OT: NFL Draft

I mention it, because its rare for a player that isn't that well regarded in college to be a high round pick. Couple it with how poor he tested and I have no idea why anyone here thought he'd be a high pick. Same with Jaquan Johnson. When you test that poorly, on what planet do you think he is a Day 1 or Day 2 player?

That isn't to say he will be a bad player, but we gotta look at the data points we have available to us. Right now, he's not that good of a prospect. Can he be a good pro? Sure. Absolutely. But he needs to come in and get better. Too many Fs on his offseason report card.

He isn't Calais Campbell (former First Team All-ACC)...and you're hoping he's Olivier Vernon, but lightening doesn't often strike as many times as Miami fans think it will. I hope he has a career, but my ceiling for the guy has been moved south significantly.

I hear you..but Daniel Jones just went 6. I belive Jackson will be a solid rotational guy in the league. My dolphins drafted a dude name charles harris at de and he cant hold joe jacks jock.
Dallas already took a DT. They’re probably going DB w next pick
Stack chips man the DL they have already can't stay out of trouble with failed drug tests etc (Randy Gregory ) oh well don't matter Jerry is stupid anyways they picked a RB / WR dude from Memphis
I disagree. You saw it in college - he's a heady player, but if he takes a misstep he's toast. That's only going to be compounded at the next level.

You’re exaggerating his flaws, majority of the safeties that have been drafted got bigger flaws than him... we can line up every safety from ICDC college or where ever that have been drafted so far and I bet his film and stats are better than the majority.
I hear you..but Daniel Jones just went 6. I belive Jackson will be a solid rotational guy in the league. My dolphins drafted a dude name charles harris at de and he cant hold joe jacks jock.

Dolphins are just terrible though
You’re exaggerating his flaws, majority of the safeties that have been drafted got bigger flaws than him... we can line up every safety from ICDC college or where ever that have been drafted so far and I bet his film and stats are better than the majority.
At the end of the day, I'm obviously a huge Canes fan and I wouldn't draft him until the 6th round at best. Probably not even then - he's a guy I'd like in camp to see how it shakes out, but I'm not spending resources on him.
Nice call leaving Joe Jackson. **** I don’t even think Homer will go till at least the 6th now. I thought he was definitely a 4th 5th round pick after he rolled his workouts.
You’re exaggerating his flaws, majority of the safeties that have been drafted got bigger flaws than him... we can line up every safety from ICDC college or where ever that have been drafted so far and I bet his film and stats are better than the majority.
I mean that's a pretty huge flaw to have. Couple that with below average speed, it totally makes sense why JJ hasnt been selected. If his film and stats are better then he should be on a team right now. Why isn't he?
This is madness. Teams must have really been turned off by Willis past, yet homeboy goes in the first round that’s a woman beater