OT: Electric only cars!

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Senile Senior
Nov 7, 2011
Does anyone here have an all electric vehicle? I've considered one but seeing the range they have before a recharge is discouraging. At the pump I might spend 5 minutes refilling whereas even the rapid chargers take 15 minutes but can take a lot longer per reviews I've read. I can't imagine driving one from Miami to LA.
Also my power hand tools work great for a while but eventually the batteries weaken or won't charge, how long can the batteries last in an all electric?
They have 2 vehicle charge stations at the hospital I volunteer at and 2 isn't enough as they are always occupied. How many charge stations are at the Tesla spots? Adding wait time to charge time seems to be a possibility as more people buy electric. I'm hoping the fuel cell technology works out. Iceland has the best options as far as I can see with many hydrogen fueling stations.
Not to be all negative, I see they really accelerate fast, they are quiet and in the city function well. Especially Tesla has lots of good features.
I know lots of people that have Hybrids and they make more sense with the current available options but a Tesla with a 200 mile range (optimally) doesn't seem ideal. Thoughts?
Hold out as long as you can. 10 years ice car companies will be gone/ bankrupt.
2 years ideal. You’ll be good. Charge at your house and have a self driving car. 500 miles a charge.
Who else but fraggle

Confused Curb Your Enthusiasm GIF
Does anyone here have an all electric vehicle? I've considered one but seeing the range they have before a recharge is discouraging. At the pump I might spend 5 minutes refilling whereas even the rapid chargers take 15 minutes but can take a lot longer per reviews I've read. I can't imagine driving one from Miami to LA.
Also my power hand tools work great for a while but eventually the batteries weaken or won't charge, how long can the batteries last in an all electric?
They have 2 vehicle charge stations at the hospital I volunteer at and 2 isn't enough as they are always occupied. How many charge stations are at the Tesla spots? Adding wait time to charge time seems to be a possibility as more people buy electric. I'm hoping the fuel cell technology works out. Iceland has the best options as far as I can see with many hydrogen fueling stations.
Not to be all negative, I see they really accelerate fast, they are quiet and in the city function well. Especially Tesla has lots of good features.
I know lots of people that have Hybrids and they make more sense with the current available options but a Tesla with a 200 mile range (optimally) doesn't seem ideal. Thoughts?

Not to get P-analytical, but you will see a lot of tax incentives and other breaks (faster depreciation) that will soon be in place for electric charging equipment and stations, so I would expect a boom of new construction. They don't take long to build.

Batteries are getting higher capacity and efficiency, so if you buy a new vehicle, you have the capability of paying for a nice mileage range, but yeah, a full charge still takes a while. That's why you are starting to see a lot of places build charging stations that are not traditional gas stations, places like restaurants/hotels. That way, if you drive Miami to LA, you plan some stops, get some food, stay overnight, etc. and then you minimize the time you are waiting to recharge.

I have several friends with Teslas, if you are driving locally, just recharge every night, and if you drive a distance, spend a bit of time planning the route.
Does anyone here have an all electric vehicle? I've considered one but seeing the range they have before a recharge is discouraging. At the pump I might spend 5 minutes refilling whereas even the rapid chargers take 15 minutes but can take a lot longer per reviews I've read. I can't imagine driving one from Miami to LA.
Also my power hand tools work great for a while but eventually the batteries weaken or won't charge, how long can the batteries last in an all electric?
They have 2 vehicle charge stations at the hospital I volunteer at and 2 isn't enough as they are always occupied. How many charge stations are at the Tesla spots? Adding wait time to charge time seems to be a possibility as more people buy electric. I'm hoping the fuel cell technology works out. Iceland has the best options as far as I can see with many hydrogen fueling stations.
Not to be all negative, I see they really accelerate fast, they are quiet and in the city function well. Especially Tesla has lots of good features.
I know lots of people that have Hybrids and they make more sense with the current available options but a Tesla with a 200 mile range (optimally) doesn't seem ideal. Thoughts?
Older Teslas have 200-ish mile range. New (all models) exceed by sunstantial degree.

Recharge at home (you dont get hit with commercial account demand rates) and if driving Intra/interstate, plan your route from charger to charger accordingly (prepare to be patient and remain flexible).

Near term L Ion batts are where its at, but hydrogen will very likely overtake in farther out future.

Rumor is most ICE production lines of traditional manufacturers have been valued to $0 essentially for 2021 tax year.

Daily drive around town--don't suffer range anxiety but you must remember to plug in each night.

We are in awkward adopt/adopt to early phase of development, but the sunrise of electrification/hydrogen is here as ICE is sunsetting.
I'd like to see more hybrids in the short term. Give technology time to increase battery life and let the power grid catch up. There's a serious weakness there in terms of peak capacity, equipment age and infrastructure vulnerability. It would be nice if we could move to more nuclear and less coal/oil also.
I have had Teslas for many years and I love them, and after many years of hemming and hawing, my wife got a Tesla Y and its the best car she has ever driven. A few years from now, you will have lots of choices, but as of today, Tesla is by far the best option. In addition to the range now being 300+ miles for the Y and 3 and over 400 for the S and X, their supercharger network takes a lot of the range anxiety out of a long trip. No trips to the gas station, oil changes, filter changes, etc etc.

p.s. The upcoming Plaid S will have a range of 500 miles, and the upcoming Roadster 600 miles. At well over $100K for each, only Alabama football players will be able to afford though.
Y’all trying to save the planet with electric cars. What you gonna do with all those batteries? **** my employer has a special spot for flashlight batteries because you can’t throw them in the landfill. Lithium is not forever. Where you putting all the dead batteries from this plan. ? Smh
Y’all trying to save the planet with electric cars. What you gonna do with all those batteries? **** my employer has a special spot for flashlight batteries because you can’t throw them in the landfill. Lithium is not forever. Where you putting all the dead batteries from this plan. ? Smh

For me at least, and my wife, Teslas are simply way more fun to drive than a gas car or a hybrid plus it has a number of other advantages. Essentially, the other car manufacturers are years behind in the technology, which is why you are now seeing GM and Ford commit ridiculous amounts of money to EV's.
Regarding Lucid, I don’t think that’s very helpful, it’s a $150,000 car, that has/will have very low availability for at least a year. The lower priced models $70,000+ won’t even be available until 2022 or later and even though they’re taking “reservations” who knows what the actual scale-up and availability will be.

@JD08 is on the right track, and you also mentioned it yourself, @fraggle. Right now, hybrids are the most practical option for what you’re talking about. Teslas are fine, but not for extra long car trips, especially in non-urban and rural areas where you have to plan your driving route like Lewis and Clark.
My wife picking up an all electric charger srt 392 tomorrow.
She drops her right foot at it makes this loud glorious sound out of the exhaust.
She needs to get to soccer and gymnastics practice in a hurry
Supercharger map:

Also, Tesla has been building next gen charging stations that give you a very good charge in 30 minutes or less.
Serious question. Who on here thinks the word "politics" rhymes with the word "analytics?"

Did y'all not watch Sesame Street or something?
I am responsible for that and the only thing for me that came close to political is analytical.

No I didn’t watch Sesame Street, I watched Rocky @ Bullwinkle, Speed Racer, Johnny Quest and Underdog with some Villa Alegre thrown in.
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