Pitt Players after the game

Get over it. Live by the chain; die by the chain.

If you can revel in the good times and media hoopla when we win with the chain, don't whine when we lose and the opponent gloats.

As you may recall, people were gloating about Demetrius Jackson trolling the ND offensive line for the being named the top line. That's how it works.
Reverse the rolls with Canes getting the win you can bet Came players would have celebrated big time. Do what you are supposed to.do and win it does not happen.
Kind of like a pitcher getting ****ed when a hitter trots around the bases too slow “ showing them up”.

You want to stop it don’t give up the HR.

Same applies here.You don’t want a team,especially a ****** one,disrespecting you don’t give them a reason.

Beat their ***!!!!!
Also the upside down U came out a bunch.

Literally the only school symbol that opposing teams trash that never gets a flag.

Saw Texas Tech throw up the longhorns yesterday against Texas and get a flag.

It’s really comical at this point. We can barely celebrate with our teammates before the ref comes over to break it up, but other schools openly mock us with zero repercussions.
Good for them.. they were celebrating just before halftime and Miami didn't respond.. you let an inferior team do that and not do anything about it you deserve to get embarrassed
We got the outcome we deserved. It was embarrassing and humiliating. We woulda won going away with below average QB play. Malik was terrible. Malik will take the brunt of the criticism. As he should. Still love the kid though. Appreciate what he has done for us this year. That game is not gonna ruin all the good that’s been accomplished. Whole team was terrible nobody made a play. ******* hate making that trip there only to see that. Brutal. Hopefully team can put it behind them and beat Clemson!
Get over it! Learn to win and lose! They deserve to troll us as we were weak! This is he program everyone likes to hate!

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