OT: Possible First Female in P5 this weekend

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Lot of guys with their panties in a bunch in this thread.

Why her? That's the only question. Was it a good kickoff, depends on what she was asked to do?

It doesn't bother me at all. I don't even find it really all that interesting of a story, but if you've got a little girl (I don't) and she loves football, this is a door she could go through one day as she just saw it happen. I'm okay with that.
If they ran that kick back and it was just her left to stop a TD, do y’all think she would have done one of those soccer style sliding leg tackles on the runner???
Lot of guys with their panties in a bunch in this thread.

Why her? That's the only question. Was it a good kickoff, depends on what she was asked to do?

It doesn't bother me at all. I don't even find it really all that interesting of a story, but if you've got a little girl (I don't) and she loves football, this is a door she could go through one day as she just saw it happen. I'm okay with that.
I have a daughter. If she’s good sure. But not because she a female and it fits a narrative!
And Vandy just fired Mason, who immediately jumps to the top of my DC wish list currently at:

1. Derek Mason
2. Perry Elliano
3. Fran Brown
If they ran that kick back and it was just her left to stop a TD, do y’all think she would have done one of those soccer style sliding leg tackles on the runner???
That wasn’t gonna happen. As soon as she kicked it she sprinted directly to the sideline, as I’m sure she was instructed to do. Has it been returnable, Missouri would’ve been playing guys 11 against 10 while she watched from the sideline.
And Vandy just fired Mason, who immediately jumps to the top of my DC wish list currently at:

1. Derek Mason
2. Perry Elliano
3. Fran Brown
What kind of a messed up world are we living in when you can’t save your job by pulling a ridiculous publicity stunt like Mason pulled yesterday??? So unfair.
This is a stupid take, directly from pearl-clutching, outrage class.
It’s not a bad take. That door just swung open for what he’s talking about. Feminists already want to have females doing everything males do so now they can point to this saying they should be able to play. The kicker was trash the kick was trash. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a cuck. Desmond Howard who I love said she had no power after watching her kick and the panel lost it and he had to correct himself for pointing out the obvious that’s the problem. The problem is the cult of canceling bc everyone has to be equal. Well here’s some news for u nothing in the world is equal get over it and get used to it
Really? Have we become so pc, so f'ed up, that everyone loses their mind because some female puts on a college football uniform and kicks off once? Oh, please. First off she's a soccer player, not just some random coed. Secondly, she kicked the ball all the way to the 35. She couldn't play for a high school team. And anyone want to bet whether anyone on the return team laid a hand on her. BFD. Grow up America!
It’s not a bad take. That door just swung open for what he’s talking about. Feminists already want to have females doing everything males do so now they can point to this saying they should be able to play. The kicker was trash the kick was trash. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a cuck. Desmond Howard who I love said she had no power after watching her kick and the panel lost it and he had to correct himself for pointing out the obvious that’s the problem. The problem is the cult of canceling bc everyone has to be equal. Well here’s some news for u nothing in the world is equal get over it and get used to it
No, really, it is [a bad take].

And why are you so emotional about it? “…world is equal…”, “…canceling…”, “…kicker was trash the kick was trash.”

How…is the kicker trash? I mean, you tried to set the record on stupid statements in a … paragraph (?), but how is she trash? And why ar you her victim? Because she couldn’t kick far enough? Because you couldn’t earn a scholarship? Because she had a “moment”, how manufactured, that you’re incapable of being recognized for? How is she trash? And why are you so hurt?

As for your unrequited love for Desmond, I think that may be part of the problem.
That wasn’t gonna happen. As soon as she kicked it she sprinted directly to the sideline, as I’m sure she was instructed to do. Has it been returnable, Missouri would’ve been playing guys 11 against 10 while she watched from the sideline.
You don’t have to lie about what we all saw yesterday. What you described never happened. She didn’t sprint directly to the sideline. She jogged off the field AFTER the play is over.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Making history. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PlayLikeAGirl?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#PlayLikeAGirl</a> | <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AnchorDown?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#AnchorDown</a> <a href="https://t.co/57ffStmje9">pic.twitter.com/57ffStmje9</a></p>&mdash; Vanderbilt Football (@VandyFootball) <a href="">November 28, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
You don’t have to lie about what we all saw yesterday. What you described never happened. She didn’t sprint directly to the sideline. She jogged off the field AFTER the play is over.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Making history. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PlayLikeAGirl?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#PlayLikeAGirl</a> | <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AnchorDown?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#AnchorDown</a> <a href="https://t.co/57ffStmje9">pic.twitter.com/57ffStmje9</a></p>&mdash; Vanderbilt Football (@VandyFootball) <a href="">November 28, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Take a deep breath. I was only going by the clips they kept showing on TV yesterday. That is literally what it looked like. If that’s not how it went down, then that’s fine. I stand corrected. No need to call me a liar and get all crazy over it..
Sports is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy. That little girl should be out there kicking if she is the best person available to do it. Based on her performance I’d guess there were 60+ players dressed for the game that were more deservin*of the opportunity and several thousand men and women on campus more capable.

