OT: Did We Know Jake Wieclaw Was A Pervert?

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has a future in politics in alabama.

Why stop there, dude could be President.

here come the liberal scumbags

kill youselves at the same **** time!

Obviously Just Duval's latest troll job, nobody's this stupid. Dudes been trolling all week.

I don't know how he hasn't caught a band yet

Could be the lead rusty trombone player in the band.
Based on the outrage and annoyance that follows Duval's posts, it's more than obvious that his ****** trolls are having no effect.
Why stop there, dude could be President.

If you’re a Trump hater, just don’t forget who he was running against. That’s a YUGE reason why he won. Hillary has **** all over her face spanning decades and is the single biggest shamefully unapologetic, liar, hypocritic, phony, reptilian POS I will HOPEFULLY ever know of in my entire life. She has been exposed tirelessly and the sheep still choose to flock to her. Well boys, she’s done.

I love how I got a downvote. I’m not the biggest Trump apologist but Hillary is factually indefensible. Keep letting your petty emotions flow over logic. If you educate yourselves on the facts and her history, again, you cannot defend her.
has a future in politics in alabama.

Why stop there, dude could be President.

here come the liberal scumbags

kill youselves at the same **** time!

Obviously Just Duval's latest troll job, nobody's this stupid. Dudes been trolling all week.

I don't know how he hasn't caught a band yet

What have I done to warrant a band?

You guys are coming after me unprovoked.


Is really bad, fūcked up trolling all you do?

Literally every one of your porsts is a shītty troll attempt. Sad thing is, you’re not funny, or even mildly amusing, just stupid and obnoxious.

If you’re going to troll, do it right. Because all your attempts have been pathetic and have zero entertainment value, they’re just stupid, annoying and obnoxious.

Lol it sounds like he's trolling quite effectively to me.
Why stop there, dude could be President.

If you’re a Trump hater, just don’t forget who he was running against. That’s a YUGE reason why he won. Hillary has **** all over her face spanning decades and is the single biggest shamefully unapologetic, liar, hypocritic, phony, reptilian POS I will HOPEFULLY ever know of in my entire life. She has been exposed tirelessly and the sheep still choose to flock to her. Well boys, she’s done.

Uh oh looks like someone is


Y’all social media hipsters and your ‘triggered’ BS has me dying. You’re all the same. You lack any ability or willingness to debate with someone with a differing opinion. I’m a Marine boy, trust me, I don’t get ‘triggered’ over stupid bull****. Just trying to have a logical conversation but all you have to offer is, “ooohhhhh, someone’s triggered”... you wouldn’t last a day in my world. Your username sounds astoundingly fitting. That’s all I’m going to say. Have a good day and go Canes.
Jax Teller’s a Cane;3102399 said:

Y’all social media hipsters and your ‘triggered’ BS has me dying. You’re all the same. You lack any ability or willingness to debate with someone with a differing opinion. I’m a Marine boy, trust me, I don’t get ‘triggered’ over stupid bull****. Just trying to have a logical conversation but all you have to offer is, “ooohhhhh, someone’s triggered”... you wouldn’t last a day in my world. That’s all I’m going to say. Have a good day and go Canes.

Well said. These young neutered and spayed millennials are going to be the death of the West

We had a good run

I bet dude posted that gif with a Che shirt on
Jax Teller’s a Cane;3102399 said:

Y’all social media hipsters and your ‘triggered’ BS has me dying. You’re all the same. You lack any ability or willingness to debate with someone with a differing opinion. I’m a Marine boy, trust me, I don’t get ‘triggered’ over stupid bull****. Just trying to have a logical conversation but all you have to offer is, “ooohhhhh, someone’s triggered”... you wouldn’t last a day in my world. That’s all I’m going to say. Have a good day and go Canes.

Well said. These young neutered and spayed millennials are going to be the death of the West

We had a good run

I bet dude posted that gif with a Che shirt on

I didn't mention a political affiliation, an age range, or a specific candidate and here you both are, bed wetting on the internet.

What kind of degenerate would think there was anything wrong with grabbing women by the ****?

There is a reason Trump and Clinton were 1 and 2 of the most unpopular presidential candidates in this countries history. If he was running against anyone besides Hillary, it’s safe to say he would have lost.
Jax Teller’s a Cane;3102437 said:
What kind of degenerate would think there was anything wrong with grabbing women by the ****?

There is a reason Trump and Clinton were 1 and 2 of the most unpopular presidential candidates in this countries history. If he was running against anyone besides Hillary, it’s safe to say he would have lost.

Silent majority that polled for Trump doesn't prove your point.
Silent majority that polled for Trump doesn't prove your point.

The silent majority was definitely a major factor, but that tape wasn’t released until he already killed all the Republicans. He doesn’t make it out of the primaries with it. Again, BECAUSE of that tape, his final political opposition played a huge role in his win. Hillary has been exposed for **** on a whole other scale than just some tape about sexual harrasment. She is still being investigated, and should be. Her reaction to the FBI getting involved are all classic, textbook red flags of a guilty individual.

And I’m only talking politics because this thread is already a dumpster fire to begin with so I’m not really derailing anything here. :sneakiness:
has a future in politics in alabama.

Why stop there, dude could be President.

here come the liberal scumbags

kill youselves at the same **** time!

Right, takes a scumbag to remember the time he talked, on tape, about grabbing women by the ****. What kind of degenerate would think there was anything wrong with grabbing women by the ****?

Its hard to believe that anyone let that particular conversation affect how they felt about Trump. At least any real male. Who doesnt talk **** to a worm like Bush? There are PLENTY of reasons to hate Trump, but this one was probably the least of them.
has a future in politics in alabama.

Why stop there, dude could be President.

here come the liberal scumbags

kill youselves at the same **** time!

Right, takes a scumbag to remember the time he talked, on tape, about grabbing women by the ****. What kind of degenerate would think there was anything wrong with grabbing women by the ****?

Its hard to believe that anyone let that particular conversation affect how they felt about Trump. At least any real male. Who doesnt talk **** to a worm like Bush? There are PLENTY of reasons to hate Trump, but this one was probably the least of them.

Of course not, the faux morality the right has and the complete hypocrisy of the evangelicals means no one was going to flip flop their vote after hearing a guy brag about sexually assaulting women, followed by what 20 women confirming those brags.

Because abortion or something and the Supreme Court.
has a future in politics in alabama.

Why stop there, dude could be President.

here come the liberal scumbags

kill youselves at the same **** time!

Right, takes a scumbag to remember the time he talked, on tape, about grabbing women by the ****. What kind of degenerate would think there was anything wrong with grabbing women by the ****?

Its hard to believe that anyone let that particular conversation affect how they felt about Trump. At least any real male. Who doesnt talk **** to a worm like Bush? There are PLENTY of reasons to hate Trump, but this one was probably the least of them.

You're wise indeed
Jax Teller’s a Cane;3102375 said:
Jax Teller’s a Cane;3102342 said:
Why stop there, dude could be President.

If you’re a Trump hater, just don’t forget who he was running against. That’s a YUGE reason why he won. Hillary has **** all over her face spanning decades and is the single biggest shamefully unapologetic, liar, hypocritic, phony, reptilian POS I will HOPEFULLY ever know of in my entire life. She has been exposed tirelessly and the sheep still choose to flock to her. Well boys, she’s done.

I love how I got a downvote. I’m not the biggest Trump apologist but Hillary is factually indefensible. Keep letting your petty emotions flow over logic. If you educate yourselves on the facts and her history, again, you cannot defend her.

I've educated myself and trump has been and is worse for this country than cancer.
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