OT: NFL Draft

Willis definitely had round 2-3 written all over him but the injury came at the worst time and he wasn’t able to workout which hurts his stock.
Willis definitely had round 2-3 written all over him but the injury came at the worst time and he wasn’t able to workout which hurts his stock.
I think his appearance and demeanor hurt him in interviews. He looks old. He is very low key. Comes off as old and tired. He will definitely out perform his draft position.
I think his appearance and demeanor hurt him in interviews. He looks old. He is very low key. Comes off as old and tired. He will definitely out perform his draft position.
What in the ****? Idk what it is with you people tonight and you stupid *** statements but he looks old and comes off as old and tired so we are gonna skip him?
What in the ****? Idk what it is with you people tonight and you stupid *** statements but he looks old and comes off as old and tired so we are gonna skip him?
Where do yall come up with this shît. Ashawn robinson from bama looked 45 and still was a 2nf round pick a couple years ago.
These NFL gms read into everything and outthink themselves all the time. When I spoke to Gerald he doesn’t come off as a firey intense dude. I think there will be a lot of teams regretting not picking him.
Tons of draft picks and cap space in 2020 for the Fins. If Rosen works out, great. If not, you're in a good position to take Tua/Herbert in 2020 or Lawrence in 2021. This trade just means they were never committed to a tank. This is the Dolphins we're talking about though so they'll probably go 7-9 again, forever stuck in mid round purgatory. Trading back softened the blow slightly but still left value on the table. His contract is cheap.
These NFL gms read into everything and outthink themselves all the time. When I spoke to Gerald he doesn’t come off as a firey intense dude. I think there will be a lot of teams regretting not picking him.
Ok then