Practice start date

I think they should start practice ASAP and move the 1st game to week zero like Oklahoma. The NCAA granted Oklahoma's petition and ruled that any team can play week zero. This way Miami would have the opportunity to recover anyone that tests positive for Covid-19 going into conference play having 2 weeks after their 1st game.
We need every ACC team to make sure they do all they can to keep those clowns from getting to the title game. Oh, and if they get better officiating than us, we need to leave the ACC.
If? I'm pretty sure getting the NBC money guaranteed the ACC was gonna give them the red carpet treatment. I'm sure the ACC has intentions to get that NBC money every year opposed to just this year.
If? I'm pretty sure getting the NBC money guaranteed the ACC was gonna give them the red carpet treatment. I'm sure the ACC has intentions to get that NBC money every year opposed to just this year.
It could get disgusting, that's for sure. I have a very bad feeling about it.
The Phillies organization just cancelled a 3 game series bc a janitors cousin's tested positive.. it ain't happening.
The Phillies organization just cancelled a 3 game series bc a janitors cousin's tested positive.. it ain't happening.
Get the "fly the banner" guy to fly a drone over practice equipped with live camera feeds. What could possibly go wrong? 🤔