Predicting Kevin Harris to Miami on Tuesday

Kids will drop in rankings and kids will get bumps and kids that got slept on from down here in the crib will want to be canes especially if they feel disrespected. we have 3 dude on the squad better than him. I’m all for the sofla price getting so ridiculously expensive that schools get shaky about the amount that is dropped. Everything has a tipping point just like the Gladwell book. They can’t get everyone. Kevin Harris is not the consensus best overall recruit this year and might even drop for all I know. What I can say is that cam newton opened the floodgates. What used to be 10-15k is now over 200k. If I was a uga booster I would be very concerned on the amount of coin forked out for fields and tc. Like i said before, word gets out how much kids got broke off and naturally if your approached you’ll want the same if not more. Eventually there will be too many moving pieces to the puzzle to control.
Kids will drop in rankings and kids will get bumps and kids that got slept on from down here in the crib will want to be canes especially if they feel disrespected. we have 3 dude on the squad better than him. I’m all for the sofla price getting so ridiculously expensive that schools get shaky about the amount that is dropped. Everything has a tipping point just like the Gladwell book. They can’t get everyone. Kevin Harris is not the consensus best overall recruit this year and might even drop for all I know. What I can say is that cam newton opened the floodgates. What used to be 10-15k is now over 200k. If I was a uga booster I would be very concerned on the amount of coin forked out for fields and tc. Like i said before, word gets out how much kids got broke off and naturally if your approached you’ll want the same if not more. Eventually there will be too many moving pieces to the puzzle to control.

It’s clear by the late move to Bama that we forced them to spend more money than they wanted to on Harris. We are on the rise and our success in 2018 early signing period put a lot of pressure on them. Bags gonna get heavier and eventually reach a tipping point. Can’t imagine what it took for Auburn to snatch Pappoe from UGA today. Sucks for us now but will benefit us in the long run. Especially when we start kicking their asses on the field doing things by the book.
Would be HUGE. A blue chip talent in a premier state at a huge position of need that we beat some big dawgs for. I see you Coach Simpson, I see you. Continue to prove me wrong with your recruiting efforts. Crossing my fingers as we have a LONG way until Wednesday but sounds good.

I wish peeps would just stfu and let it play out, before jinxing **** with corny-***, premature posts like this.
"I see you Coach Simpson, I see you." da fxck you saw?? da fxck outta here..
I wish peeps would just stfu and let it play out, before jinxing **** with corny-***, premature posts like this.
"I see you Coach Simpson, I see you." da fxck you saw?? da fxck outta here..

Yeah me saying that jinxed it. What are you 12?! Lmao, foh.
Kids will drop in rankings and kids will get bumps and kids that got slept on from down here in the crib will want to be canes especially if they feel disrespected. we have 3 dude on the squad better than him. I’m all for the sofla price getting so ridiculously expensive that schools get shaky about the amount that is dropped. Everything has a tipping point just like the Gladwell book. They can’t get everyone. Kevin Harris is not the consensus best overall recruit this year and might even drop for all I know. What I can say is that cam newton opened the floodgates. What used to be 10-15k is now over 200k. If I was a uga booster I would be very concerned on the amount of coin forked out for fields and tc. Like i said before, word gets out how much kids got broke off and naturally if your approached you’ll want the same if not more. Eventually there will be too many moving pieces to the puzzle to control.

I agree about the cash but you sound bitter about Harris. The fact that you believe we have only three guys better than a kid who hasnt even played in his senior year of high school, and also isn't the best overall player, is concerning and even more of a reason as to why he's needed on the team.

The thing is Bama is so successful that they don't have to get best overall player(plan A), they'll just get the next best player(which is still their plan A). And look who you mentioned opening up the floodgates. That was almost over 10 years ago and they're still rolling.
Did anyone watch any of the SEC country coverage? I watched the announcement then turned it off. As I just put it back on I heard the two SEC guys comment on how serious Harris is and a man of few words. In answer to the question "How big a part did Coach Kuligowski play in your decision?" Harris apparently said "a Big part" ARE YOU KIDDING??? did any
Hopefully he'll learn sooner than Pete did. Stefan's a bit of a rookie. :)-

FWIW Andrew Ivins said point blank that both Miami and Bama sources said Harris had committed to our staff. All the mods had the same take. Harris even said in his interviews that he was all Miami last week He changed his mind sometime over the weekend....... Just another example of you cant get excited until they sign on the dotted line...
I agree about the cash but you sound bitter about Harris. The fact that you believe we have only three guys better than a kid who hasnt even played in his senior year of high school, and also isn't the best overall player, is concerning and even more of a reason as to why he's needed on the team.

The thing is Bama is so successful that they don't have to get best overall player(plan A), they'll just get the next best player(which is still their plan A). And look who you mentioned opening up the floodgates. That was almost over 10 years ago and they're still rolling.

