OT: NFL Draft

Silly argument, Goff wasn’t worth a “2nd round pick” after his first year either and look how he blossomed. If Rosen came out this year in the draft at worst he would have been the 2nd qb taken imo
We don't have McVay
I'm with this guy. If Miami gives up a straight #48 by bidding against ourselves, it will be classic Miami - leaving value on the table in all scenarios.
Seriously, there is no other competition from reports. We're the only team in talks right now. Let AZ hold on to Rosen, they'll find out quickly that they won't want a cloud over their new #1 pick. Giving them a 2nd is bailing out AZ incompetency.
I'm with this guy. If Miami gives up a straight #48 by bidding against ourselves, it will be classic Miami - leaving value on the table in all scenarios.

Completely agree as well. If we want to take a flyer on Rosen with our 3rd round pick, I'm all for it. Take a chance with the 78th pick in the draft to see if a first round QB from last year's draft has some potential to help us in the future. But, to use our 2nd round pick, with lots of good players at positions of need still on the board, seems way too steep, ESPECIALLY when the only 2 teams that were showing interest in Rosen previously are out of the running for him.

If the Cardinals don't want to trade him for our 3rd, then let them deal with that situation going forward and we can deal with it on our end through this year's draft or next year's draft. We should have all the leverage here, as it's clear that we don't truly love Rosen, and feel he's definitely the answer, because if we did, we would have made the trade prior to the draft when the Redskins and Giants were still a threat for him.
I'm with this guy. If Miami gives up a straight #48 by bidding against ourselves, it will be classic Miami - leaving value on the table in all scenarios.

No one else seemingly wants him...and Rosen having a passive aggressive temper tantrum online probably isn't helping teams feel comfortable giving him a shot, I am sure.
Completely agree as well. If we want to take a flyer on Rosen with our 3rd round pick, I'm all for it. Take a chance with the 78th pick in the draft to see if a first round QB from last year's draft has some potential to help us in the future. But, to use our 2nd round pick, with lots of good players at positions of need still on the board, seems way too steep, ESPECIALLY when the only 2 teams that were showing interest in Rosen previously are out of the running for him.

If the Cardinals don't want to trade him for our 3rd, then let them deal with that situation going forward and we can deal with it on our end through this year's draft or next year's draft. We should have all the leverage here, as it's clear that we don't truly love Rosen, and feel he's definitely the answer, because if we did, we would have made the trade prior to the draft when the Redskins and Giants were still a threat for him.
Yessir. It's just a waste of juice to let Arizona off the hook with a straight #48. Let's add some more:

I looked at the picks before #78. I see teams that have a tremendous problem investing a 2nd rounder or early 3rd to have Rosen sit behind their current starter for a year or two. So, if as I've been told, the Pats or Chargers want to invest a #2 to have Rosen go over there, sulk, be a d*ckhead, and sit behind their HOF QBs, go for it. That's a risk we should be willing to take.
If I'm the Phins, I try as best as possible to take that #48 and drop back a bit. Pick up multiple picks and grab Trayvon Mullen a bit later in the 2nd round. Grab Joe Jackson later on. Build a terrifying young defense. And, be cool.

Image result for be cool pulp fiction gif
Yessir. It's just a waste of juice to let Arizona off the hook with a straight #48. Let's add some more:

I looked at the picks before #78. I see teams that have a tremendous problem investing a 2nd rounder or early 3rd to have Rosen sit behind their current starter for a year or two. So, if as I've been told, the Pats or Chargers want to invest a #2 to have Rosen go over there, sulk, be a d*ckhead, and sit behind their HOF QBs, go for it. That's a risk we should be willing to take.

If I'm the Phins, I try as best as possible to take that #48 and drop back a bit. Pick up multiple picks and grab Trayvon Mullen a bit later in the 2nd round. Grab Joe Jackson later on. Build a terrifying young defense. And, be cool.

Image result for be cool pulp fiction gif
I'm down with that. I like the way you're thinking here.
Silly argument, Goff wasn’t worth a “2nd round pick” after his first year either and look how he blossomed. If Rosen came out this year in the draft at worst he would have been the 2nd qb taken imo
The situation in LA is different from Arizona. LA didn't draft another QB. Arizona did and Miami should force the issue for Rosen to be traded for a 3rd Round pick. The pressure is on Arizona, not Miami in this case.
So Rosen would only cost Miami $700k a year since the signing bonus he signed with Arizona ($14mil) doesn't transfer over. Still don't want to part with #48 since I want an OL , Greg Little is my preferred pick, but it is making more sense to acquire him .

Supposedly, there is a deal in principle between Zona and Miami. Straight #48. Of course.
Yea, looks like Rosen will end up in Miami . If he turns out to be the goods having a starting QB for $700k against the cap is huge.
Yea, looks like Rosen will end up in Miami . If he turns out to be the goods having a starting QB for $700k against the cap is huge.
I'm not gonna rationalize this one. I still think we should call their bluff and let the chips fall where they may. Arizona can go get themselves another partner between 48 and 78 or they can get stuck with Rosen throwing a hissy fit in their locker room. F em.

The only team I can see making some realistic move between 48 and 78 right now is Denver. Got for it, Elway. Go get Rosen to sit behind Flacco with his arms crossed and pouting.
Supposedly, there is a deal in principle between Zona and Miami. Straight #48. Of course.
It'll assuredly be announced right when they display The Pick Is In and we're all getting our hopes up about which stud player who fell through the cracks will be selected by Miami.

A 2nd rounder for Josh Rosen under these circumstances (AZ has no leverage, there is no market for him, and we're trying to tank the season) is front office malpractice. I'm ****ed off just thinking about it.
If this scenario happens, would you all rather have drew lock or josh Rosen?
Lock. Tremendous arm and more of a leader than Rosen, which you want at QB. I didn't like Rosen last year's draft and I like him less now. Sure, some guys are able to break out after a bad rookie year (Goff) and others just need a change of scenery after being on a bad team their first year or two (Favre, Steve Young), but by and large a tiger doesn't change its stripes and Rosen played awful. I don't pin all his struggles on a bad OLine. Dude had David Johnson, Larry Fitzgerald, Christian Kirk, and others. He just flat out sucked. To me, he's a hard pass.