O/T Dabo Possibly leaving?

Dabo was probably asking Davis where he gets his awesome haircut.

On the surface, I agree with you.

But he hates the transfer portal and hates NIL..with all the turnover at Clemson and his "bad" year, maybe he's thinking about it?
Possible — I wouldn’t rule it out. However, I would be incredibly surprised.

But it would be great news for us!
OMG, take him, Raiders! Get a Super Bowl ring! Go go go!
On the surface, I agree with you.

But he hates the transfer portal and hates NIL..with all the turnover at Clemson and his "bad" year, maybe he's thinking about it?
If he doesn’t like NIL and the Portal he will really love when his star RB decides to sit out a season, or his star QB not reporting to training camp and wanting out.
On the surface, I agree with you.

But he hates the transfer portal and hates NIL..with all the turnover at Clemson and his "bad" year, maybe he's thinking about it?
I know Dabo has been really big on keeping same guys around. It’s quite important to him. However USF took a long time assistant two years ago. Now Oklahoma took Venables. And I heard Duke and Virginia looking to take OC. That’s 3 longtime buds gone. Plus changing game with transfer and NIL. And a bad qb too
He's afraid of Alex Mirabal.

Or Rad has photos of him in Tijuana.
Someone beat him way too much with a massive ugly stick.
Yeah, but dang with the huge money his Daddy left him and the money Vegas paid him to bring his team there, you think the guy would at least hire a decent stylist and leave more than a $2 tip.
the oakland thing probably has been going on. that's why rad is coming, tony elliot is leaving to be the HC at UVA / Duke, and venables is leaving

clean sweep