible and keep Mandy.

I was optimistic things would develop quickly after the PAC 12 title game and truly believed something like this with all I heard about Christobal respect for Miami that back channel negotiations would led to an understanding of whether he WANTS the job or not.

Heck his OC just accepted a HC job so he was certainly doing double duty.

It's clear to me Miami based on the pace of the AD hire/announcement of lack there of is going to imo wait on Christobal (and since he has not immediately said yes.....I'm skeptical if he will at this point) if they have an AD in place at the time CMC gives UM his decision if indeed it's a no I firmly believe Manny will return and the new AD will assess the situation in a year.

I cant see any other reason to keep Manny on at this point, the school was supposedly protecting CMC from reports by not dismissing Diaz prior to the PAC 12 title game no reason for that at this point.

LSU hired away Kelly with his team potentially still in the playoff picture they didn't protect him and his wishes, if I was critical of UM its they allowed Oregon to get back in the discussion.

And if a guy profess a school his dream job and waffles on taking it then I question his desire to truly be there, I have seen too many coaches have to be talked into a job and then fail, find a man that sees the potential and wants the challenge provide him all the resources and let it be.

CMC maybe the coach I just am skeptical at this point how much he truly wants the job.
Not bad for a first post..I’ve seen worse…😜
AD is done. I understand the people rooting for doom want things to fall apart, but it won’t. News just leaked too early.
No it’s not. Every single reporter whose worth a **** in the industry has said it’s not a done deal. He’s certainly considering it though and I feel good about it.
No it’s not. Every single reporter whose worth a **** in the industry has said it’s not a done deal. He’s certainly considering it though and I feel good about it.
Because every reporter wants to be the first that’ll report it, and they’ll cast doubt on the story until they can’t. They did the same thing with Marcus Freeman to ND. Leaked it two days before the official announcement.
Ugh. A little concerned there is a compromise where one side gets Radakovich, Highsmith, and will pony up extra $$$, the other side Diaz one more year. Diaz will be given the green light to get the best staff money can buy.

I guess if we have to go down that awful route, I'd take Mullen for OC and Jim Leonhard for DC. Insane that Leonhard only makes 1.15 mil. Throw 2 mil his way and see what happens.
Call me crazy but Radakovich is more crucial than Mario. Even if Mario was to say no, I trust Rad as one of the best ADs in the country to find a comparable big name coach ala Petersen or Lane. But we need Radakovich ASAP.

Nothing crazy about this and why many of us have said 100x that this AD hire was extremely crucial..
Everyone has been telling us it’s Mario or manny. It sounds ludicrous but it appears to be the truth. There is zero other reason for manny to still be employed today.
Ugh. A little concerned there is a compromise where one side gets Radakovich, Highsmith, and will pony up extra $$$, the other side Diaz one more year. Diaz will be given the green light to get the best staff money can buy.

I guess if we have to go down that awful route, I'd take Mullen for OC and Jim Leonhard for DC. Insane that Leonhard only makes 1.15 mil. Throw 2 mil his way and see what happens.
After all that’s happened in two weeks, why not?

Maybe Rad forces Manny’s hand. Accept Zo, take advice, and we‘ll hire a top staff. Be a true CEO-type, like Dabo. Or say ‘no’, and take this lovely parting gift on the way out to your car. We’ll pack up your office and courier the stuff over to your house. Happy Holidays.