Positive weekend

Thinking dixon is done.

This. I just want saga(s) to end... Make a decision young man.

i have mentally moved on from dixon.

I have a client who is a big OSU booster. He usually has decent information about their recruiting, and told me yesterday that they feel very confident about Dixon.

Not that I'm saying that this is what's happening in your situation or not (and I think Dixon is OSU too) but my father-in-law is a pretty big time booster/donor for Tennessee. He always tries to give his friends recruiting insider stuff and tries to tell me all of this inside info. Found out he gets it all from VolQuest and their GoVols247 site. It just makes me wonder how many legit "insiders" there are. But with Dixon, all this smoke=fire. He gone.

I'm at a point right now I could care less what Dixon, Rudolph and Lane does, receivers come a dime a dozen. Give me Kaaya's teammate Brayden Lenius, I was impress with his film for a 16 year old. We can also wait to next year and go after Davante Peete or Dvante Phillips both of them are the real deal.I would rather have a defensive stud over Dixon I get very impatient over kids that try to hold schools hostage with that one Scholarship when they know where they truly want to go. Give me Hester and JC and another D tackle all day. We will have next year Coley, Dorsett, Waters, Lewis, Berrios, Langham, Brady, and hopefully Njoku. Gray still needs to qualify and I believe Dmauri Jones days here may come to grinding halt. Miami also is recruiting current Syracuse commit Jamal Custis. Give me Griffin and the dimensions of this offense will really become a Cat 5 storm.