Olsen suspended for failed drug test SMH

100%. Im as big a marijuana supporter as you'll find but this is spot on. There are alot of chances i pass up because of marijuana and my feelings about it but if i was given the chance to play football at any level beyond high school i would quit smoking without even thinking about it, let alone playing at Miami.

That being said lets not forget the hypocrisy here. If you swapped the weed with alcohol we wouldnt being talking about a 1 game suspension and nobody would be saying hes immature and all that jazz. He would be having the "college experience." Would you rather your players going out and getting drunk or staying in and smoking a few bowls?
Thank u....never had a DUI or any other issue happen from weed that alcohol causes. Instead of drunks beating their wives, they smoke and munch and nap. Just like alcohol prohibition, weed is coming around and IMO alcohol should be banned. I've seen the medicinal benefits first hand of marijuana. The ONLY argument opposers have is inhaling smoke which has been settled with pills, drinks, food etc. Not only do we not spend $ fighting it and prosecuting it but we gain the tax dollars. Absolute no brainer and may be the only way to help liquidate the debt this moron Obama has caused our generations of relatives to pay

Yep, people fail to realize that the culture around Marijuana use and alcohol use is night and day. For a vast amount of weed users its a mellow, calming experience. Your not totally inebriated like you are alcohol, you still have control of yourself. Think about the number of times we hear about a athlete getting in trouble at a club or a bar. Why would you want your players losing control of themselves and being around other people who have limited control of themselves? Or they can invite a few friends over, match a few bowls and get down on some video games and munchies.

The simple truth is that marijuana is safer then alcohol in every way shape and form, yet we punish the kids who chose to to do the safer intoxicant just because the big bad government says so.

I agree with that the government definitely wants to get their hands on it.

I said it a long Time ago...make it legal and tax the **** out of it
That's what Washington and Colorado are doing, and the rest of the states are just watching to see how it pans out, which has been successful thus far. It's still illegal, and even if it was legal, the NCAA would never allow these kids to use it, and they shouldn't. The only reason I think weed should be legal, is because we spend way too much trying to fight it, and too many people are in prison for such a stupid thing, and it would make a good amount of money. But I still think it is a gateway drug if you use too much. And don't even say there's no proof ppl who smoke move on to other things, because I know for a fact it can happen easily.

IF a gateway drug exists (which i dont believe) it would be alcohol, not marijuana.
According to WQAM host and NBC 6 anchor Adam Kuperstein, Miami Hurricanes quarterback Kevin Olsen will be suspended for at least one game this season for failing a drug test. The report has not been confirmed by the University of Miami and comes amid an intense battle for the starting quarterback job.

Olsen, a highly touted freshman out of New Jersey, is the brother of former Hurricane great Greg Olsen, now a tight end for the Panthers. He did not register any playing time last season and was redshirted to preserve eligibility.

ESPN rated him as the No. 4 high school quarterback in the 2012

Dear Kevin "Baby Jesus" Olsen,

You wanted to phucking walk around these roaches
These ni$$as is roaches!
These ni$$as is mere mother****in' mortals!
I'm tryna push you to supreme being
You don't wanna motherphuckin'
You don't wanna embrace your destiny!
You wanna get by
You don't wanna go into the motherphuckin' dark
Where it's lonely
You can't handle the motherphuckin', the pain
Of the motherphuckin' not knowin' when the **** is gonna stop!




According to WQAM host and NBC 6 anchor Adam Kuperstein, Miami Hurricanes quarterback Kevin Olsen will be suspended for at least one game this season for failing a drug test. The report has not been confirmed by the University of Miami and comes amid an intense battle for the starting quarterback job.

Olsen, a highly touted freshman out of New Jersey, is the brother of former Hurricane great Greg Olsen, now a tight end for the Panthers. He did not register any playing time last season and was redshirted to preserve eligibility.

ESPN rated him as the No. 4 high school quarterback in the 2012

Dear Kevin "Baby Jesus" Olsen,

You wanted to phucking walk around these roaches
These ni$$as is roaches!
These ni$$as is mere mother****in' mortals!
I'm tryna push you to supreme being
You don't wanna motherphuckin'
You don't wanna embrace your destiny!
You wanna get by
You don't wanna go into the motherphuckin' dark
Where it's lonely
You can't handle the motherphuckin', the pain
Of the motherphuckin' not knowin' when the **** is gonna stop!





You wanna walk with them or walk with GOD N****, MAKE UP YOUR GOD D*** MIND

Thank u....never had a DUI or any other issue happen from weed that alcohol causes. Instead of drunks beating their wives, they smoke and munch and nap. Just like alcohol prohibition, weed is coming around and IMO alcohol should be banned. I've seen the medicinal benefits first hand of marijuana. The ONLY argument opposers have is inhaling smoke which has been settled with pills, drinks, food etc. Not only do we not spend $ fighting it and prosecuting it but we gain the tax dollars. Absolute no brainer and may be the only way to help liquidate the debt this moron Obama has caused our generations of relatives to pay

Yep, people fail to realize that the culture around Marijuana use and alcohol use is night and day. For a vast amount of weed users its a mellow, calming experience. Your not totally inebriated like you are alcohol, you still have control of yourself. Think about the number of times we hear about a athlete getting in trouble at a club or a bar. Why would you want your players losing control of themselves and being around other people who have limited control of themselves? Or they can invite a few friends over, match a few bowls and get down on some video games and munchies.

The simple truth is that marijuana is safer then alcohol in every way shape and form, yet we punish the kids who chose to to do the safer intoxicant just because the big bad government says so.

I agree with that the government definitely wants to get their hands on it.

