(OT, sort of) Heisman Trophy Odds

Nobody is a bigger fan of Walton on this board than me.

Unfortunately Walton is about to be the new Kaaya around here. He's a really good back with a lot of holes in his game. Now he's getting a ridiculous amount of hype and unrealistic expectations just because some of the media caught on that he's got game. Now our fanbase has follow right along.

Poor kid is going to be this boards whipping boy next year for missing a couple of holes every game. Never fails around here.
Nobody is a bigger fan of Walton on this board than me.

Unfortunately Walton is about to be the new Kaaya around here. He's a really good back with a lot of holes in his game. Now he's getting a ridiculous amount of hype and unrealistic expectations just because some of the media caught on that he's got game. Now our fanbase has follow right along.

Poor kid is going to be this boards whipping boy next year for missing a couple of holes every game. Never fails around here.
Walton is already the most hated player on this team, just go back & check the threads from a few months ago.

Dudes on here are always salivating to bash him, just watch how this thread unfolds.
Nobody is a bigger fan of Walton on this board than me.

Unfortunately Walton is about to be the new Kaaya around here. He's a really good back with a lot of holes in his game. Now he's getting a ridiculous amount of hype and unrealistic expectations just because some of the media caught on that he's got game. Now our fanbase has follow right along.

Poor kid is going to be this boards whipping boy next year for missing a couple of holes every game. Never fails around here.
Walton is already the most hated player on this team, just go back & check the threads from a few months ago.

Dudes on here are always salivating to bash him, just watch how this thread unfolds.
You speak the truth. He was obliterated on a weekly basis here and now that a few talking heads think he's good because they saw his stats, he's a first round pick, Heisman hopeful.

We can't just have nice things around here.
4 responses in 4 hours try again no one cares . Knee jerkers need to go back to **** jerking where they belong...,or find the real scoop or at least odds : who is getting kicked off the week before season starts????