OT: Penn State Sanctions Reduced


"That being said, they still hate us." You are correct, Donna Shalala and the NCAA are at war and we won't know the outcome probably until the end of October when the COI meets although nobody knows.
The NCAA could have walked away from our case. Instead they choose to dig in and fight. Now they are revisiting Penn State and reducing sanctions instead of finishing our mess.

Penn State, you go twice before Miami goes once.

NCAA is a joke of the highest order.
I got word of the Penn State reductions in punishments when it popped up on my FB page. I was sure it was an Onion story at first.
Which way out of this rabbit hole....? Every day it gets weirder and weirder. Won't be long before Hitler will be on the cover of People magazine as the nicest man in history.
I mean i'm not sure what implications the penn state reductions will have on us, if any, but if they do indeed change the system of governing the body of college football, I don't see how it doesn't benefit Miami. It can't get much worse than it is, and we are the ones they are obviously trying to nail the hardest.

Oklahoma State allegations dropped about a week ago and its nowhere to be found on espn or sportscenter or anything! are you kidding me?! miami was in the press for weeks and analysts calling for the death penalty. The bias is ridiculous and I for one, cannot wait until Golden brings us back to the top of college football supremacy. To give those douchebags even more reason to hate us. #canes
The NCAA announced on Tuesday morning that Penn State will begin having its football scholarship levels restored to the normal 85-player limit, starting with 20 incoming scholarships and 75 overall in 2014-15 and rising incrementally to full amounts by 2016-17. That's two years earlier than PSU could've had a full roster under the original sanctions.

According to the NCAA, the move was recommended by Sen. George Mitchell, the integrity monitor assigned to Penn State and precipitated by Penn State's continuing compliance with its sanctions handed down last year and the tasks assigned to it to help rebuild the program...

I am going to be beyond livid if we get anything more than time served at this point. Frankly they should apologize to us for the trouble they put us through and give us extra scholarships.

All of the above...if you listen to Donna and Al over the past 6-8 months, with all the crap that has come out, they are not going to accept anything but time served and an apology.