Positives of being a fan of a mediocre team


Jan 30, 2012
All I have read on this site for the past 2 weeks is negative threads about UM football, and frankly I am tired of it.
So rather than start another thread about the same tired topic, lets find the silver linings to being a fan of a mediocre (my word, don’t change it) college football team. I’ll start the list but feel free to contribute. And remember, only positives.

Not caring about college football as much means you have:
1. More time to get to know your significant other and/or kids.
2. Time to take up a new hobby; consider; golf, needle point, origami, chess, alcohol
3. very little emotional letdown after a loss unlike when your team has actual expectations of being good and loses. Consider how much the 2002 Fiesta Bowl loss hurt compared to the Alabama loss.
4. you can criticize people for caring too much about sports and not having their priorities in order (reference #1 when making this point to a friend)
5. You can focus more on your school’s academic ranking, unless of course you are USC and you lose to Stanford.
6. You feel better when a coach who makes $3-5 million a year loses a job, and as a bonus you can argue that coaches are all overpaid for doing nothing more than coaching a game. Crazy, right?
7. You can watch other teams play and scout the next coach
8. There is always next year.

Those are just my top reasons. Please contribute but remember to keep it positive.
Solid list.

9. Since this coach will be an utter failure and eventually get fired, you can offer your opinions on message boards as if you have the very solution to fix all your teams problem. This will garner you up votes and likes if you play your cards right thus boosting your self esteem.

10. Why spend money going to the games when you can watch this mediocre product on the field from the comfort of your own home? Kick back, relax, and when the game goes your way or doesn't, there's no traffic to contend with.
All I have read on this site for the past 2 weeks is negative threads about UM football, and frankly I am tired of it.
So rather than start another thread about the same tired topic, lets find the silver linings to being a fan of a mediocre (my word, don’t change it) college football team. I’ll start the list but feel free to contribute. And remember, only positives.

Not caring about college football as much means you have:
1. More time to get to know your significant other and/or kids.
2. Time to take up a new hobby; consider; golf, needle point, origami, chess, alcohol
3. very little emotional letdown after a loss unlike when your team has actual expectations of being good and loses. Consider how much the 2002 Fiesta Bowl loss hurt compared to the Alabama loss.
4. you can criticize people for caring too much about sports and not having their priorities in order (reference #1 when making this point to a friend)
5. You can focus more on your school’s academic ranking, unless of course you are USC and you lose to Stanford.
6. You feel better when a coach who makes $3-5 million a year loses a job, and as a bonus you can argue that coaches are all overpaid for doing nothing more than coaching a game. Crazy, right?
7. You can watch other teams play and scout the next coach
8. There is always next year.

Those are just my top reasons. Please contribute but remember to keep it positive.
Remove #1 and #4 for me, as sports will always come first. But the rest I agree BIGLY.
All I have read on this site for the past 2 weeks is negative threads about UM football, and frankly I am tired of it.
So rather than start another thread about the same tired topic, lets find the silver linings to being a fan of a mediocre (my word, don’t change it) college football team. I’ll start the list but feel free to contribute. And remember, only positives.

Not caring about college football as much means you have:
1. More time to get to know your significant other and/or kids.
2. Time to take up a new hobby; consider; golf, needle point, origami, chess, alcohol
3. very little emotional letdown after a loss unlike when your team has actual expectations of being good and loses. Consider how much the 2002 Fiesta Bowl loss hurt compared to the Alabama loss.
4. you can criticize people for caring too much about sports and not having their priorities in order (reference #1 when making this point to a friend)
5. You can focus more on your school’s academic ranking, unless of course you are USC and you lose to Stanford.
6. You feel better when a coach who makes $3-5 million a year loses a job, and as a bonus you can argue that coaches are all overpaid for doing nothing more than coaching a game. Crazy, right?
7. You can watch other teams play and scout the next coach
8. There is always next year.

Those are just my top reasons. Please contribute but remember to keep it positive.
16. By spending less money on these things, early retirement gets that much closer
Not caring about college football as much means you have:

I am a total nutcase when it comes to CFB - drives the old lady crazy and I love it.

1. More time to get to know your significant other and/or kids.

You apparently haven't spent much time with my wife or kids.

2. Time to take up a new hobby; consider; golf, needle point, origami, chess, alcohol

Alcohol works - not into the others.

3. very little emotional letdown after a loss unlike when your team has actual expectations of being good and loses. Consider how much the 2002 Fiesta Bowl loss hurt compared to the Alabama loss.

I take every loss hard. I have been a basket case this week after a win. I was just about recovering from 2002 and then we played LSU in 2005, not sure I have recovered since then.

4. you can criticize people for caring too much about sports and not having their priorities in order (reference #1 when making this point to a friend)

I have been trying to convince my kids to be UM fans since the first was born 20 years ago, Took him to a game in 2008. Some kid named Russell Wilson quarterbacked the other team at NC State. Didn't work out so good. But **** they call every end of game play in NFL or College the Miami play after they watched the miracle in Duke so I have that going for me.

5. You can focus more on your school’s academic ranking, unless of course you are USC and you lose to Stanford.

2 of my 3 kids think academics matter, third living in basement.

6. You feel better when a coach who makes $3-5 million a year loses a job, and as a bonus you can argue that coaches are all overpaid for doing nothing more than coaching a game. Crazy, right?

Most of the coaches are nothing when they don't have good players. Was true at UM when we were champs or relevant. At this point in my life, my memory of all that is fading.

7. You can watch other teams play and scout the next coach

I watch them. Only ones I want we will never get. Seriously though, assistants make a team. We have some good ones but not enough right now.

8. There is always next year.

I will always believe in next week or next year, but unfortunately, my next weeks or next years are limited. I would like to see the magic one more time. Hopefully that happens again.