Post Game Recap: NC State

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Tyler Van Dyke - 21/38 173yds 0TD’s & 3INT’s

Mark Fletcher - 23car 115yds & 3rec 17yds

Jacolby George - 5rec 59yds

Colbie Young - 4rec 41yds

Xavier Restrepo - 3rec 35yds

Offense gained 292 yards total (173 passing & 119 rushing), off 70 plays at 4.2 yards per play, gaining 19 first downs while going 4/15 on 3rd downs with 35:55 in time of possession.

The Offense in the first quarter was slow & methodical with a 12 play 43yd drive & 9 play 66yd drive, both ending with Field Goals. This is good, running the ball, establishing the line of scrimmage & playing the field position game while wearing the Defense down is exactly what UGA & Michigan does. Passing the ball effectively is overrated, scoring TD’s is overrated; as long as we dominate the line of scrimmage & play Defense we can win every game we play.

TVD with another terrible decision on the very bad pick; he has a Seam & a Go route, Brashard wins on his route but the ball is thrown to inside leverage allowing NC ST’s CB to fade back & get an easy pick. It was an underthrown ball as well. These were my exact words in my UVA recap last week: “It’s very clear he’s a shot fighter & needs to be benched for the rest of the season. This was the worst game he’s played in his career, not only is he still hurt, but he looks completely mentally checked out & lethargic. He’s not seeing the field in full scope & the best strength of his ability which was his Deep ball is now diminished because his hand/arm is weak. He’s a liability as a passer & is costing the Offense at a greater loss than his worth. He’s finished at Miami & simply doesn’t have the competitive edge needed to compete at a high enough level.”

It was absolute Coaching malpractice put TVD back out there after throwing that awful pick, he should’ve been benched as soon as he came back to the sideline. To trot him back out there is clear example of horrendous decision making by the head man in charge.

After Killa Kam gets another INT to flip the field back in our favor, in just 4 plays TVD gets sacked & fumbles the ball. That puts his turnover counter at 9 turnovers in his last 4 games, he is absolutely shellshocked & cannot play anymore. He’s done as a starting QB for this team & it’s up to the HC to step in & put a stop to this. One of the staples of Mario’s tenure at Oregon post Herbert, was to be able to win in spite of QB play & not because of it, well thankfully, Miami has reached that point. We’re playing Iowa ball now & we’ll definitely be prepared for our B1G move in the distance future; Chess not Checkers.

The Offense isn’t just in a drought or a downslope, it’s literally in a mausoleum it fckin DIED.

We look like Oregon in 2020 when they had Tyler Shough at QB, we need to complete the circle & hire Joe Moorehead as the next OC after he gets fired from Akron this offseason. But what matters the most is as long as we just keep pounding away, eventually we’ll get close enough to the Red Zone so that Borregales can kick as many FG’s as his legs & feet can handle for the rest of the season in 4 quarters of Football, so that’s a plus.

We had just 140yds in the first half...

First drive of the 2nd half, 8 play 48yd drive with 6 runs & 1 pass, then a missed FG. But at least we got into NC ST territory & flipped the field, so even though we missed the FG it was basically like a Punt. But this is exactly what we want the Offense to be. Run, run, run, FG. Good sh*t fellas!

Second drive of the 2nd half, 3 plays 4yds... TVD sacked, run with Don the Gawww, check down to the ET (Extra Tackle) McCormick. IMO, we should’ve just ran the ball on that play, throwing it to Tackle is a wasted opportunity to give our RB’s more carries & more yards. Hopefully, we don’t do that anymore for the rest of the season. No more passing please.

Finally, we had a 12 play 72yd drive in the 4th quarter that got us down to the 3 yard line & on 4th & 1 we hand off to Fletch which was the correct call. That drive was not about scoring, it was about punishing the Defense & tiring them out while flipping the field position. We didn’t need to score in that situation, just continue hammering away at NC ST’s DLine & take time off the clock. That was good Football right there.

Then of course on the very next possession after not converting on downs & a NC ST TD, TVD throws another bad pick. Putting him at 9 turnovers in his last 4 games. Then he of course not being satisfied with that ends the game on another INT, giving him 10 INT’s.

