OT: Deerfield Beach football player shot to death

Da **** you talking about ?? It can happen anywhere in the world yea Australia or wherever too what a dumbazz ignorant statement!
Firstly, stop it. This craziness only happens in the United States...consistently.

I’ve actually lived in Australia For years...and Europe and Hong Kong...for YEARS! I’m not a talking head; I see the difference. I love America but this country is insane. Everybody on medication for something, lots of mental illness in this country, and many carrying weapons....it’s a crazy combo. Live abroad for a while and you’ll see. And Im not saying some military ****...living on a base or being a military brat...TRULY live and work abroad and then come see me. The difference is humongous.

My reaction was not in the moment. My ex and I discussed this many times, and 3 years ago we made the decision. We will not, under any circumstances allow our son to live in the United States. After he’s 18 he can make his own decisions but we won’t ever allow him to live here, so long as we have a say.
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Firstly, stop it. This craziness only happens in the United States...consistently.

I’ve actually lived in Australia For years...and Europe and Hong Kong...for YEARS! I’m not a talking head; I see the difference. I love America but this country is insane. Everybody on medication for something, lots of mental illness in this country, and many carrying weapons....it’s a crazy combo. Live abroad for a while and you’ll see. And Im not saying some military ****...living on a base or being a military brat...TRULY live and work abroad and then come see me. The difference is humongous.

My reaction was not in the moment. My ex and I discussed this many times, and 3 years ago we made the decision. We will not, under any circumstances allow our son to live in the United States. After he’s 18 he can make his own decisions but we won’t ever allow him to live here, so long as we have a say.



For anything close-- you need to go to Middle East, Warlord zones of Africa and South America...

Gang Bangers and MAGA gun-nuts...

All bunch of wannabe tough guys who want to do the shooting but to POOSY to sign up and go to war because they afraid people can shoot back...


For anything close-- you need to go to Middle East, Warlord zones of Africa and South America...

Gang Bangers and MAGA gun-nuts...

All bunch of wannabe tough guys who want to do the shooting but to POOSY to sign up and go to war because they afraid people can shoot back...
Truth, truth...TRUTH!


For anything close-- you need to go to Middle East, Warlord zones of Africa and South America...

Gang Bangers and MAGA gun-nuts...

All bunch of wannabe tough guys who want to do the shooting but to POOSY to sign up and go to war because they afraid people can shoot back...

The bolded statement is 100% wrong. I really can't speak for the MAGA gun nuts, but the "gang bangers" are not "too scared to go to war where people can shoot back". You are MUCH more likely to get killed as a gang banger, than as a US soldier. The US soldiers are better trained, have better support, better tech, etc by far than anyone they are going against. Gang Bangers are going to be going against people with similar tech on a regular basis. Which is significantly more dangerous than raiding an ISIS base. And when they aren't going against an equal level gang banger, they are severely out gunned, out manned, and out trained when they go against the police or anything like that.
The bolded statement is 100% wrong. I really can't speak for the MAGA gun nuts, but the "gang bangers" are not "too scared to go to war where people can shoot back". You are MUCH more likely to get killed as a gang banger, than as a US soldier. The US soldiers are better trained, have better support, better tech, etc by far than anyone they are going against. Gang Bangers are going to be going against people with similar tech on a regular basis. Which is significantly more dangerous than raiding an ISIS base. And when they aren't going against an equal level gang banger, they are severely out gunned, out manned, and out trained when they go against the police or anything like that.
His larger point went way over your head. He’s talking about war and how these factions will likely shrink under the Spector of something real (going up against certified hard men) not minor skirmishes or “hood beef”
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The bolded statement is 100% wrong. I really can't speak for the MAGA gun nuts, but the "gang bangers" are not "too scared to go to war where people can shoot back". You are MUCH more likely to get killed as a gang banger, than as a US soldier. The US soldiers are better trained, have better support, better tech, etc by far than anyone they are going against. Gang Bangers are going to be going against people with similar tech on a regular basis. Which is significantly more dangerous than raiding an ISIS base. And when they aren't going against an equal level gang banger, they are severely out gunned, out manned, and out trained when they go against the police or anything like that.

Driving by and shooting up a bunch of bros hanging on the corner is NOTHING REMOTELY like roving around some unknown territory KNOWING THERE ARE OTHER KILL TRAINED GUYS roving around looking to kill you as well...


