Quentez Johnson decommits


Under AG- no decommit has re committed. I never expected him to stick. On to the next DT!
lmaoooooooooo this staff

So how do you attribute this to the staff?
You think they actually did something to make him change his mind? I get the whole "let's bash the staff schtik" that you kids are in to theses days, but seriously...
I actually expect this sort of thing now which is sad. Not the least bit surprised.
Scott Patchan ‏@scott_patchan 4m

If you commit to a school then you should be faithful to that school 100% ! I'm tired of hearing about kids Decommitting. Don't commit then
lmaoooooooooo this staff

So how do you attribute this to the staff?
You think they actually did something to make him change his mind? I get the whole "let's bash the staff schtik" that you kids are in to theses days, but seriously...

For everyone that bashes the staff, there are at least two that will rush to Al's side and point to anything to absolve the staff of guilt. Grades, handlers, shady activity, etc. If **** like this didn't happen so frequently at the DT position, there wouldn't be a need to bash the staff, but it has.

That being said, I didn't feel good from the get-go about a kid committing without having taken a visit.