Last week vs UVA was the worst game he’s played in his career IMO, until tonight. TVD shouldn’t take another snap for this team for the rest of his career. Bench him, let him heal up, & enter the Portal for next year. Time to burn Emory’s Redshirt & let him finish out the season. Or better yet, just do away with the QB position altogether & just go full Wildcat/Wing-T Triple Option for the rest of the year. Direct snap to Fletcher with 10 blockers in front of him.

On the bright side, Mark Fletcher played great. He ran hard & kept his feet moving. He’s a big battering ram & reminds me of Laurence Maroney with less speed. Good for him getting a 100+yard game. He should start for the rest of the season & keep getting the bulk of the carries. Fits perfectly with what we’re doing offensively.



James Williams - 5tks

Francisco Mauigoa - 5tks 1.5TFL’s & 1 sack

Corey Flagg Jr - 5tks

Jaden Davis - 4tks 1 sack 1TFL & 1FF

Jared Harrison-Hunte - 4tks

Rueben Bain - 3tks 1TFL

Leonard Taylor - 3tks

Wesley Bissainthe - 3tks

KJ Cloyd - 3tks

Davonte Brown - 2tks

Damari Brown - 2tks

Kamren Kinchens - 2tks 1INT & 1PD

Jacob Lichtenstein - 1tks 1TFL

Defense only gave up 231 total yards (123 passing & 108 rushing), while holding NC ST to 4.8 yards per play, getting 5 TFL’s, 2 sacks & forcing 2 turnovers.

Defense held them to 130yds in the 1st half & allowed just 2.6 yards per carry.

On NC ST’d first TD drive, Concepcion went for 45yds total off 2 plays, with the drive culminating in a blown coverage by Wesley Bissainthe biting down & misreading the ball fake, JW doesn’t shift over to cover the flat & Jordan Poole leaks out for an easy walk-in TD. No communication by the Defense on that play, everybody was expecting a run play & didn’t even bother to read their keys.

Defense played absolutely lights out in the 3rd quarter particularly, holding them to a staggering 2 yards. The longest play for gain they had in the 3rd quarter was a 5yd pass to Trent Penix (giggity).

Leonard Taylor & Bain continued on the trend of creating a heavy amount of pressure upfront. Morris had no time to actually process & make throws down the field. We kept their Offense out of rhythm for most of the game, aside from trick plays they really couldn’t move the ball at all. JHH played well also.

Francisco Mauigoa with another great hyperactive game, he’s a disruptive force attacking the pocket, he’s a straight torpedo when Blitzing & gets after the QB with bad intentions.

James Williams is the Enforcer of the Defense, he’s a hard hitting tone setter. He makes a lot of undisciplined mistakes, but that’s not his fault. His job is to lay the wood & bring the boom on every play. That was a really smart horse-collar tackle in the 4th quarter with less than 6 minutes left on 3rd down while NC ST is driving the length of the field. Then he made another great play when he attempted to tackle Kendrick Raphael & didn’t sink his hips or square the target to wrap. Instead he threw his shoulder up high & Raphael bounced right off him, but again, that wasn’t his fault.

Miami had held NC ST to just 63yds rushing up until that 31yd TD by Raphael. That’s all they needed to seal the game, because even with 4:54 left on the clock, it was a forgone conclusion we weren’t gonna be able to come back & score enough to make NC ST sweat.

Nice play by Jaden Davis on the CB Blitz that lead to a fumble recovery in NC ST’s territory. Of course we couldn’t capitalize off it.

Sucks that we lost Daryl Porter Jr, looked pretty bad in the area of a high ankle sprain. Not saying that’s what it was, just speculating. Not that it really matters, because we’re not ever going to know what his lower extremity injury is anyway, top secret information & whatnot.

We got to see the Brown brothers at CB, but they weren’t really challenged for most of the game like they will be vs FSU & LVille. Doesn’t really make a difference IMO considering our CB’s were going to have a rough go of it no matter who starts against FSU’s WR’s. But we’ll get to see Addae’s top quality development next week...

Overall the Defense played well enough to win this game, outside of literally 2 plays, the Defense did more than enough to keep NC ST from blowing the game up. If we could simply score a TD when it was 6-10, we win this game. But as I stated earlier, scoring TD’s is overrated, right guysm?!?!

Welp, our dream has finally come true & we’ve metamorphosed into what Mario envisioned us to be, TUFF N FIZZICULL. The formula to us winning & is here, PHONEBOOTH FOOTBALL!!!

