OT: Robert Kraft arrested on soliciting prostitution charges in Jupiter, FL

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Why do they have a list at all? I don't get it, it's a massage parlor; you walk in, pay cash for your massage (cough cough) and then leave.. no names, numbers, pictures of any kind should ever be involved. This whole thing sounds like a setup TBH
Law-enforcement is wasting their time on this shlt?

Yes, let’s crack down on handies in massage parlors.

There’s another two or 3 million men in the United States we could arrest today just on that.

Not that I care one whit about Kraft, but this is a joke and a waste of law-enforcement resources.

How about making some headway on the actual human trafficking that goes on all over this country and through ports of entry

This is too true. What a waste of time. I'm just impressed that old man still has a *** drive. Good for him. And people in the news are just giddy over this. Like come on.
I don’t waste my time judging the *** lives of others and don’t believe in bullshlt karma.

But if you believe in that shlt, you better be leading a crystal clean life, lest karma pay you a visit.

You are preaching today. Keep it up. All these sanctimonious holier than thou people who like to judge everyones lives. **** off
I found out about this by women at my office in the hall all loudly going OMG OMG. The men? Crickets. Looking down and moving along. Law firm. He ain’t alone. Stay strong Robert.
I was hoping for Jeff Bozo's name on this list.

You ever notice that Jeff Bezos looks like a *****


A smug *****.
Do you have any proof of that or is it just baseless speculation?

[Vero Beach police chief David] Currey said many came from China on temporary work visas, indebted to the the brokers who helped them reach America, but believing legitimate jobs awaited them.

“Some of them are trying to make a better life for themselves,” he said. “These people truly are stuck.”

They were shamed, intimidated and taught not to speak to law enforcement or immigration officials.

Others answered what they thought were legitimate ads for masseuse jobs, but soon were pressured into doing more.
Why do they have a list at all? I don't get it, it's a massage parlor; you walk in, pay cash for your massage (cough cough) and then leave.. no names, numbers, pictures of any kind should ever be involved. This whole thing sounds like a setup TBH
Yeah,.. ah,.. that’s what a sting is, sets up Johns and whores. Wtf does it matter. They were investigating human trafficking. Prostitution is one of its byproducts. And dumdfuks like Kraft fall into it. Who woulda thunk that the Cops would be interested in a ****hole handjob spa. By the way, the Food Shack might be one of the best seafood places in SoFlo. Just sayin’
[Vero Beach police chief David] Currey said many came from China on temporary work visas, indebted to the the brokers who helped them reach America, but believing legitimate jobs awaited them.

“Some of them are trying to make a better life for themselves,” he said. “These people truly are stuck.”

They were shamed, intimidated and taught not to speak to law enforcement or immigration officials.

Others answered what they thought were legitimate ads for masseuse jobs, but soon were pressured into doing more.

I will delete my comment, but this still just seems like speculation and prostitutes trying to cover their ***.
Oh I doubt he does a day in prison. But his reputation is shot and the shame will drown him. He'll go into hiding until his death. Not how he wanted to go out.

LMFAO I HIGHLY doubt the shame will drown him. His billionaire buddies don't care at all. His celebrity friends like Jay and Meek wont care at all. The only people that will care are the broke "morally righteous" people that already hate him because he is rich.
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