Typically either exclusively zone blocking or man you don't really use a different scheme for different packages. Maybe 90% of one and 10% of the other. Or a zone blocking team may have a package here and there that will be man.
so 90% of your playbook is based on one blocking scheme? doesn't that make you predictable?
also, wouldn't the blocking scheme change based on the front?
How much time do you think there is to teach a bunch of kids, who can barely pay attention, two different blocking schemes? lol
You definitely want to coach or work with a coach who knows both schemes so you can adjust to the different size and talent you will get from season to season.
Most teams like to create an "identity "with their blocking schemes and try to mold or recruit the lineman to their liking.
It can make you predictable to a certain extent but good coaching can mask predictability.
Throw in one wrinkle on a team that thinks they know all of the cues and you can hit a big play!
The scheme doesn't have to change because of a defensive front.... For example, in zone blocking...essentially your blocking a zone or whoever occupies said zone. If the play is a zone stretch to the left then your block and zone step will be left... with different variations on the back side of the play depending on the playbook.You are essentially blocking whoever crosses your zone.
Man blocking- that usually involves much more pulling lineman, if you change the formation, all it changes is what your blocking assignment is.
Some coaches do change the scheme or at least tweak it depending on what techniques the Dlineman uses.... are the in a 3-4/ with the DE in a 5tech or a 4?
IT just depends on the staff... You usually don't have the time or resources to go so far in depth when youre in little league so you try to make it as simple as possible and use other wrinkles to throw off the defense.