Paradise Camp 6/26/21 updates.

He gets a pass for not attending….View attachment 148650
my man denzel GIF
Y’all are the worst man. The amount of pussies on this board could feel a sorority house. In sales if you have a top prospect that doesn’t do business with you do you just throw in the towel and never see them. Get out of your feelings! Grown men on your butt hurt because elite kids who we aren’t leading for are visiting the school. makes me sick reading these comments
**** the **** up, it's not black and white.

So I'm going to go out on a limb and give the staff the benefit of the doubt that they know good and **** well these POS are absolutely not coming. I'm guessing they know that elite kids attending no matter whether they are likely to commit or not only raises the profile and energy of the camp. And, it gives us the opportunity to show these two firsthand what they are going to miss out on. Just to let them know that we are good over here.

So I'm pre-calling this a checkers move and have absolutely no expectations of making any waves with these two. Guess this also could be considered an early portal play for 2023 because that's exactly where they will land if they end up signing with FSU.
Y’all who keep saying these 16/17 are kids and just impressionable or don’t know any better are enablers. These kids aren’t out there drinking and driving. Doing cocaine, or doing drive-bys. Why? Cause they know better. They know what’s good for them and what’s not. Yes they are young, but they are not stupid
We sure bout that?
Y’all are the worst man. The amount of pussies on this board could feel a sorority house. In sales if you have a top prospect that doesn’t do business with you do you just throw in the towel and never see them. Get out of your feelings! Grown men on your butt hurt because elite kids who we aren’t leading for are visiting the school. makes me sick reading these comments
I can speak for most of us we all definitely wanted to feel what was inside of a sorority house.
Y’all are the worst man. The amount of pussies on this board could feel a sorority house. In sales if you have a top prospect that doesn’t do business with you do you just throw in the towel and never see them. Get out of your feelings! Grown men on your butt hurt because elite kids who we aren’t leading for are visiting the school. makes me sick reading these comments
I usually take a shït on the desk of any prospect that won’t buy from me. Extremely effective closing strategy that I learned at a Tom Hopkins seminar
How many of these kids are coming to workout? Or just coming to hangout, I hate how kids are not working at these camps( not just at Miami)