Radakovich informs staff he’s coming to Miami

I bet in his eyes it actually was a ****show but that's probably only because he wasn't able to read who was really calling the shots here and he had the Epstein types in his ears and possibly a friendly Rudy Fernandez. Then apparently he decided to campaign a little too hard for the job "publicly" through idiot media members willing to act as conduits for propaganda and it all blew up in his face.

So normally I'd feel bad about disparaging a dude just trying to get a job he probably had zero chance of getting but this dude played his hand completely wrong and completely aggressively when he should've just slinked back to desert gracefully to prepare for that big cross country meet against San Jose State.
100% spot on. I found it funny when reading these Navarro, Barry/Susan articles and others out there that they mentioned different names but the majority of their column “inches” or “space” was dedicated on Nuñez. It was very obvious.
Rad would have shot it down if it wasn't happening. He said it was a bit premature. Meaning almost done, not but not 100% final.

Clemson has a #2 they'd offer the job to before paying rad.

This is done. Should be finalized today.
You KNOW this or WANT this to be true?

Kudos to Clemson for actually having what has been reported as an adult succession plan though.
Remember these days? They're behind us.

ZomboMeme 31102021185155.jpg
Rad would have shot it down if it wasn't happening. He said it was a bit premature. Meaning almost done, not but not 100% final.

Clemson has a #2 they'd offer the job to before paying rad.

This is done. Should be finalized today.
It’s really silly to think the avg joe knows anything of the complexities of being a AD. The guy has a good track record from a good school and a great football school…end of story.

👆Some at Clemson say not say fast my friend.

".. As of early Saturday morning a deal between Radakovich and Miami was not done. Radakovich has not told his staff that he was accepting the position at Miami...

... We have been told that a decision should come in the next 24 to 48 hours by Radakovich... "

Your mileage may vary.

Combined with, what now appears as an orgy of pre-mature ejaculation tweets from yesterday, this is an awful look for our Miami. It becomes humiliating if Raaahhd The Impaler turns Miami down.

IF that happens, wipe the egg off the face and continue forward, there is no other choice.

FFS, pathetic that people do not think before they ink.
Look no further than the original source yesterday. An Oregon writer, wonder what the motive was?!!!
10 years of CIS porsters: "Miami is cheap, Miami hires inexperienced coaches and is a mom-and-pop organization."

CIST porsters in 2021: "Miami can hire a cheaper coach than Mario."

The numbers that it takes to fire Diaz, get Mario out of his contract, and then outbid Oregon is what I'm talking about. I don't see the value in that acquisition at all and think there's much better bang for your buck.

Lane, Fickell, Stoopes, and multiple NFL guys come to mind. You can have them for less and I feel they would all be a better value and coach.

I'm not enamored with a Mario. Some are, so be it.
Huge turning point for the university. I still believe we should interview multiple candidates for the HC position, let Radakovich make the decision.

Why do so many porsters ignore the fact that Radakovich has already made the decision?