QB Coach

And Mark Richt has produced three Heisman winners, and multiple NFL quarterbacks.

The problem is Rosier, and only Rosier. He's just a bad quarterback.

If Mark Richt is the qb coach, then WTF are we wasting a coach position on his son for?

That’s a big problem too
Coaches coach but lets not act like theres some secret to it theres alot of guys who can coach and blaming his son for Malik is crazy talk, Malik is trash even if the goat qb coach coached him. He has nothing to work with and u can tell a guy 100000000 times dont stare at your recievers throw the ball away..use your mechanics...audible out....change protection at the line...or try to teach a Tebow how to be accurate. its on the player they are who they are
We’re not gonna be even close to agreement here. Part of coaching is evaluating guys on and off your team. And, developing them. And, putting them in best possible positions. If you really think it’s ‘recruit a savage and they are who they are,’ I’m not sure the point of coaches at all. Your argument about Malik being Malik is true, at this point in his career, yet we still need a QB coach to identify and develop other guys, serve as eyes on gameday, and generally support the O-Coordinator.
One great year. Every year his numbers are basically the same. There is no steady improvement.
Alright I'll break it down for you. 21 and 17 is his rookie year. Then he makes it 19 and 12 that is 2 less touchdowns but 5 less interceptions. Then he goes and makes it 24 and 13 again a huge improvement more touchdowns and less interceptions than his rookie year and 5 more touchdowns with just 1 more interception than his previous year. His next year is still better than his rookie and very similar to his 2nd year with one less TD, but he played just 14 games that season not 16. Finally, he goes to his MVP season which he has 35 and 10, idk about you, but seems like improvement from his rookie year every season
Mark needs to reassign Junior to some operational job and then get in his car and go west on SW 8th Street and bring back Dorsey. All of this can be accomplished before lunch.
Richt can’t do that, Rosier is Mark’s excuse to cover his horrible play calling. This entire staff is horrible and needs to go. Mark is ok as the face of the program but he needs to hire and turnover the reigns to some competent staff.
We’re not gonna be even close to agreement here. Part of coaching is evaluating guys on and off your team. And, developing them. And, putting them in best possible positions. If you really think it’s ‘recruit a savage and they are who they are,’ I’m not sure the point of coaches at all. Your argument about Malik being Malik is true, at this point in his career, yet we still need a QB coach to identify and develop other guys, serve as eyes on gameday, and generally support the O-Coordinator.
Agreed. QB coach matters a lot, because few if any Hs QBs show up knowing the offense and experienced enough to make their reads and adjustments. There are so many real time decisions a QB has to make, when to bail out, how to look players off, etc. Maybe Rosier isn’t fixable, but by that same token, why would anyone expect Jon Richt to become a great QB coach at this point in his career?
We’re not gonna be even close to agreement here. Part of coaching is evaluating guys on and off your team. And, developing them. And, putting them in best possible positions. If you really think it’s ‘recruit a savage and they are who they are,’ I’m not sure the point of coaches at all. Your argument about Malik being Malik is true, at this point in his career, yet we still need a QB coach to identify and develop other guys, serve as eyes on gameday, and generally support the O-Coordinator.
I think theres guys on the team Jarren and Perry that can do much better we just dont know why in the **** they havent taken the job
Agreed. QB coach matters a lot, because few if any Hs QBs show up knowing the offense and experienced enough to make their reads and adjustments. There are so many real time decisions a QB has to make, when to bail out, how to look players off, etc. Maybe Rosier isn’t fixable, but by that same token, why would anyone expect Jon Richt to become a great QB coach at this point in his career?
Who coached Stafford? Was it his son there too at UGA?
We’re not gonna be even close to agreement here. Part of coaching is evaluating guys on and off your team. And, developing them. And, putting them in best possible positions. If you really think it’s ‘recruit a savage and they are who they are,’ I’m not sure the point of coaches at all. Your argument about Malik being Malik is true, at this point in his career, yet we still need a QB coach to identify and develop other guys, serve as eyes on gameday, and generally support the O-Coordinator.

I'm a big believer in the free market.

There is a reason why in the NFL, the average starting quarterback makes around $8 million per year, and the average quarterback's coach makes around $250,000.

I get that college football isn't the NFL, but there's a reason players are paid so much more than coaches... and that's even with there being a salary cap on player salaries (or they would be even higher.)

Players are much more important than coaches. That's why they get paid more. If coaches could make a player, they would be the ones pulling in the big bucks.
I'm a big believer in the free market.

There is a reason why in the NFL, the average starting quarterback makes around $8 million per year, and the average quarterback's coach makes around $250,000.

I get that college football isn't the NFL, but there's a reason players are paid so much more than coaches... and that's even with there being a salary cap on player salaries (or they would be even higher.)

Players are much more important than coaches. That's why they get paid more. If coaches could make a player, they would be the ones pulling in the big bucks.
If the NCAA would open itself to free market principles, your point wouldn’t exist. Players are literally not ‘allowed’ to get paid in the NCAA.

I can see this is devolving into a ‘Jimmies and Joes vs Xs and Os’ debate. No need. We can all agree players are likely more important at this level of football. At the same time, the comment wasn’t about which is more important but about a coaching position being irrelevant. If we’re going to discuss in absolutes, count me out.
How did this thread turn into its not Jon, its Malik and even if it IS Jon, Dorsey wouldn't be a better coach?