how long before every team has a quota to fill of genders and nationalities?
The NBA is gonna be a blast when the quotas get put in place.
No, really, it is [a bad take].

And why are you so emotional about it? “…world is equal…”, “…canceling…”, “…kicker was trash the kick was trash.”

How…is the kicker trash? I mean, you tried to set the record on stupid statements in a … paragraph (?), but how is she trash? And why ar you her victim? Because she couldn’t kick far enough? Because you couldn’t earn a scholarship? Because she had a “moment”, how manufactured, that you’re incapable of being recognized for? How is she trash? And why are you so hurt?

As for your unrequited love for Desmond, I think that may be part of the problem.
Not hurt but u can say she isn’t trash lol male college kickers on average are bad enough look at our track record alone and ur gonna tell me a female who cough cough isn’t as physically developed as a male can do it better ur wrong. And it’s all a show for the Libs/Feminists. My old Hs actually had a few females on the freshmen football team a couple of years back 1 was a RG and was actually very good. But as the years past the boys caught up and she was forced to a reserve role. I’m just not reading into the bull**** the she “earned” that spot bc she didn’t idc what u say. Just like Desmond said she doesn’t have the power
The NBA is gonna be a blast when the quotas get put in place.
Hey let them allow women in if they are good enough. None are but then the WNBA can fold finally. So the nba doesn’t have to use cooperate welfare to keep it afloat while their players who bring in 0 revenue demand more money lol
Take a deep breath. I was only going by the clips they kept showing on TV yesterday. That is literally what it looked like. If that’s not how it went down, then that’s fine. I stand corrected. No need to call me a liar and get all crazy over it..
So, now I’m crazy and need to take a deep watch because you had a strong opinion about something that you didn’t know the full story? A little more humility would do you good. But, yes, you MISREPRESENTED the event.
Not hurt but u can say she isn’t trash lol male college kickers on average are bad enough look at our track record alone and ur gonna tell me a female who cough cough isn’t as physically developed as a male can do it better ur wrong. And it’s all a show for the Libs/Feminists. My old Hs actually had a few females on the freshmen football team a couple of years back 1 was a RG and was actually very good. But as the years past the boys caught up and she was forced to a reserve role. I’m just not reading into the bull**** the she “earned” that spot bc she didn’t idc what u say. Just like Desmond said she doesn’t have the power
That hurt my eyes. What are you actually trying to say? Is English your first language?

It reads like you’re hurt. Well, it actually doesn’t read well at all, it reads like you’re nearly functionally illiterate. And angry. About what, I don’t know.

So many circumstances had to mesh for this to go off that it’s not happening again anytime soon. No undeserving woman is kicking again in a college game where a coach’s job depends on it. Mason’s didn’t, he was a dead man walking — and that’s at the only SEC school that could give a **** about sports.

On a team that didn’t matter, from a coach that didn’t matter, to a season that didn’t matter, they tried something that wouldn't matter to the outcome of the game - a telegraphed trick play. And, yet somehow it matters so much to you that you would traverse the p-analytical divide that was put in place to keep this site slightly less crazy.
So, now I’m crazy and need to take a deep watch because you had a strong opinion about something that you didn’t know the full story? A little more humility would do you good. But, yes, you MISREPRESENTED the event.
Are you really gonna do this?
Do what? Hold you accountable? How come you can’t just admit that you were wrong? How come someone has to share your guilt?
This is hilarious. Why can’t I admit that I was wrong? You mean like three posts ago when I said, “I stand corrected”?

Now do you see why I suggested that you take a deep breath? None of this is even remotely necessary.
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