OT: Thoughts on multi level marketing?

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Kind of random post but some guy hit me up last night to get me to join his little squad. I said no. Any thoughts on that industry? Reminded me of the scene from Go with, “Confederated products.”
Imma be honest bro; corporate America is a MLM, especially in the commission field. I am an insurance agent, transitioning to brokering.

When I make goal ($), my manager makes his goal ($)when he & the other offices make goal, his manager (Regional Leader) make goal ($). When the Regions make goal, the VPs make goal ($), when VPs make goal ($), the 4th floor (Chief Officers), get a quarterly stipend from National Corporation.

Most jobs are set up as a MLM; some are shady, some are hidden. I would do ur research; some MLM companies are Fortune 500, BBB rated, while others are just str8 pyramid schemes & emphasis on scheme.

Many of these MLM companies make their money through recruiting down-line and not through sales of a specific product. Even in the insurance game, you still need certification and some sort of sales skills. MLM companies hire anyone unconditionally.

Fun fact: The CFB coaches poll is sponsored by a MLM. The "Amway" Coaches poll.
Pyramid schemes.

had a friend “pitch” to me about a year ago. Laughed in his face and told him what he was getting into. He left shortly after.

they use you for all your friends/family and resources, tell you that you’ll get a percentage of whatever you bring in and whoever they bring in (the people you brought in)

what they don’t tell you is once you run dry on resources, the person who referred you gets all yours and the people you brought, commissions. MLM is a joke, and they love to portray success for everyone, but only a few actually achieve it.

the one that pitched me was Primerica, the best part was their prices for everything was actually higher than the competitors for everything they offered.
How to succeed in a MLM company.

Step 1: Be an insta thot
Step 2: Post non-stop about how using product X has made your life better.
Step 3: Post non-stop from some glamorous location about how repping product X has made you rich.
Step 4: Repeat Steps 2 and 3 so much that everyone in your inner circle secretly hates you even though your follower count keeps skyrocketing.
Step 5: Watch as all your self hating followers buy your stuff non-stop because they have deluded themselves into thinking buying ****** product X is the reason why you look good on insta and then beg you to join your circle of sales people making you even more money.
Do your own thorough research.

Multi level marketing is controversial, to say the least. Many multilevel companies have been nothing more than illegal and fraudulent pyramid schemes.

Some “legitimate“ companies like Herbalife, while still in business and operating as going concerns, have been mired in controversy throughout much of their existence.

Caveat emptor
This, the biggest one is amway of Orlando magic. The right one could be good! Buyer be ware!!!
I am serious when I say this: I do not believe males should ever enter into MLMs. It makes no sense. The only way you are going to make serious money in an MLM is to have a "down line," i.e., you must recruit people to join after you have. MLMs are products targeted at females typically, because females buy ****. That means it makes more sense for females to market the items. Also, it means if you join an MLM, you'd better be the FIRST or second among your circle of contacts to do so, because you are going to NEED to recruit people to join.

It's not "just sales" as some people are saying here. It's recruiting, and recruiting depends on having a volume of contacts who you believe would join after you. If you don't have this available demographic pool, do not even think about wasting your time, money, or energy on MLM.

And they are all pyramid schemes. It's the definition of one. So are law firms, though.
It becomes almost like a religion. Once someone is in, the more you warn them, the more they did in their heels. Can only hope they don't waste too much before figuring it out.

Probably the smartest use of a MLM I saw was from one of my paralegals when I was a military lawyer. I forget which MLMs he signed up for, but I guess some of them have products that you have to be a member to get (like shampoos, lotions, vitamins etc). Anyways, he get a bunch of it and then resell it at a marked up price on Amazon. There are some buyers who wanted the items without having to join the MLM scheme. Of course, he'd get kicked out of the MLM for violating the terms of the agreement and his amazon account shut down, but he'd usually be able to make a couple thousand before they figured out he was scamming the scammers.
Kind of random post but some guy hit me up last night to get me to join his little squad. I said no. Any thoughts on that industry? Reminded me of the scene from Go with, “Confederated products.”
You are sold a "Dream" of riches, and little time spent. You are shown travel, luxury with minimal work.

Beware, nothing worthwhile comes easy. Do some make it big? Perhaps, but they got in own the ground floor and benefit off the work of hundreds of others.

In short, multi=level marketing works for only a few, but certainly not the many. What they do teach you is how to believe in yourself. That is a very powerful, persuasive and seductive coercion.

Perhaps you should try it and see for yourself. "What do you have to lose?"
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