Lets not forget that this dip**** actually said... TO REPORTERS... that he didn't think he'd recruit another QB in 2018 and he hopes none of his current QBs transfer. He's concerned enough about transfers that he feels the need to tell reporters about said concerns, but cant figure out that signing a QB helps remedy the potential numbers problem.

His resume:
Mark Richt's son

His recruiting:
1 transfer
1 out recruited for
1 bad eval
2 not ready to play (regardless of their off field issues)
1 early enrollee true freshman (who also is not ready)
Also ignored the polarizing Tai, who would've committed
Is he currently recruiting ANYONE? Don't even tell me yes if your answer is 2020 Max. Calling his aunt, uncle and cousin does not prove he's some kind of recruiting guru.

His coaching:
His dad, in addition to calling plays and being HC, is doing his job for him. But we know **** good and well if Kaaya had gone 1st overall, that fact would be listed on Jon's bio RIGHT NOW. There's no way around this one. Either he's coaching the QBs, who arent progressing. Or his dad is and there's no point in him being on staff.

I'll leave it at this. When things get bad have ANY of you said "good thing Jon is there to help our QB fix that."
If the NCAA would open itself to free market principles, your point wouldn’t exist. Players are literally not ‘allowed’ to get paid in the NCAA.

I can see this is devolving into a ‘Jimmies and Joes vs Xs and Os’ debate. No need. We can all agree players are likely more important at this level of football. At the same time, the comment wasn’t about which is more important but about a coaching position being irrelevant. If we’re going to discuss in absolutes, count me out.

Not saying that coaching doesn't matter.... just that coaching isn't why we lost to LSU, and coaching isn't what's holding Malik Rosier back.

For all the complaints people might have about Mark Richt, you'll never convince me that he's a worse coach than Ed Orgeron.

We lost because Malik Rosier doesn't have it. He never has, he never will. He's just not a good quarterback, and all the coaching in the world wouldn't change it.

He doesn't have the physical tools, the mental tools, or the "x" factor that so many great quarterbacks have. He's just not ever going to be "the guy."

For the record, I think Mark Richt is one of the best QB coaches in the business, and I think he's a fantastic head coach.

Our problems boil down to quarterback play, more than anything. Let's not overthink it beyond that.
How did this thread turn into its not Jon, its Malik and even if it IS Jon, Dorsey wouldn't be a better coach?

Lets not forget that this dip**** actually said... TO REPORTERS... that he didn't think he'd recruit another QB in 2018 and he hopes none of his current QBs transfer. He's concerned enough about transfers that he feels the need to tell reporters about said concerns, but cant figure out that signing a QB helps remedy the potential numbers problem.

His resume:
Mark Richt's son

His recruiting:
1 transfer
1 out recruited for
1 bad eval
2 not ready to play (regardless of their off field issues)
1 early enrollee true freshman (who also is not ready)
Also ignored the polarizing Tai, who would've committed
Is he currently recruiting ANYONE? Don't even tell me yes if your answer is 2020 Max. Calling his aunt, uncle and cousin does not prove he's some kind of recruiting guru.

His coaching:
His dad, in addition to calling plays and being HC, is doing his job for him. But we know **** good and well if Kaaya had gone 1st overall, that fact would be listed on Jon's bio RIGHT NOW. There's no way around this one. Either he's coaching the QBs, who arent progressing. Or his dad is and there's no point in him being on staff.

I'll leave it at this. When things get bad have ANY of you said "good thing Jon is there to help our QB fix that."

When has anybody ever said that about any QB coach? Honestly, if we went out and hired Tom Brady's QB coach, do you think he could turn Malik Rosier in to a good quarterback? **** no.
A QB coach aint improving Malik so stop

Im sure the kid knows how to teach someone footwork what to recognize and all the **** thats passed down through thousands of coaches

Recruit a qb thats a savage and know how the fuq to play football when the lights r on

Take this for data, Testaverde completed 62% of his passes against Pitt and Rosier completed 44%
When has anybody ever said that about any QB coach? Honestly, if we went out and hired Tom Brady's QB coach, do you think he could turn Malik Rosier in to a good quarterback? **** no.

Thats ALL u took from that? That no coach can fix Malik? Rest of Jon's existence be damned I guess.
I'm a big believer in the free market.

There is a reason why in the NFL, the average starting quarterback makes around $8 million per year, and the average quarterback's coach makes around $250,000.

I get that college football isn't the NFL, but there's a reason players are paid so much more than coaches... and that's even with there being a salary cap on player salaries (or they would be even higher.)

Players are much more important than coaches. That's why they get paid more. If coaches could make a player, they would be the ones pulling in the big bucks.
In addition to Lu’s point, analogizing to the nfl is a reach. There are lots of differences that matter here. But more basically, you’re trying to set up a false dichotomy where it’s either QB coaches can turn lemons into oranges, or they don’t matter. It’s just a strained argument. Lots of things matter in a complex equation. How much they matter isn’t fixed, either. Depends on the QB, his experience, his mechanics, the offense, opposing defenses, etc.
My thing is yall dont like he hired his son and i get it but all yall do is recommend hiring every former player under the sun.

What are you a ******* idiot? Some kid who played at a D2 school and his only job was offensive assistant for a year DOES NOT EQUAL a HOF caliber player.