Radakovich informs staff he’s coming to Miami

Not really. His QB is trash. What he did this season is akin to Richt winning 10 games and having us on the verge of the playoffs with Malik Rosier, except Malik is better than this kid Brown. He’s awful and Mario deserves everything coming to him for taking this team and putting them in this position. We need to run our program like Bama, where coaches come to rehab as analysts while getting to coach the most talented players in the country.
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Dudes on this board would complain about Dabo.. he only won 8 games this year. White manny lmao hahaha!!! I’m exhausted with the lane slurpers as well. We finally have a real AD let’s see what happens. The doom and gloom is annoying!!!!
I knew it was only a matter of time before some people would start hating on this hire.

I mean you have got to be fūcking kidding me.
Why is questioning someone's experience "hating" on his hiring? Yes, the man did a great job raising funds and building facilities at Clemson, but Miami is actually decently set in those areas now. What Miami has continually failed at is hiring the right coaches. If you look at Rad's football hiring experience, he hired Paul Johnson at GT. Dabo was already there and had already gotten past his "Clemsoning" losses early on.

There is no question that Rad can keep a football program at a championship level. Why is it wrong to question if he has the ability to BUILD one?
Guys, Mario is taking a while to get to his postgame presser. I have a live link on another thread. This is unusual.
Why is questioning someone's experience "hating" on his hiring? Yes, the man did a great job raising funds and building facilities at Clemson, but Miami is actually decently set in those areas now. What Miami has continually failed at is hiring the right coaches. If you look at Rad's football hiring experience, he hired Paul Johnson at GT. Dabo was already there and had already gotten past his "Clemsoning" losses early on.

There is no question that Rad can keep a football program at a championship level. Why is it wrong to question if he has the ability to BUILD one?

I don’t even know how to respond. He’s a legit P5 AD that’s highly regarded, but you go ahead and judge him. I don’t care. We just went out and got somebody that’s a real deal guy. If you want to nitpick him like a Karen, go ahead. Looks like we’re getting ready to sit at the big boy table. I’ll enjoy that, instead of trying to be message board hero so you can say I told you so later or some shlt like that
What a ******* get. Just to be my typical pessimistic self I'll throw in a bit doubt in the form that "did he get a bit lucky promoting a stupid WR coach who ended up becoming a blue chip coach, otherwise known as a once in a million coaching prospect?" but yea, huge ******* get. bravo. AD was the bigger hire between HC and AD and we just landed a whale. 👍👍👍
What a ******* get. Just to be my typical pessimistic self I'll throw in a bit doubt in the form that "did he get a bit lucky promoting a stupid WR coach who ended up becoming a blue chip coach, otherwise known as a once in a million coaching prospect?" but yea, huge ******* get. bravo. AD was the bigger hire between HC and AD and we just landed a whale. 👍👍👍
Go play in traffic