Please Explain This AG Quote

his continual run of defending only his most recent phuckup, due to the fact that he has a laundry list of them
How many times can i commit suicide? Now with dolphins sucking I am all out of options but to root for this guy
Every mother fuggin year it stings soooo bad. Every mother fuggin year I tell myself that I won't follow as closely. Every mother fuggin year I'm still checking multiple college football websites for canes info. Every mother fuggin year I'm dissappointed.

Please make the pain go away!!!!
I read it as, "I don't know how to coach, so I'm going to waste as much time as possible. If we score fast because my talent doesn't match my approach, I'm going to continue to be passive."
I'm sure he has a spreadsheet full of obscure probabilities that he uses to justify his sh1tty decision making as coach.

^^This. AUcane is on point. ********* has a statistic and probability for every stat, play, and excuse out there. I remember one time he had a statistic memorized that you would only know if you knew you needed an excuse after losing a game. I think it was that game against VT where we mad L. Thomas look like superman. Man I wish I could remember. Bottom line, dude needs to go.
Some of you clearly have never coached.

Simply put, Golden is saying:

I'll explain it for you OP...

Al Golden likes to use big words that he really doesn't know the meaning of. Like a meathead jock with a thesaurus, he likes to sound smart. For example, in his 4+ years of corching here, would you actually believe he knows what 'agressiveness' is? Or, trust that he knows anything about 'probabilities'?

Yeah, me neither.
"Joe, it's easy to say 'ok we need to be aggressive here' but we can second guess any decision ever made, that's the luxury of operating in a realm of time that isn't linear. So during a game, I like to ask myself: would the Al Golden in other dimensions make this call? We like to go into every game with a predetermined gameplan, but I like myself and staff to be what I call mentally pliable. So, yeah, I'll consult with other dimension Goldens to see which call increases our probability of success. If we all collectively determine a certain approach maximizes our expected triumph quotient across multifarious realities, then I'll go with that. At the end of the day it's just football, Joe [laughs]."
I don't know about you guys, but I can definitely picture D'No crunching the data at home for Al on his laptop using his favorite programming language.
This is just a dumb Neanderthal jock adding big words to make It sound like he has an idea what hes doing. He's really just as dumb as Shannon was. Unfortunately for us, he has an intellectual inferiority complex which means he just has to prove his system works and he's the smartest guy in the room.
I think he's confusing aggressive move with aggressive, decision. I can decide to punch a kid. That's an act of aggression but 99% chance it will win the fight for me. I can decide to punch Mayweather. 0.1% chance of winning the fight for me. He sees both as the same thing when they are not. Still an act of aggression in both case, but the decision to punch the kid is a safe decision. The decision to punch Mayweather is not. Explains how he coaches though. If he knows we have more talent he will give our players room to breath. If he thinks the team on the other side is any good he goes into a shell cause he is so afraid of the counterpunch. This just makes it easier for the other guy to get his licks in though.
This team is gonna go into prevent for the rest of the season

Get ready, I can't wait
Basically golden thinks you stay aggressive until you get a lead and then you simply hold on to your lead. Sure fire way to lose more games than we should.

At least it explains why we went into a shell against UF, FSU and Nebraska. 2 of those games he almost lost with that mentality and the third he lost in devastating fashion
This fool actually thinks they almost lost to Nebraska because they were being too aggressive. What a god **** idiot.