O Butch! Butch! Wherefore art thou Butch?

Franchise, I disregard the BS in your posts as you can't seem to make your point without an outright lie, misrepresentation, or fabrication. Don't take it personal, it's just my way of dealing with outright liars and other dishonest persons who continually exhibit a practice of deception and falsehoods.

It's a personality flaw of mine - I can't stand dishonest people.

The best lies are those that hold just a tiny grain of truth. Yes, he went 8-5, but your dishonesty is in no relating the conditions under which the 8-5 was thrust upon him.

Maybe you're just out of grade school and have no way of knowing many of these things. Maybe you can only read the raw numbers, but are completely incapable of discerning what you're reading, or you have a fractured personality which prevents basic analysis. Which just about anyone can compensate for by doing just a bit of reading.

Had you been a bit more informed on the teams in 2010, you'd realize that the conventional wisdom among analysts were as certain of UNC having ten wins, as they are convinced that FSU or Clemson will have ten wins this year. They may be wrong, but there's really no reasonable doubt with the talent and the trajectory their programs are on right now.

Same-Same with UNC in 2010. But he didn't get the chance with his whole team. If you think the talent wasn't there, a few months later, UNC tied USC with the most drafted into the NFL. Now I understand you believe that NFL draftees has nothing to do with talent - but most other folks somehow think there's a direct correlation. Funny how you're always ****ing against the wind, but I think I speak for everyone here - you're probably right and everyone else is wrong.

Then you just did it again with the dishonesty. ". . . despite UNC being a total haven for academic abuse during Mr. Davis's tenure."

Really? UNC already covered that. The State of North Carolina already covered that. The NCAA already covered that. Are you that dumb?

It wasn't under "Mr. Davis's" tenure. It was started in the nineties, and ran and ran, unknown to Butch, and proven to be so.

Oh. And if I hurt your feelings for calling you stupid, I apologize.

I thought you already knew.

I see you're still ignoring my posts, Archie.

I just hope to our dear God in heaven that you're not this emotional when you're doing your archery.

FarArcher was the closest English term to a name given to me by a mercenary years ago, far from here. Long range shooters were apparently revered. There was never any room for emotion.

Just let it go.

And Bring Back Butch!
ifwegot butch fsu would fll off da face ofthe earth cuz they wont chrry pick us no more.

Butch Davis would be the biggest nightmare FSU can possibly have.

Come to think of it, Butch at UM would be the biggest nightmare to Alabama, Ohio State, FSU, Clemson, Florida, USC, Oregon, and the list goes on.