Pro Canes tweets big story coming out on 2001 team

Dear God someone make sure this is seen by every fuxking player. We always hear dudes like Duke and Denzel are leaders...let's see if they can elevate the team like Reed and Romberg.
"What if I tracked down as many Hurricanes players and coaches from that 2001 season as I could, interviewed them, and asked what they thought about their team, and where they rank in college football history.

How awesome would that be?

Well, six months later, the answer was “spectacular” and after collecting interviews with roughly 50 former players and coaches, an article, the definitive article on the greatest team in the history of college football will run on on Wednesday. "
Why does it seem like, the more they make documentaries about how great past Canes teams were, the worse the current team plays. The Canes and their fans need to stop looking to the past.
"Curtis Johnson (wide receivers coach): I remember, Sean Taylor was a freshman and I was watching him right at the beginning of two-a-days and Sean, he just didn’t run (as) fast (as he could) or something. And the coach went to get on him, and before the coach could get there Ed Reed just jumped on him; Sean was almost crying. It was the worst thing you could ever see, but the coaches didn’t have to do any of that, the players did it all. When that happens, I knew we were well on our way."

Need more of this^^^ from our leaders

this is not among the pillars of excellence that AG preaches. cannot get on guys like that...we have to be sensitive to the needs of our team as we lay the bricks
Too many of you are damaged goods. Someone announces and article highlighting the 2001 team and you jump to the conclusion that it's bad news? Just do everyone a favor and go fall on a knife.

That was the greatest season ever. No one can take that away from us......