OT: Adam Googly Eyes Gase

Good OC, not HC material. I watched a couple of minutes of his presser and had to turn the channel. Those eyes were freakin' me out!
Good OC, not HC material. I watched a couple of minutes of his presser and had to turn the channel. Those eyes were freakin' me out!
Was never in the game. Only in the offense. Can't do that and be a head coach. He had full personnel power and he got rid of his alphas
The funny part is not even the eyes, it's the dude on his left that keeps looking at him like, "wtf bro, are you OK?" LOL.
Gase is a piece of ****. I give all the vets in that locker room until halfway through his first season there before it's lost. He only likes yes men.

I really don't get the allure with an offensive minded coach who has never ran an elite offense. His offenses in Chicago and Miami were consistently rated in the bottom half of the league, and he has no idea how to put together a staff (see Matt Burke, Loggans, the OL coach, etc.)

And we're not even discussing actually coaching.... Worst game planner I've witnessed.
It looks like someone is blowing him under the table and he's trying to play it off like nothing's happening
As a dolphins fan I liked him. His problem is he is too stubborn. Wouldnt draft a qb and lived and died with Tannehill. Also he is full of excuses. Once said the dolphins were bad on the road because "every team they played on the road was hot at the moment they played them". I think he is a good coach just not a superbowl level coach
This is pretty much it right here. He has the potential to be great and I suspect he'll do a bit better w the Jets bc he has a better QB. But man is he stubborn.