I said it a long Time ago...make it legal and tax the **** out of it
That's what Washington and Colorado are doing, and the rest of the states are just watching to see how it pans out, which has been successful thus far. It's still illegal, and even if it was legal, the NCAA would never allow these kids to use it, and they shouldn't. The only reason I think weed should be legal, is because we spend way too much trying to fight it, and too many people are in prison for such a stupid thing, and it would make a good amount of money. But I still think it is a gateway drug if you use too much. And don't even say there's no proof ppl who smoke move on to other things, because I know for a fact it can happen easily.

IF a gateway drug exists (which i dont believe) it would be alcohol, not marijuana.

No, alcohol use leads to more alcohol abuse.
Marijuana can lead to other drugs, which are much worse.
Now obviously I'm saying its a small % but still, I know ppl who started off just smoking and saw what it led to. Alcohol addiction is worse than a weed addiction...until they start doing other drugs.
IMHO, unless it's for medical reasons, or just once in a while, I think smoking is stupid (cigs are even worse). I just think it's stupider so many people are in prison over this and the govt spend so much money on the unbeatable war on drugs.
Yep, people fail to realize that the culture around Marijuana use and alcohol use is night and day. For a vast amount of weed users its a mellow, calming experience. Your not totally inebriated like you are alcohol, you still have control of yourself. Think about the number of times we hear about a athlete getting in trouble at a club or a bar. Why would you want your players losing control of themselves and being around other people who have limited control of themselves? Or they can invite a few friends over, match a few bowls and get down on some video games and munchies.

The simple truth is that marijuana is safer then alcohol in every way shape and form, yet we punish the kids who chose to to do the safer intoxicant just because the big bad government says so.

I agree with that the government definitely wants to get their hands on it.

I said it a long Time ago...make it legal and tax the **** out of it
That's what Washington and Colorado are doing, and the rest of the states are just watching to see how it pans out, which has been successful thus far. It's still illegal, and even if it was legal, the NCAA would never allow these kids to use it, and they shouldn't. The only reason I think weed should be legal, is because we spend way too much trying to fight it, and too many people are in prison for such a stupid thing, and it would make a good amount of money. But I still think it is a gateway drug if you use too much. And don't even say there's no proof ppl who smoke move on to other things, because I know for a fact it can happen easily.

IF a gateway drug exists (which i dont believe) it would be alcohol, not marijuana.

No, alcohol use leads to more alcohol abuse.
Marijuana can lead to other drugs, which are much worse.
Now obviously I'm saying its a small % but still, I know ppl who started off just smoking and saw what it led to. Alcohol addiction is worse than a weed addiction...until they start doing other drugs.
IMHO, unless it's for medical reasons, or just once in a while, I think smoking is stupid (cigs are even worse). I just think it's stupider so many people are in prison over this and the govt spend so much money on the unbeatable war on drugs.

Why does one lead to more abuse of the same substance but the other leads increased use of other drugs? Im sorry your friends chose to get into drugs, but there just isnt any evidence that marijuana itself is a gateway drug. There is evidence that says ANY drug or alcohol use during adolescent years can change things on a molecular level. The part of the brain that deals with the rewards can be altered and the person feels that reward when they use other drugs down line. Nobody under the age of 18 should be intoxicated on anything. None of this is specific to marijuana tho and singling out marijuana as a gateway is wrong when there are other, more readily available intoxicants.

Here are the results of a study done on 12th graders:
"Results from the Guttman scale indicated that alcohol represented the "gateway" drug, leading to the use of tobacco, marijuana, and other illicit substances. Moreover, students who used alcohol exhibited a significantly greater likelihood of using both licit and illicit drugs."

"The findings from this investigation support that alcohol should receive primary attention in school-based substance abuse prevention programming, as the use of other substances could be impacted by delaying or preventing alcohol use. Therefore, it seems prudent for school and public health officials to focus prevention efforts, policies, and monies, on addressing adolescent alcohol use."

Im sorry if i come across condescending or anything like that, this is just a cause that is close to my heart. The fact that marijuana is being withheld from people who legitimately need it for medicinal reasons just gets my blood boiling. Even for just recreational use, its safer then any other substance short of caffeine. the amount of propaganda surrounding marijuana is ridiculous and while were heading in the right direction there is still a long way to go.
If this report is confirmed true, this kid is a complete moron. Practically gifted the starting job, or a great shot to earn it, and blew it. What a shi* head. Get bent, dipshi*. I'm so over this type of horse shi*.
THIS..........what an idiot. So we have no backup for the L'ville game???? Thanks Olsen....
How many did Henderson fail? How many games did he miss? Olsen is ****ing up, but it isn't the end of the world. Dude will still be out there practicing and if he pulls **** together during that time. He will still find himself 2nd string until Williams return.

As a season ticket holder, this is very upsetting. Olsen not only partied & was suspended for the L'ville bowl game, he now turns around & screws up prior to the season opener at L'ville. It appears that he doesn't have the gear to participate in a DIV I program or even if he does, it doesn't look like he cares about the coaches who have placed their faith in him or his fellow players.
This has to be it, his last strike. I'm pulling for him to get it together. Admittedly, I'm taking the Jimmy Johnson approach with him... If he shows out in a game let some **** slide. If he can't produce bye bye.
So he's basically Crablegs Jameis without the talent, results or look-the-other-way coaching staff.
He's about as good as gone. Will surprised if he doesn't transfer within a week or two.

Will never play here.
He made a big mistake. I don't see the need to call him names though. Especially when he's still on the team. These aren't pro athletes.
Kid partied a little too hard, **** happens bruh. Hope he learns from it and move on.