And here's the thing-- those are the REAL ENEMIES...

Not people with your same blood, language, culture and history....

Gang Bangers are MORE STUPID than even the MAGA dip****s.

MAGA morons are killing who they think are their "enemies"...

Gang bangers kil their OWN PEOPLE -- OFTEN OVER NOTHING .... STUPID AS ***...


For anything close-- you need to go to Middle East, Warlord zones of Africa and South America...

Gang Bangers and MAGA gun-nuts...

All bunch of wannabe tough guys who want to do the shooting but to POOSY to sign up and go to war because they afraid people can shoot back...

GUN MURDER is a misleading stat.

Russia’s murder rate is several times higher.

We have a severe cultural problem that goes far beyond the tools people decide to murder each other with.

This country was literally conceived by the gun and born in bloodshed. THAT is the American way.

We owned people ias CATTLE, not indentured servants, but life long property. We use fake charity and altruism to cover for dog eat dog, ruthless capitalism.

People are losing their minds under nutritional deficiencies, toxic poisoning in the food, air, water, and common consumer products, and depraved social structure that places money and status above human dignity.

You thought America won independence from Britain? Nope. They gave us the guise of self rule to control or money system and use us as a farm of free wealth. You thought Lincoln freed the slaves? Nope. They just outlawed involuntary servitude and made it voluntary. Thus your birth certificate and obligation to pay taxes.

This country was a corporation of the Crown of England created to generate wealth for the monarchs and banking cartel. NOTHING HAS CHANGED except the illusion of choice perpetrated by our bipartisan system of neo extremist government.

Don’t try to blame a lifeless tool for the misery of American life. Our problems are much deeper, complicated and scarier than that simpleminded bullshyt.
His larger point went way over your head. He’s talking about war and how these factions will likely shrink under the Spector of something real (going up against certified hard men) not minor skirmishes or “hood beef”

His point did not go over my head. That is why I only disagreed with his bolded part. Are you trying to say "gangsters are ******* because they wouldn't dare go up against tanks and airplanes?" That isn't even close to true. "gangsters" go up against highly trained police officers with high tech weaponry, knowing they are almost certainly going to lose. None of these guys would be afraid to fight an untrained ISIS guy with an AK, after going through boot/basic, training in their MOS, and being deployed with much better weaponry and surrounded by much better trained troops.
Driving by and shooting up a bunch of bros hanging on the corner is NOTHING REMOTELY like roving around some unknown territory KNOWING THERE ARE OTHER KILL TRAINED GUYS roving around looking to kill you as well...


And here's the thing-- those are the REAL ENEMIES...

Not people with your same blood, language, culture and history....

Gang Bangers are MORE STUPID than even the MAGA dip****s.

MAGA morons are killing who they think are their "enemies"...

Gang bangers kil their OWN PEOPLE -- OFTEN OVER NOTHING .... STUPID AS ***...

WTF are you talking about. The difference in training between the US military compared to our current opponents is vastly greater than the difference in training between 2 different gangs. Not to mention the fact that they are at a much greater disadvantage when going against the cops than the US has been in any conflict ever in our history. The closest is probably the revolutionary war and even then the the British Empire advantage wasn't even close to as vast as the police compared to gang bangers advantage.

I am not saying they are smart or great americans for joining gangs. I am simply saying they are not "afraid to go to war" or whatever the **** you are trying to insinuate.

If they are willing to to shoot it out with trained cops or equally trained/equipped gang members. They would have no problem fighting schittily trained isis guys with AKs driving around Toyotas . After they make it through basic/boot, get trained in their MOS, get equipped with superior weaponry, and get deployed with their significantly better trained allies.
This was supposed to be posted for us to pray for the victims, family, friends and teachers of this young man, not talk crime rates, black on black crime, misled stats, military vs "da hood" and MAGA hats.

His point did not go over my head. That is why I only disagreed with his bolded part. Are you trying to say "gangsters are ******* because they wouldn't dare go up against tanks and airplanes?" That isn't even close to true. "gangsters" go up against highly trained police officers with high tech weaponry, knowing they are almost certainly going to lose. None of these guys would be afraid to fight an untrained ISIS guy with an AK, after going through boot/basic, training in their MOS, and being deployed with much better weaponry and surrounded by much better trained troops.
Your points are extremity immature. Read what you just wrote, and then say it out loud and then see if it makes sense.
Your points are extremity immature. Read what you just wrote, and then say it out loud and then see if it makes sense.

