OT: Beirut Explosion

Does it just “blowup” or does it need an ignition?
If it was contaminated, it could become explosive more easily - it could be enough to get it going.

If the warehouse wasn't climate controlled, a higher temperature would make it easier to detonate.

If it is indeed ammonium nitrate.

It's a strong oxidizer and these chemicals can be nasty.

Hydrogen peroxide is also a strong oxidizer - especially when concentrated - 50% plus.

It can combust your leather shoes if you accidentally spill some on them, for example.

Most people don't come into contact with the really nasty chemicals in life - unless they happen to be located too close to a chemical plant.

Or a warehouse in Beirut, apparently.
And this is what a chemical plant explosion looks like...

This one killed a high school friend a year younger than me. I graduated with his sister. Some of the family still haven’t recovered. He was a little guy on the field as an RB but played big.

First explosion was caused by Gabriel anti ship missile of Israel, The second explosion was caused by Israeli Delilah missile from F16. Tactical nuclear weapon. The BS cover story it was a ship carrying fireworks. This is a crime against humanity

So you’re saying the Israelis did it. In real big print, no less. What makes you say this?
I don't know. Even Trump said it looked like an attack. Those weren't fireworks, and bombs don't go off by themselves.
It was an attack no doubt....I just dont see Israel doing it without consulting with the U.S. given their relationship. Its not like its unusual to have radical factions living in the same country as the leadership they oppose.
"It was an attack no doubt"

Lebanon said it wasnt an attack. Terrorist groups in the area have declined any involvement into this. Israel has offered aid and Lebanon has accepted them already.

Fireworks went off before the big explosion happened. It was a storage full of highly explosive material that is being used to build fireworks. People said that the fire started in a fireworks factory near that storage. Its not the first time this has happened.

The only big one who came out and said "This looked like an attack, according to my great and superb generals" was Trump... and apparently, US defense officials have no clue what he is talking about.

First explosion was caused by Gabriel anti ship missile of Israel, The second explosion was caused by Israeli Delilah missile from F16. Tactical nuclear weapon. The BS cover story it was a ship carrying fireworks. This is a crime against humanity

I'm no nuclear physicist, but I'm pretty sure that a nuclear explosion leaves a large amount of radioactivity behind that's easily detected by Geiger counters.

You might want to rethink your choice of font here.