Radakovich informs staff he’s coming to Miami

I think the whole Navarro thing is BS. How can the "source" know anything about our options and Manny's future when we still don't even have an AD?

This "source" is obviously someone VERY close to Manny's corner because this is baseless.
Ducks saying Mario is out on home visits for them today, doesn’t sound like anything is imminent
Yeah..saw Gameday. No real outcry..yet.
Not just Gameday. Andrea Adelson put out a tweet too. In all honesty, they're not wrong. If we're going to look for a new coach, do it the right way and give the man, no matter how much we want him gone, a little dignity. And yes, I totally realize it's totally hypocritical since coaches do it to schools all the time.
Not just Gameday. Andrea Adelson put out a tweet too. In all honesty, they're not wrong. If we're going to look for a new coach, do it the right way and give the man, no matter how much we want him gone, a little dignity. And yes, I totally realize it's totally hypocritical since coaches do it to schools all the time.
I agree but we dont know what kind of dirty tricks Manny Sr has been trying to pull behind the scenes. Manny's hands could possibly be dirty as well.
I agree but we dont know what kind of dirty tricks Manny Sr has been trying to pull behind the scenes. Manny's hands could possibly be dirty as well.
For sure. But it's a poor look on us for sure. We can shut the entire narrative down and any chance of a Manny return by just cutting him loose.
They're in denial. In a few days it will be "**** Mario", then "he couldn't beat Utah, we're better off without him".

Allendale Columbia | kucc88bler-ross-model-of-the-five-stages-of-grief -nathan-wood-consulting
They have to lie to themselves to cope with what's coming
Which I don't get at all. If they think he's gone, why not begin letting people accept it rather than hang onto hope. Hope is a dangerous thing. Now if they legit think he could stay, I get it.