Practise #4

Sometimes the best player doesn't get to play. Richt had a fetish for Rosier, shlt made me sick.

to be fair, williams didn't take care of what he needed to off the field. we were stuck in a no-win situation at qb last year. you either play the guy that sucks but keeps his nose clean, the guy that is really streaky but can't stop shooting himself in the foot on snapchat, or the guy that is really talented but isn't taking things seriously. i was one of the biggest critics of rosier, but when you have those three choices, you have to go with the guy that is at least setting a good example for the team. hopefully jarren and kosi recognize that they have a real qb coach and oc now, and that diaz owes no allegiance to anyone in the position battle.
I think with Kennedy it might be a mental thing.
Nests and the d line testing this dude. That isn’t an accident. If I’m them I want to see you respond to dudes in your face. We’re playing at FSU this year. How do you think those dudes are going to come at him? This is big boy football. Does he want to take the next step? Is he here just for the weather?
Nuts getting checked at the ipf.
This isn’t unique for “Rok”. @DMoney and @Andrew dont regard comments like that as deserving of permanent bans.
I like Rok as a poster and I enjoy a lot of his takes. That said, I don't like this stuff from anyone about other groups just like I wish political stuff on any side would not be raised and i know you feel that way. It's just divisive. I don't want trouble for him with it but yeah, as a general rule, I've never felt that the mod leadership takes a good stance on stemming this stuff board-wide, ethnicity-wide.
She has to be the worst reporter in history of existence

Did it remind anyone else of that scene in Django in which he was asked to spell his name?? Also, I love how she tried to follow-up with another question but thankfully that guy cut her off.

The ONLY pass I was going to give her was if she was going to include it in her article about his name change (which is on par with her riveting "who is using the exercise bike" hot takes) and wanted to ensure she spelled it correctly out of respect for Cam, unfortunately I was only half right, she did include the name change in her article but failed to mention the dads name.
That's hilarious!

What does that even mean?

Does Tate sleep with a inflatable woman doll that has a football shaped head like Stewie?..BUT Kosi and JW didnt want to roll with that?

No offense but Regardless I want the best leader who has the most talent & skills to take us to a Championship out there...not just someone who loves it but doesn't have better talent than the others.

May the BEST QB win the position.
Atleast one person isn't getting his panties in a bunch over a joke.
Manny hired the wrong staff. He should've looked to CiS before wasting time on bringing Martell here.

It's obvious to the talent gurus here. That Tate's 82% completion ratio last season was a hoax. That taking those check downs instead of throwing picks or some other dumb ****. Proves he isn't a good enough QB.

****, if it were up too many fans on here. Cam would've never been given a scholarship. Now he's like Mike Jones. I remember when it was said. He couldn't even beat out the soph back. You guys know the one. The RB that was hot at one point. Then got hurt and wasn't good enough too be a Cane. The one that was too small. Yet guys are hoping to land Parrish. Who happens to be smaller than Wright.

If any player chooses to be Canes. Give them a chance too prove one way or another that they belong. 4 practices doesn't close the door on Martell or Kennedy.

Not many are seeing everything going on in practice. The media needs clicks and the coaches are going to give coach talk. We will see soon enough. Who is bringing that Cane game.
That Tate's 82% completion ratio last season was a hoax
Can we all agree that citing stats for garbage time against Tulane and Rutgers is just silly no matter who your preference for QB is? It's legitimately meaningless. He made some nice throws, yes, but those stats mean absolutely nothing.
Did I say it does? It's just stupid to act like he's proven anything from garbage time against barely D1 teams.

He hasn't proven anything one way or another. But, considering the post you were responding to was a direct response to the mounting notion that Tate is trending down because of a few errant throws during the media viewing portion that were captured on camera, I'd say my response to your post served well to inform the full scope of the discussion.
Did I say it does? It's just stupid to act like he's proven anything from garbage time against barely D1 teams.
Well Nkushi proved he doesn't have it and is a head case and Jarren only has mop up time (very limited at that) to the mighty Savannah State and threw in the towel instead of making the Richts pay attention. Yeah, I'm counting the undefeated national champion, along with crushing D1 comp including OSUs D in the spring and scout team.