Old timers: who was our A -bomb

Yes we we're. I think we had a top ten ranking in '55 or '56. We were something like 9-1 with a one point loss, I think.

We we're a legitimate national power with a great fullback, Don Bosseler who is one of the few Hurricanes in the College Hall of Fame.

I can only he blunt even if you are insulted: yours is a truly ignorant comment. Go read some of the history books by Jim Martz.
I confess. It wasn’t researched or thought out.
Also, the A-bomb reference could be applied to almost anyone. During, and after the Korean war, we had those 'duck and cover' drills in elementary school. In the 50s the A-bomb was on everyone's mind.
Don't mean to insult people but I hold serious fans to a high standard of appreciation and knowledge of our heritage and history.

There's reading material available--go for it.
Brother... is that arrogance or reassurance?