OT: Nigel Bethel thread...Now Reinstated...Video included

a dyke(tom girl who likes girls) swung like a man at him which means she threw the first punch.... and he threw a punch back. No i dont think it is right for men to hit women but women can not walk around acting like they are invincible and think they can throw punches at men thinking nothing will happen to them.

What does her sexual preference have to do with this?

I said that because I was trying to say that it wasn't a feminine woman, it was a woman that likes women and tries to act like a man....

please stop trying to defend the indefensible
Given that women are now being included in combat roles in armies, I wonder what all you chivalrous types are going to tell your sons if there is a war. "Son never ever hit a woman, just take a bullet to the head and lose the war instead. That's what a real man would do"

Its all about the threat level. If she posed a serious threat to him, then he has ever right to defend himself regardless of there being a ****** involved.
Given that women are now being included in combat roles in armies, I wonder what all you chivalrous types are going to tell your sons if there is a war. "Son never ever hit a woman, just take a bullet to the head and lose the war instead. That's what a real man would do"

Its all about the threat level. If she posed a serious threat to him, then he has ever right to defend himself regardless of there being a ****** involved.
equating a life and death battlefield situation to a girl taking a swing at you on a basketball court...to use a common lexicon...SMH!
Given that women are now being included in combat roles in armies, I wonder what all you chivalrous types are going to tell your sons if there is a war. "Son never ever hit a woman, just take a bullet to the head and lose the war instead. That's what a real man would do"

Its all about the threat level. If she posed a serious threat to him, then he has ever right to defend himself regardless of there being a ****** involved.
equating a life and death battlefield situation to a girl taking a swing at you on a basketball court...to use a common lexicon...SMH!

What if that girl taking a swing on a basketball court just returned from the battlefield and is a 6' 2" special forces soldier?

It's all about the threat level.

You guys are living in the past and are trying to condemn a young man who is living in a very different present where not all girls are dainty little flowers.
Given that women are now being included in combat roles in armies, I wonder what all you chivalrous types are going to tell your sons if there is a war. "Son never ever hit a woman, just take a bullet to the head and lose the war instead. That's what a real man would do"

Its all about the threat level. If she posed a serious threat to him, then he has ever right to defend himself regardless of there being a ****** involved.
equating a life and death battlefield situation to a girl taking a swing at you on a basketball court...to use a common lexicon...SMH!

What if that girl taking a swing on a basketball court just returned from the battlefield and is a 6' 2" special forces soldier?

It's all about the threat level.

You guys are living in the past and are trying to condemn a young man who is living in a very different present where not all girls are dainty little flowers.

i will concede it is theoretically possible that he was in fear of his life, but more significantly more likely than not he was not in fear of his life or even that he was going to be hurt badly even if she is a strong ________ (fill in the blank). anyway we can debate this all day long. he made a horrible decision for many reasons in my opinion.
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Lots of internet tough guys in this thread lol
There are no internet tough guys here. Guys are just saying that if there is a real threat to life or health then a man should be able to defend himself against anyone including women. But we don't know yet if that was the case in this situation. So let's wait and see before we condemn.
yeah sure it was life or death. Anyone ever play ball in a pick up game for Christ sake. Smdh
From all reports it was 100% his fault he got mad because she was schooling him in basketball
How come women want equality except when it comes to beat downs? Equal pay for equal *** whippings I say!
What's wrong with pushing, punching the arm, tackling, grabbing, shoving, kicking the thigh, etc? Going after the face brings serious consequences.
"During a pickup basketball game on June 28, I was involved in an incident with Texas Tech football player Nigel Bethel," Battle said in a statement. "I initiated the first contact and I take full responsibility for my actions. I want to take this time to apologize to Nigel, the Texas Tech community, my teammates, coaches and fans.
A little update from a 4th of july report on ESPN from that incident, from Battle herself . Still don't think he should have punched her..
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So five pages of people calling the kid every name in the book and currently ZERO replies since she admitted to starting the whole thing. WELP.