Hey so im doing a little redocorating for a pool table room and i wanted to hang some hurricane pictures up, not signed or nothing just large prints of Sean T and the gang, framed or not, does anybody have suggestions on where to buy??
You can also contact my old roommate, JC Ridley (CaneShooter), who has been the official team photographer for years. He has photos going back to the 1980s.
Archive | JC Ridley Photography
Some good ish in there but his large file sizes for personal use are overpriced.
Also, please tell me this guy had no input on the Al Golden era photo fiasco?
Some of you guys need to get over the "Al Golden photo fiasco".
First, it was NOT JC who took those pix, it was another photographer.
Second, funny pix like that are ALWAYS taken. They are NEVER released. I have seen some goofy stuff from prior years, it's no big deal, and a lot of the players ask for copies of those pix.
Third, the problem was ALWAYS that the photographer released those photos. If you're going to blame anyone (and lots of people will object to this), you blame the Athletic Director. You have a UM EMPLOYEE taking photos for UM PURPOSES. That was not just the football team going over to Sears to take family photos. If UM pays for the photos and the film (or memory cards), that means the University is the original rights holder. And the University's Athletic Director should have NEVER allowed those photos to be distributed.
As for JC's pricing, hey, the "rest of the world" (magazines, websites, newspapers) now think that they don't need to pay for photos, so it is not like he is making a lot of money on this. All I know is this, I have seen JC's work for over 30 years, and if I'm going to put high-quality photos on the wall, I'm willing to pay a bit extra to get his quality. And, yeah, I know I'm biased, but I'd also pay to get Dave Bergman's photos as well, or any one of a handful of photographers who worked at the Hurricane and/or Ibis in the 80s and 90s. They had a ton of great photo talent back then, and most of the people learning to shoot on digital these days are no comparison.
Just my opinion.