OT: Kapernick worse than Satan?

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Both parties are trash and put out trash candidates. LOL@ MAGAtards desperately trying to come up with justifications as to why they voted for a con-artist and his regime of clowns though. MAGAtards were more offended at Kap kneeling than they were at their fellow MAGAtard White Supremacists running over a woman with a car, tells you all you need to know.

You have lots of time on your hands don't you?
So it's not about winning, and about not being a distraction? Got it. Basically you can be trash and cause your teams to lose, but as long as you aren't a distraction, you will always have a place on this league.

Its about ticket sales and revenue. Plain and simple. The only color at play here is green.
it’s really not that far off from the original topic. If you want to debate the original post the Dolphins don’t need a “stopgap” qb they’ve been vocal about tanking for the first time in 15 years instead of going 8-8 every year (which is the worst thing you can do in professional sports).

From the standpoint of the owner, wouldn’t it be really stupid to isolate a majority of your city and local fan base by signing a guy who openly supports Castro? I mean dude it’s not rocket science signing him to the Dolphins is not a good idea from a couple standpoints.
I’ll bump this since I was called a bigot and got no response
So it's not about winning, and about not being a distraction? Got it. Basically you can be trash and cause your teams to lose, but as long as you aren't a distraction, you will always have a place on this league.

The nfl is a business. You think owners want to deal with the crap kap brings along with him? Its not about race. Its about money.

Kap isnt helping any team in the nfl win. So why bring him into your organization?

Im a Panthers fan. You think i care cam is black? **** no.
@HarrietTubmanCane dude are you or your butt buddies going to debate anyone that disagrees with you or are you going to continue to downvote and call people bigots for not agreeing with you ?

Don’t worry that side doesn’t have anything to debate. They only socialize within their echo chamber. They don’t think for themselves. I feel for them. Being used as pawns by the non profit industry complex. I used to rely on people like that for phone banks and canvassings, I’m embarrassed to say
The nfl is a business. You think owners want to deal with the crap kap brings along with him? Its not about race. Its about money.

Kap isnt helping any team in the nfl win. So why bring him into your organization?

Im a Panthers fan. You think i care cam is black? **** no.
I don't care what u think about cam being black or what.... Who cares....

Kaep has proven that he can help a team win with the right team. It's been proven.... Now can he? I doubt it very much, but it's bull**** he didn't get a chance but yet these trash *** QBs who have no business being on an NFL field keep getting chances over Kaep. That's the bull****. Ur not gonna win with trash *** QBs... Kap ain't a good qb but he **** sure isn't a trash *** qb
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Donald Trump ran a campaign based on insults and his base loved every single minute of it. You can't have rational discussions about anything with people like that.

Some of us were insulted by Pajama Boy’s campaign to destroy America disguised as hope and change, but we’re over it now.
Donald Trump ran a campaign based on insults and his base loved every single minute of it. You can't have rational discussions about anything with people like that.
You're proving my point. They've been crying for 30 years that they are being left behind. The minute someone finally listens to them, he/they get attacked. You better believe they're going to back the guy that gives him a voice.
Donald Trump ran a campaign based on insults and his base loved every single minute of it. You can't have rational discussions about anything with people like that.

Says the Palenstinian descended, BDS supporting, Linda Sarsour bestie, Congresswomen from Michigan's 13th District, "we are going to impeach the ************".

Ben Shapiro is holding for you on line 3. He is at Berkeley. Antifa douches want to talk to you afterwards.

This is too easy.
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I am truly baffled as to how people in 2019 don't grasp why Kaep is not on a roster and try and make these "he is better than this guy" arguments. At this point, his football abilities are not the sole determining factor. The NFL is a business. Period. Its owners have one goal: make money. The negative PR he would bring to a franchise at this point greatly outweighs the benefit his football talent would bring. So the argument that he should be on a team because "he is better than [insert name of qb on a roster here]" just doesn't hold water. That no name QB doesnt bring the same negative PR storm that Kaep does. If he did, he too wouldnt be on a roster. It's a simple cost benefit analysis balancing the negative PR with the positive contribution on the field, and every NFL owner has concluded it fails that analysis. If he was as good as Tom Brady he would have found his way onto another team. But he isn't a top tier QB, so at this point, he is never going to pass that cost benefit analysis to an owner even if they think he is a solid QB. I can get another similarly-good QB, or even one i think isnt quite as good, to be my backup and not bring that PR storm onto my franchise. Thats a no brainer.

