Practice is a go.............

You sure that one of the schools involved has no say in what happens, or are you just talking out your ***?

I’m definitely talking out of my ***, but I think the decision-makers here, for the most part, are the ACC and UNC. Since it’s a league game. I suppose Miami could say no we won’t go, if they say it’s a go. That type of lameness would be hard to comprehend
“I am a catastrophe expert”. I decided I would be using that line in every possible social situation from the second I read it. Already used it twice. It plays. Just go with it.

So the cat 6 thing, Ten times stronger argument... I play a “catastrophe expert” socially when I am not bee keeping so work with me but was he confused with the “F scale” for tornados and the Mike Richter scale for the frisky ground shakes?


Daphne Zuniga
Catastrophe Expert

Wait...are you really a bee keeper?
Wait...are you really a bee keeper?
Unfortunately no. When people think I am over the moon to hear about their amazing lives I simply tell them I spend half my year in Brazil as a bee keeper to shut them up and until recently I would say I am back for the warm season to teach the “art of bee keeping”. Now, I am a hypothetical bee keeper and a catastrophe expert thanks to the fine folk of CIS. You find out pretty quick who has a sense of humor and tolerable and who is a donkey when using the above tactics. Have confidence and give it a whirl. When I was on the sauce this was tremendous. Now, married, with kids it can be difficult to transform into the keeper and the catastrophe guy but opportunity always seems to present itself with the gift of “people”.
NC native here. Can't see how this game gets moved if the current forecast holds. Storm will be well north of NC by Friday, so Miami will have no issues flying up that day. Saturday will be beautiful.

But this storm hasn't listened to its forecast at all. Just Thursday we weren't expecting to get hit. Now we are bracing for the worst in my little beach town. Hopefully it doesn't turn west for the game, for me I hope it keeps going east.

Hope all of y'all in Florida stay safe over the next couple days.