Nothing I said was "immature". I am literally just stating proof of why these guys are not "afraid of bullets" or whatever he was insinuating. I am not saying they are a benefit to society. There are plenty of disrespectful things to say about them, but at least choose something that makes sense. I don't like Jeff Bezos, but I wouldn't call him dumb, since he isn't.
Your points are extremity immature. Read what you just wrote, and then say it out loud and then see if it makes sense.

This was supposed to be posted for us to pray for the victims, family, friends and teachers of this young man, not talk crime rates, black on black crime, misled stats, military vs "da hood" and MAGA hats.


Horrific. Prayers for this young soul and those who mourn him. Cannot imagine his mother who lost her father and son in the span of a week. Dear God.
His point did not go over my head. That is why I only disagreed with his bolded part. Are you trying to say "gangsters are ******* because they wouldn't dare go up against tanks and airplanes?" That isn't even close to true. "gangsters" go up against highly trained police officers with high tech weaponry, knowing they are almost certainly going to lose. None of these guys would be afraid to fight an untrained ISIS guy with an AK, after going through boot/basic, training in their MOS, and being deployed with much better weaponry and surrounded by much better trained troops.
Look at the large picture. Symmetrical warfare vs asymmetrical warfare/strategies are two wholly different animals. Deploying an asymmetrical strategy can take down a conventional military force any day of the week; it’s happened many times.

Look closely at Bien Phu, the battle of Algiers, Vietnam wars, or the Peloponnesian war. ****, look more recently at the Afghanis vs the Soviets or Taliban vs USA in Afghani terrain.
Look at the large picture. Symmetrical warfare vs asymmetrical warfare/strategies are two wholly different animals. Deploying an asymmetrical strategy can take down a conventional military force any day of the week; it’s happened many times.

Look closely at Bien Phu, the battle of Algiers, Vietnam wars, or the Peloponnesian war. ****, look more recently at the Afghanis vs the Soviets or Taliban vs USA in Afghani terrain.
At this point, you seem to just be arguing because you don't want to admit your original statement was complete nonsense.

I would love for you to ask a US military member this question. "Which battle do you think would be more 'fair'? ISIS vs the US? Or bloods vs crips in Brooklyn?" They are going to laugh their *** off at a question like this.

If given the option between training with the US army and getting deployed to the middle east as an infantrymen or being dropped in East New York wearing red with a Hi Point 9mm and a couple of other guys with similar weaponry also wearing red. I would take getting deployed to the middle east in a heart beat.

What percentage of the US military get killed each year? What percentage of gang in inner cities get murdered/locked up each year?
At this point, you seem to just be arguing because you don't want to admit your original statement was complete nonsense.

I would love for you to ask a US military member this question. "Which battle do you think would be more 'fair'? ISIS vs the US? Or bloods vs crips in Brooklyn?" They are going to laugh their *** off at a question like this.

If given the option between training with the US army and getting deployed to the middle east as an infantrymen or being dropped in East New York wearing red with a Hi Point 9mm and a couple of other guys with similar weaponry also wearing red. I would take getting deployed to the middle east in a heart beat.

What percentage of the US military get killed each year? What percentage of gang in inner cities get murdered/locked up each year?

Just know I’m a former US diplomat (Foreign Service Officer) before you decide to go any further with this. Did that before going into finance and B-school. I’m assuming you’re a teen...I’ve got about 30 years on you.

My ex wife? Same exact job that I used to have, but she works for the Aussie Government. We both really like the US, but raising our son here is absolutely out of the question. The gun violence , pill popping and mental health issues have made America weird. Australia and many other countries are much better locations to raise a child.

And I’m not just some dude talking crap on a message board. Worked under two different administrations and I have a deep understanding of geopolitics and military strategy. I did this stuff for a living and worked with intelligence officers and US military for years...was actually trained, studied the disciplines in grad school, was posted abroad, and did this in the real world at the highest levels.
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I’m a former US diplomat, just so you know, and before you decide to go any further with this

I appreciate your service to the country. That is very commendable. So I am sure you can get in contact with some military members from inner cities and ask them if they think ISIS is a bigger threat to the US Army the the bloods are to the crips.