For everybody that parroted the notion that people were being overly negative after the last 2 games we’ve played even though we won, THIS. IS. WHY. Because despite winning ugly, we barely got by the skin of our teeth against a really bad UVA team & without the benefit of playing all our games at home, we’ve been exposed as a team. Coming into this game we had 3 out of our last 4 games on the road against teams with a combined 25-7 record. With BC, FSU & LVille all winning today, our remaining schedule combined record is now 28-7, not including NC ST.

I pointed out that road games are much tougher for us than people would realize because our team doesn’t travel well. Playing FSU next week & finishing the season against a BC team with a good Defense (especially their secondary) means we got 2 more opportunities to get our asses kicked & given the lack of leadership we have as a team, it is highly unlikely we rise to the occasion & play beyond anything we’ve shown over the last 5 weeks.

The wheels have completely fallen off on the season, this is setting up to end in a embarrassing disaster. What has happened to this team is a phenomenon called regression toward the mean; this is who we are & outside of a few anomaly games, we play like this every year. It was supposed to change with having an ELITE Top 10 Coach at the helm, but it’s clear it’s gonna take him another 6 years of rebuilding before we can expect any real significant improvement. Luckily, he’s an outstanding recruiter & has stacked our classes with top tier talent, so once we rid the team of all the Manny Diaz jags, we will finally see what the real Miami is made of. Bro.

I implore you all, do not blame this on Mario, this is NOT his fault. He inherited this wretched team & has had to suffer while trying to bring us back to prominence. Rome wasn’t built in a day, it wasn’t built in a month, it wasn’t built in a year... It will take the full 8 years of Mario’s contract before we can really bring this thing to fruition. In fact I would argue he probably needs an extension right now just to be sure, but under no circumstances should you at all question, criticize or doubt him. He is THE man for the job. And the ONLY Coach that can win at Miami. Just sit quiet & be patient. Once we get Michael Pratt next year we’ll be winning Rose Bowls in no time, guarantee it. Bro.

Remember, it took Michigan 6 years before Harbaugh was able to build them into the powerhouse of integrity that they are now, same thing with UGA, those are the models we need to follow & as of now we’re on the right track. Loses are never fun, but they can serve as learning experiences for the future; winning is hard & let’s not act like we’re not 6-3 & Bowl eligible. That’s a huge improvement from last year, we’re making progress. Bro.

Next week is the biggest game of the season, we go up to our hated nemesis up in Doak. Normally for games of this magnitude, you can throw the records out & expect a heated intense rivalry game. I’m not so sure that happens this time.

Einstein allegedly once said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again expecting different results. Continuing to start TVD would be akin to covering ourselves in blood & jumping in shark infested water expecting not to get eaten. If the HC cares about this game & cares about this team, he cannot start TVD against FSU; if he does then he either doesn’t trust Emory or something far worse is at hand...

How you do anything is how you do everything (bro) & how we lose is with a litany of turnovers & dumb undisciplined mishaps the define the character of the team & structural makeup of leadership within the program. This team doesn’t play smart because they don’t know how & they don’t know how, because they’re not being taught how. They’re not being taught how, because the people in charge of teaching them how to play smart, don’t know either.

The season is gearing up for the patented Canes losing streak, which is another historical time honored tradition unlike any other (Jim Nantz voice), that every Miami Corch goes through as a rite of passage. But thank goodness we have a “tOp 10” Coach that can prevent that from happening... Bro.

Sidebar: I encourage all of you to go back & rewatch Miami vs NC ST 2020; appreciate & pay homage to D’Eriq King & Rhett Lashlee, you’re never going to see anything like that again.

Go Canes

God bless you for watching that **** show and the excellent write up. There’s so much good info tucked into this and so much I can/could say, but I’m going to watch some wet paint dry; it’s much more practical and exciting use of my time.
It’s either
- They don’t believe in Emory
- They’re stupidly trying to preserve his Redshirt
- Or they really think TVD gives us the best chance to win

In all 3 scenarios it spells out incompetence.

Red fckin flags all around.
I think it is a "I stick with my guys" thing and a "I am afraid of the QB killer narrative" thing, they have to realize TVD is cooked right now.
Mario wants an identity. He’ll always revert back to that. I can stick my face in the fan rather than use space or confusion to win a simple 1 v 1. And I’m ok with physical ball or moving a man here and there but we’re very predictable. Teams fly down hill in the A gaps when it’s third / fourth and long. A simple PA beats that. But we just out bro the opponents even though we lack numbers
I dont get the lack of PA. It makes zero sense. You want to bro physical ball ok fine. But at least PA deep off of it.
N. C. State is so bad offensively.

