Political forum?


Redshirt Freshman
Nov 3, 2011
Grassy had a great political forum. Any chance of establishment of a political forum on this site?
Reading people argue about politics when neither of them have the basic knowledge of what anything political means? Nah I’m good, the comments on a local news post or the bigger media posts on Facebook is good enough.
Not just no, but **** NO! We're all Canes Fans and that's all that matters. Keep the politics out of it.
Grassy had a great political forum. Any chance of establishment of a political forum on this site?

Can't there just be one fcking place where I don't have to listen to that sht? Don't give me any crap about how it could be a seperate forum. Politics anywhere on this site is too **** close. Hows about just being Canes fans together and not getting into that sht?
You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villiany. We must be cautious.

...Oh you thought I was referring to political forums? I'd rather be in Mos Eisley.
You must nadda been paying attention good sir!! We don't need a political forum, as some of our members find the need to keep us up to date (their opinions, quite often comical) on the stuff, almost daily!! Just see for yourself, go back through some of the locked threads, you can find quite a bit of it. Sometimes the mods even let it play out, but inevitably, some jack hole becomes offensive or offended, and they 86 it.
Pretty much what CD just said.

People are ready to pull out the long knives disputing whether Jarren Williams redshirts, imagine what happens if there’s a politics forums.

Plus political wonks seem to be real soft pusšies anyway. Apparently I’ve offended some sissyboy that has admin priveliges at the WEZ, so I’m totally IP blocked there. Like there’s not an easy way around that, if I wanted to. But it just goes to show how soft those gayturd fakkott political wezzies are.
You must nadda been paying attention good sir!! We don't need a political forum, as some of our members find the need to keep us up to date (their opinions, quite often comical) on the stuff, almost daily!! Just see for yourself, go back through some of the locked threads, you can find quite a bit of it. Sometimes the mods even let it play out, but inevitably, some jack hole becomes offensive or offended, and they 86 it.

This is a political forum...isn't it?

Are you Russian?