Its mind boggling so many people can't grasp this. Now, you can make a much better personal argument that you think the sheer amount of negativity surrounding him is unjust. That at least is an argument that one can make hold water. Though it's one i personally disagree with as the disliking of Kaep goes well beyond just the kneeling issue. This is also a guy who wore pigs in police uniforms on his socks during warm ups, wore a castro shirt in a public appearance in miami, was **** close to being signed by the ravens before his girlfriend tweeted out a bunch of slavery BS about them, etc. Kaep is no innocent player in the storm of negativity that surrounds him.

But that wasn't my point... regardless of how we got here and whether it is fair or not, my point was towards those who STILL try and make the argument that he should be on a team because he is a better QB than some others in the league. Even if thats true, those others don't bring with them ****ed off fans canceling season tickets and people protesting and a whole sh-t show of controversy that Kaep now does. Whether that sh-t show of negativity is fair or not (or what one believes it is rooted in) is a different and valid discussion; but there is no arguing against the fact that is the reality if an owner decides to bring him in. And fair or not, it simply doesn't make sense as a business decision at this point. Its that simple. Now, if he were a generational talent I believe it would skew that cost benefit analysis in his favor and he would be on a team. But he's not; in fact, not even close. So its very easy to see why he is not on a team if you're able to set emotion aside and look at it objectively from the lens of a business decision.
Honestly to answer the question on why kaep isn’t on a roster is this post right here. His talent disparity is that far off from backups but it’s not worth the headache from the owners point of view, who is running a business not a sjw campaign.

People tend to forget how bad kaepernick was the last year and a half. Those who tend to think he’s a good qb are caught up in the nostalgia of 2013 when every zone read qb was god like status in the nfl (rg3, Wilson, Newton). Rg3 was the ultimate martyr to that due to the injury potential running that offense and the fact d-coordinators caught on to it.

Also the argument of going to a Super Bowl makes you a good qb is totally false.
Says the Palenstinian, BDS supporting, Congresswomen from Michigan, "we are gonna impeach that ************".

Ben Shapiro is holding for you on line 3. He is at Berkeley. Antifa douches want to talk to you afterwards.

This is too easy.


MAGAtards: I love how candid he is! He tells it like it is!:D:zczkqmritjdsoaq.jpg::p

"We are gonna impeach that ************"

MAGAtards: Why did the mean lady say a bad word?:mad::upset::ohlord:

By the way the body count remains:
White Supremacists/Neo-***** - 1
Antifa - 0
Talking about Kapernick, he was a mediocre NFL QB that showed flashes of above average play.

And honestly? I really didn't care if he was standing, kneeling, or going N'kosi and banging a broad during the national anthem.

Freedom of speech and all that.

You stand because you *want* to stand. Not because you are *forced* to.

I honestly thought the whole thing was much ado about nothing. I stand for it. Being formerly in the Air Force, I still salute. But a guy not wanting to stand for it is his problem; not mine.
Don’t worry that side doesn’t have anything to debate. They only socialize within their echo chamber. They don’t think for themselves. I feel for them. Being used as pawns by the non profit industry complex. I used to rely on people like that for phone banks and canvassings, I’m embarrassed to say
I commend his self-awareness. Most don't realize when they're bringing a knife to a gun fight.
Nah don’t worry he’s too wOkE to debate, since we haven’t had our third eye opened we aren’t worthy or debating him.

MAGAtards: I love how candid he is! He tells it like it is!:D:zczkqmritjdsoaq.jpg::p

"We are gonna impeach that ************"

MAGAtards: Why did the mean lady say a bad word?:mad::upset::ohlord:

By the way the body count when it comes to public acts remains:
White Supremacists/Neo-***** - 1
Antifa - 0

Well thats because Antifa are little beta male pu$$ies who participate in ******* drum circles. Antifa douches couldnt beat up a girl scout troop they outnumbered 50:1.

I can keep facts up all day.
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