They scored 10 points and had 201 yards of offense vs. LVille.

They scored 17 points and had 201 yards of offense vs. Clemson.

They scored 3 points on Duke.

Miami's defense did what they were supposed to against that anemic offense, BUT with the game still 10-6, State was backed up on their own 3 yard line, they proceeded to stuff it down our defenses throat to the tune of a 97 yard 8 play drive to close out the game. That was a disappointing defensive drive to say the least.

Regardless unless Mario embraces explosive offensive football Miami will never do anything of note in this modern era of football.

You need to be good at QB, and have explosive weapons on the outside. Play with some tempo also.

You can't be Iowa in 2023.
dont think tvd Is getting benched this year. dont think hes on t he roster next year though
Unfortunately you're probably right about this year and hopefully you're right about next year. I don't think he loves or even likes football and hasn't for a while now. Maybe Gattis ruined him or maybe he's going through some **** we don't know about.
Unfortunately you're probably right about this year and hopefully you're right about next year. I don't think he loves or even likes football and hasn't for a while now. Maybe Gattis ruined him or maybe he's going through some **** we don't know about.
he looks broken physically and mentally imo. it also doesn't help the offense still hasn't evolved. we seem to only do so when we need to bc no other choices (down multiple scores). we are stuck w a mentality and lack creativity on offense.
What TrumpyCane finds funny is that Mario was with Saban when he decided to change offense and hired Kiffin to run the offense, Mario is suppose to hold him in high regard yet hasn’t fully adapted a full on spread
So Blake Baker coordinates a defense of a top 15 team and has a recent contract extension. Manny Diaz coordinates one of the best defenses in the country. Jedd Fisch is the HC of a team that is about 8 minutes of game time away from beating a third straight top 25 conference opponent. Al Golden is the DC at ******* Notre Dame.

They get away from Miami and all are doing just fine. I'm sure if Mario had stayed at Oregon he'd bumble and stumble his way into more 10 win seasons too. And yet we know how this ends. His name will be mud here when it is all over.
Chill. ND run D is absolutely atrocious: Louisville and Clemson ran through it like a hot knife. PSU hasn't played a single team with a top 50 rushing game (we all know how Mandy teams do against a stout attack). Jedd Fisch is a monster and BB seems to be doing well at Mizzou. Your claim is 50% accurate. Just bc a coach is consistently employed doesn't serve as proof of superiority, ex Alex Grinch.
View attachment 264442


Tyler Van Dyke - 21/38 173yds 0TD’s & 3INT’s

Mark Fletcher - 23car 115yds & 3rec 17yds

Jacolby George - 5rec 59yds

Colbie Young - 4rec 41yds

Xavier Restrepo - 3rec 35yds

Offense gained 292 yards total (173 passing & 119 rushing), off 70 plays at 4.2 yards per play, gaining 19 first downs while going 4/15 on 3rd downs with 35:55 in time of possession.

The Offense in the first quarter was slow & methodical with a 12 play 43yd drive & 9 play 66yd drive, both ending with Field Goals. This is good, running the ball, establishing the line of scrimmage & playing the field position game while wearing the Defense down is exactly what UGA & Michigan does. Passing the ball effectively is overrated, scoring TD’s is overrated; as long as we dominate the line of scrimmage & play Defense we can win every game we play.

TVD with another terrible decision on the very bad pick; he has a Seam & a Go route, Brashard wins on his route but the ball is thrown to inside leverage allowing NC ST’s CB to fade back & get an easy pick. It was an underthrown ball as well. These were my exact words in my UVA recap last week: “It’s very clear he’s a shot fighter & needs to be benched for the rest of the season. This was the worst game he’s played in his career, not only is he still hurt, but he looks completely mentally checked out & lethargic. He’s not seeing the field in full scope & the best strength of his ability which was his Deep ball is now diminished because his hand/arm is weak. He’s a liability as a passer & is costing the Offense at a greater loss than his worth. He’s finished at Miami & simply doesn’t have the competitive edge needed to compete at a high enough level.”

