PODCAST: Portal and recruiting buzz as Miami gears up for run

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@DMoney would be nice to have the youtube link embedded like you did you live video last week. That way we can speed up the video if we choose because I dont listen to anything on normal speed and I can like the video which gives your algorithm more exposure resulting in more clicks, It also lets people easy subscribe to your Youtube page. The way this is setup video you can basically just hit play, pause and maximize the screen.
Appreciate the feedback. All pods are also posted on YouTube, so that option is available. We use the BridTV player on the site because it is better for CPM purposes.
Lots of ads for premium members. Especially when listening in chunks of time. Each time you open link an ad or two and each fast forward is a couple more.
It won't play for me either, my browser has a monobrow blocker.
dead GIF