How can I as a canes fan not be upset that we lost a recruit in an area of need in a place we should continue to establish a connection to other players. Don’t see anything wrong with that. I’ve said in my posts that I don not have a moral opinion on a kid that takes money. But it won’t stop me from bringing up the likely possibility of a bag drop in certain cases.
We have 3 de that are better than him and will get drafted higher than him. I’ll stick to that and eat crow if I have to and not because I’m bitter. We also have 2 other players that are pretty good at DE and are fortunate to live in an area rich in “the next best guy” and the next best guy really isn’t a problem for us as much as depth has been. Our continued streak of drafted players prove that.
Yes bama is still in theire game but there is a limit to everything. When you start breaking off kids with half a million (if it gets to that point) you start running into “hiding it” problems. That’s why the perfect kid to buy isn’t a broke kid but some middle class kid with a family that has property and any form of a retirement plan. I’m sure the accountants on this board will agree. Also, money tends to do things to people and that’s when things get really fun. But the end to all of this is usually the Kids messing up or 3-4 years without a natty. Winning cures all and erases crimes corruption rape and pedophilia. But losing starts to peel off the covers.
The odds of none of the above happening in the next few years are pretty slim. Spreading his corruption all over college football with his assistants as HC is both a good buffer for saban but also a risk to his stranglehold of recruiting and the recent battles prove it. He had to move family from Hawaii to continue to keep it.
There is no reason to go off the deep end. Could this kid be great and would we like to have him, yeah. But there have been plenty of others who looked just as good coming out of high school and have been busts. What I do know is that there are plenty of other good DE's this year, next year, and the year after.
Like you I’m someone who hates the bag excuse and agree it is overused, particularly when players who show little to no interest in coming here sign elsewhere. However, all the information you mentioned had been presented to him way before this weekend. He had factored all the information and as off Friday, AFTER the NFL 1st round had taken place, was ALL Miami. What changed on Saturday & Sunday? Do we have hardcore physical evidence of the bags being dropped? No, but a lot of the circumstancial evidence leads us to conclude they were. I agree with your arguments as it relates to a player like PS2 but in this case, I’m having a hard time believing it was anything else but bags.

I understand that people "hate the bag excuse"...but some "hate it" so much, they literally ignore reality. Its really not that hard to believe once you see how players and prospects are treated by boosters and their connections to huge corporations connected to the program like Coke, Bud, etc. and the ability to provide jobs, $$$, cars, etc.... without the coach "knowing"

This thing has gone way beyond what many of us remember in the 80s and 90s. If it wasn't for the virus named Shalala, this would have been something we were accustomed to discussing in 2002-2015 as UM would have been countering it on a daily basis....thanks to her however, all resources were diverted so as to make us relatively irrelevant in the arms race. Pretty painful stuff to watch as we now have a real head coach, but we are closing the gap in some ways.

Hopefully he'll learn sooner than Pete did. Stefan's a bit of a rookie. :)-

Oh please. The guy had the b-lls to put it out there and make an unequivocal prediction, unlike others. He wasn’t correct; so what. Wont be the first or last time someone makes / made an incorrect prediction. It’s easy to be a know-it-all after the fact. I give him credit for making the prediction.
I’ll add that the guy (Stefan) and the other moderators on this site are publishing some really good articles, which I enjoy reading.
Oh please. The guy had the b-lls to put it out there and make an unequivocal prediction, unlike others. He wasn’t correct; so what. Wont be the first or last time someone makes / made an incorrect prediction. It’s easy to be a know-it-all after the fact. I give him credit for making the prediction.
I’ll add that the guy (Stefan) and the other moderators on this site are publishing some really good articles, which I enjoy reading.

This. At the end, it was an incorrect prediction but at the time it wasn't. There are rumors the kid committed when he visited. It isn't Stefan's fault the kid`s dad got paid and forced his son to change his mind. Anyone *****ing about this doesn't understand how recruiting works. Nothing is official until that line is signed.
honestly.. college football is doomed

yah they can't get everybody at bama

but what about uga, ohio state, clemson yadda yadda yadda

these players "salaries" are just gonna keep going up and up and up and up until like 20 programs maybe a few less have the cream of the crop completely

part of me wishes texas with all that oil money would take the **** over in this regard. I'd much rather see texas take over than that inbred sh*thole program in alabama doing it. Texas could bankrupt bama and buy all their recruits without blinking a mother****ing eye.
It may not be worthless to regular students, and a degree is never completely worthless, but it's as close to having a worthless degree for a lot of these Miami area recruits. The whole point of the degree is to fall back on if football doesn't work out. When this happens, unless they plan on living in Tuscaloosa, the bama degree doesn't hold **** against a U degree especially if they come back "home" when things don't work out. ****, the connections and opportunities with an FIU degree is probably better in that aspect.
I don't know where the heck you work or if you deal with people who have degrees on a daily basis, but I work in a company with a few thousand folks and there are degrees from everywhere. My old boss' son went to Alabama, then got a Masters from UNC, and is now working for Goldman Sachs, making a ton. I don't know what you guys think a degree from some of these schools you bash is worth but its alot more than you think. There are a ton of folks here with degrees from places you flippantly bash cause it must make you feel better somehow. But its not at all the reality.

Yes a degree from a school versus another can be better and there are outliers where if you get a degree from Harvard or Penn you definitely stick out......but otherwise, its still valued.
... No, I'm just not disregarding the possibility that Harris actually met up with Saban. And in his meeting, Saban made a compelling argument and told him something like the following:

"hey, I think you're making a mistake."
"And here's why: because we are a better program."

"I'm sure you want to go the league, so why would you ever chose Miami over us?"
"Look here's the evidence. (compare Miami and Bama's recent NFL draft credentials)"

"Oh also, we develop players better because our staff is 3x the size as Miami's staff. We have 8 nutrionalists, 18 film analyzers, the best position coaches you can buy, etc. In fact, we just brought over Miami's position coach and they hired a former HS coach who has no track record of putting guys in the league."

"We also can assign you 3 personal tutors. You'll have all the individual help possible to ensure that you focus the majority of your time on football."

"I'm sure you want to win too (compare Miami's record to Bama's record in the past decade)."

Is it possible that Harris was persuaded? Followed his head instead of his heart?
Dude get with the program........everyone gets bags if they go to another school.......if they come here its love of this U. Just stick to the soundtrack and youll be ok.