It was absolute Coaching malpractice put TVD back out there after throwing that awful pick, he should’ve been benched as soon as he came back to the sideline. To trot him back out there is clear example of horrendous decision making by the head man in charge.

After Killa Kam gets another INT to flip the field back in our favor, in just 4 plays TVD gets sacked & fumbles the ball. That puts his turnover counter at 9 turnovers in his last 4 games, he is absolutely shellshocked & cannot play anymore. He’s done as a starting QB for this team & it’s up to the HC to step in & put a stop to this. One of the staples of Mario’s tenure at Oregon post Herbert, was to be able to win in spite of QB play & not because of it, well thankfully, Miami has reached that point. We’re playing Iowa ball now & we’ll definitely be prepared for our B1G move in the distance future; Chess not Checkers.

The Offense isn’t just in a drought or a downslope, it’s literally in a mausoleum it fckin DIED.

We look like Oregon in 2020 when they had Tyler Shough at QB, we need to complete the circle & hire Joe Moorehead as the next OC after he gets fired from Akron this offseason. But what matters the most is as long as we just keep pounding away, eventually we’ll get close enough to the Red Zone so that Borregales can kick as many FG’s as his legs & feet can handle for the rest of the season in 4 quarters of Football, so that’s a plus.

We had just 140yds in the first half...

First drive of the 2nd half, 8 play 48yd drive with 6 runs & 1 pass, then a missed FG. But at least we got into NC ST territory & flipped the field, so even though we missed the FG it was basically like a Punt. But this is exactly what we want the Offense to be. Run, run, run, FG. Good sh*t fellas!

Second drive of the 2nd half, 3 plays 4yds... TVD sacked, run with Don the Gawww, check down to the ET (Extra Tackle) McCormick. IMO, we should’ve just ran the ball on that play, throwing it to Tackle is a wasted opportunity to give our RB’s more carries & more yards. Hopefully, we don’t do that anymore for the rest of the season. No more passing please.

Finally, we had a 12 play 72yd drive in the 4th quarter that got us down to the 3 yard line & on 4th & 1 we hand off to Fletch which was the correct call. That drive was not about scoring, it was about punishing the Defense & tiring them out while flipping the field position. We didn’t need to score in that situation, just continue hammering away at NC ST’s DLine & take time off the clock. That was good Football right there.

Then of course on the very next possession after not converting on downs & a NC ST TD, TVD throws another bad pick. Putting him at 9 turnovers in his last 4 games. Then he of course not being satisfied with that ends the game on another INT, giving him 10 INT’s.

Last week vs UVA was the worst game he’s played in his career IMO, until tonight. TVD shouldn’t take another snap for this team for the rest of his career. Bench him, let him heal up, & enter the Portal for next year. Time to burn Emory’s Redshirt & let him finish out the season. Or better yet, just do away with the QB position altogether & just go full Wildcat/Wing-T Triple Option for the rest of the year. Direct snap to Fletcher with 10 blockers in front of him.

On the bright side, Mark Fletcher played great. He ran hard & kept his feet moving. He’s a big battering ram & reminds me of Laurence Maroney with less speed. Good for him getting a 100+yard game. He should start for the rest of the season & keep getting the bulk of the carries. Fits perfectly with what we’re doing offensively.



James Williams - 5tks

Francisco Mauigoa - 5tks 1.5TFL’s & 1 sack

Corey Flagg Jr - 5tks

Jaden Davis - 4tks 1 sack 1TFL & 1FF

Jared Harrison-Hunte - 4tks

Rueben Bain - 3tks 1TFL

Leonard Taylor - 3tks

Wesley Bissainthe - 3tks

KJ Cloyd - 3tks

Davonte Brown - 2tks

Damari Brown - 2tks

Kamren Kinchens - 2tks 1INT & 1PD

Jacob Lichtenstein - 1tks 1TFL

Defense only gave up 231 total yards (123 passing & 108 rushing), while holding NC ST to 4.8 yards per play, getting 5 TFL’s, 2 sacks & forcing 2 turnovers.

Defense held them to 130yds in the 1st half & allowed just 2.6 yards per carry.

On NC ST’d first TD drive, Concepcion went for 45yds total off 2 plays, with the drive culminating in a blown coverage by Wesley Bissainthe biting down & misreading the ball fake, JW doesn’t shift over to cover the flat & Jordan Poole leaks out for an easy walk-in TD. No communication by the Defense on that play, everybody was expecting a run play & didn’t even bother to read their keys.

Defense played absolutely lights out in the 3rd quarter particularly, holding them to a staggering 2 yards. The longest play for gain they had in the 3rd quarter was a 5yd pass to Trent Penix (giggity).

Leonard Taylor & Bain continued on the trend of creating a heavy amount of pressure upfront. Morris had no time to actually process & make throws down the field. We kept their Offense out of rhythm for most of the game, aside from trick plays they really couldn’t move the ball at all. JHH played well also.

Francisco Mauigoa with another great hyperactive game, he’s a disruptive force attacking the pocket, he’s a straight torpedo when Blitzing & gets after the QB with bad intentions.

James Williams is the Enforcer of the Defense, he’s a hard hitting tone setter. He makes a lot of undisciplined mistakes, but that’s not his fault. His job is to lay the wood & bring the boom on every play. That was a really smart horse-collar tackle in the 4th quarter with less than 6 minutes left on 3rd down while NC ST is driving the length of the field. Then he made another great play when he attempted to tackle Kendrick Raphael & didn’t sink his hips or square the target to wrap. Instead he threw his shoulder up high & Raphael bounced right off him, but again, that wasn’t his fault.

Miami had held NC ST to just 63yds rushing up until that 31yd TD by Raphael. That’s all they needed to seal the game, because even with 4:54 left on the clock, it was a forgone conclusion we weren’t gonna be able to come back & score enough to make NC ST sweat.

Nice play by Jaden Davis on the CB Blitz that lead to a fumble recovery in NC ST’s territory. Of course we couldn’t capitalize off it.

Sucks that we lost Daryl Porter Jr, looked pretty bad in the area of a high ankle sprain. Not saying that’s what it was, just speculating. Not that it really matters, because we’re not ever going to know what his lower extremity injury is anyway, top secret information & whatnot.

We got to see the Brown brothers at CB, but they weren’t really challenged for most of the game like they will be vs FSU & LVille. Doesn’t really make a difference IMO considering our CB’s were going to have a rough go of it no matter who starts against FSU’s WR’s. But we’ll get to see Addae’s top quality development next week...

Overall the Defense played well enough to win this game, outside of literally 2 plays, the Defense did more than enough to keep NC ST from blowing the game up. If we could simply score a TD when it was 6-10, we win this game. But as I stated earlier, scoring TD’s is overrated, right guysm?!?!

Welp, our dream has finally come true & we’ve metamorphosed into what Mario envisioned us to be, TUFF N FIZZICULL. The formula to us winning & is here, PHONEBOOTH FOOTBALL!!!

For everybody that parroted the notion that people were being overly negative after the last 2 games we’ve played even though we won, THIS. IS. WHY. Because despite winning ugly, we barely got by the skin of our teeth against a really bad UVA team & without the benefit of playing all our games at home, we’ve been exposed as a team. Coming into this game we had 3 out of our last 4 games on the road against teams with a combined 25-7 record. With BC, FSU & LVille all winning today, our remaining schedule combined record is now 28-7, not including NC ST.

I pointed out that road games are much tougher for us than people would realize because our team doesn’t travel well. Playing FSU next week & finishing the season against a BC team with a good Defense (especially their secondary) means we got 2 more opportunities to get our asses kicked & given the lack of leadership we have as a team, it is highly unlikely we rise to the occasion & play beyond anything we’ve shown over the last 5 weeks.

The wheels have completely fallen off on the season, this is setting up to end in a embarrassing disaster. What has happened to this team is a phenomenon called regression toward the mean; this is who we are & outside of a few anomaly games, we play like this every year. It was supposed to change with having an ELITE Top 10 Coach at the helm, but it’s clear it’s gonna take him another 6 years of rebuilding before we can expect any real significant improvement. Luckily, he’s an outstanding recruiter & has stacked our classes with top tier talent, so once we rid the team of all the Manny Diaz jags, we will finally see what the real Miami is made of. Bro.

I implore you all, do not blame this on Mario, this is NOT his fault. He inherited this wretched team & has had to suffer while trying to bring us back to prominence. Rome wasn’t built in a day, it wasn’t built in a month, it wasn’t built in a year... It will take the full 8 years of Mario’s contract before we can really bring this thing to fruition. In fact I would argue he probably needs an extension right now just to be sure, but under no circumstances should you at all question, criticize or doubt him. He is THE man for the job. And the ONLY Coach that can win at Miami. Just sit quiet & be patient. Once we get Michael Pratt next year we’ll be winning Rose Bowls in no time, guarantee it. Bro.

Remember, it took Michigan 6 years before Harbaugh was able to build them into the powerhouse of integrity that they are now, same thing with UGA, those are the models we need to follow & as of now we’re on the right track. Loses are never fun, but they can serve as learning experiences for the future; winning is hard & let’s not act like we’re not 6-3 & Bowl eligible. That’s a huge improvement from last year, we’re making progress. Bro.

Next week is the biggest game of the season, we go up to our hated nemesis up in Doak. Normally for games of this magnitude, you can throw the records out & expect a heated intense rivalry game. I’m not so sure that happens this time.

Einstein allegedly once said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again expecting different results. Continuing to start TVD would be akin to covering ourselves in blood & jumping in shark infested water expecting not to get eaten. If the HC cares about this game & cares about this team, he cannot start TVD against FSU; if he does then he either doesn’t trust Emory or something far worse is at hand...

How you do anything is how you do everything (bro) & how we lose is with a litany of turnovers & dumb undisciplined mishaps the define the character of the team & structural makeup of leadership within the program. This team doesn’t play smart because they don’t know how & they don’t know how, because they’re not being taught how. They’re not being taught how, because the people in charge of teaching them how to play smart, don’t know either.

The season is gearing up for the patented Canes losing streak, which is another historical time honored tradition unlike any other (Jim Nantz voice), that every Miami Corch goes through as a rite of passage. But thank goodness we have a “tOp 10” Coach that can prevent that from happening... Bro.

Sidebar: I encourage all of you to go back & rewatch Miami vs NC ST 2020; appreciate & pay homage to D’Eriq King & Rhett Lashlee, you’re never going to see anything like that again.

Go Canes

Excellent post as always, brother!

Mario is gonna be inducted into the UM Hall of Shame by the time that his tenure is done here, which I hope is sooner rather than later.

One can only hope and dream.
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So Dawson just chose to stop doing everything he did against A&M? Dawson might not be Lincoln Riley but cmon, it makes no sense
The A&M game was the study model for opponents' analysts knowing how we line up and act (and think) so it's uncanny how they seem to be in the right place way too much. (Predictable) Maybe that was behind Dawson making many tactical changes since A&M. Then again with limited creativity and spacing and very poor execution (TVD) it's sadly become a clownshow.
At Houston we weren’t necessarily a uptempo team but we definitely played with whatever tempo the defense granted us that week. It seems here we give everyone the answer key to the test before the snap. And we’re only playing two WR’s majority of the snaps here. That seems more Mario like to me than anything. There’s actually a whole bunch. I’ve been pretty critical of Coach Dawson lately to him directly and amongst others and hopefully I’m able to get more of a feel for what’s going down. The real issue though is we don’t have a QB who can make the throws. TVD is making all the right reads and all the wrong throws. and fsu week is not the week to play Emory.
I agree with you about Emory. Even with the Clemson win, I’m not sold that he’s the answer right now against FSU.

With the identity they’ve wanted to establish with this team, although, some may not like it, Jacurri is your best option moving forward. It’s clear as day that Mario wants to be physical and run the ball behind this OLine which is pretty **** good. If that’s the case, Jacurri adds the running element where C2K (Cut-to-Keep) defenders cannot just crash down on the RB. If they did, he can pull the ball and gash them. If they respect the pull, that’s one less person the RB has to make miss or not get tackled by the shoe lace. With Jacurri you get to play 11-on-11.

In the passing game with him, you give him simple reads, same that Tyler has today but even simplify it more and tag RPOs to the game plan to make it very simplistic. His running threat alone will force teams to play man and give 1-v-1 match ups outside and at that point his inaccuracy wouldn’t be too different than Tyler throwing picks. So I rather have a chance to make a deep ball play or PI versus someone throwing INTs but cannot contribute worth a da*n to the run game.

Repping the heck out of simple looks and giving some bit of tempo will make it almost too easy with Jacurri. With tempo defenses either play their base stuff, or they send blitzes. You can rep that easily in practice with hot reads and steal this game. Jacurri also allows for much more creativity, if Mario will allow it.
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