N'kosi Perry Hype

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Jan 19, 2017
Maybe I haven't kept up with him enough, but whats in hurricanes fans eyes do you guys see in him thats so special? I know we would love to have a dual threat but its not necessary. I really just want the best qb that gives us a chance to win to start I really could care less who it is. Perry didnt play against amazing talent in high school and a lot of canes fans are annoiting him without taking a single snap? This kinda reminds me of what we thought Kaaya could've been this season instead we saw one of the slowest qb's ever who can not move around the pocket. I really want perry to have a great career just like allison or whoever starts but we as canes fans have a really bad track record of praising "ok" qb play. The only reason I prefer Allison is for the life of me I cannot see him not having a leg up on the competition. Jacory was an ok player never progressed after that sophmore season and we all hyped him like no other morris to me was better than kaaya just because he had better footwork. Was Kaaya's oline bad this year yes but my lord he ran into so many sacks this year. I just dont see whats special about Perry yet please prove me wrong. Just opening the dialogue because none of us really know what goes on inside the coaches heads.
I wish I would've started a list on Jan 1, 2017 that had all the new "Cane" fans on this site. You FSU and UF trolls are so bad that its comical to us now lol...
And that my friend...is why UM hired CMR to coach...and not us!! Look at Perry's film!! Imagine every one of kayaa's sacks, being turned into a 4-8 yard gain! His arm strength is as good as anyone else we have ( except captain jack.. Maybe).. He just needs some weight..and maybe a rs year. I may be wrong...but he looks like a great option moving forward
**** your troll thread but on a positive note -- what a great night it was when Jacory lit up the Noles and had that silly "Swag" hair cut. That was awesome.
And that my friend...is why UM hired CMR to coach...and not us!! Look at Perry's film!! Imagine every one of kayaa's sacks, being turned into a 4-8 yard gain! His arm strength is as good as anyone else we have ( except captain jack.. Maybe).. He just needs some weight..and maybe a rs year. I may be wrong...but he looks like a great option moving forward

just opening the dialogue on why it seems like most fans want perry right now just wanted to hear the reasonings no troll i love my canes but i refuse to just say a kid is amazing without seeing one college snap thats just idiotic.
As a high school student you have no college snaps,.. You have high school film!! In Perry's case..new high school records,.. Previously set by Duante Culpepper ( that may be before your time) any hs athlete is a working progress,.. Perry has a good tool box to work with! Were hyped on his potential,.. Not his collegiate experiance. Now,... Go look at his film!! And see what you think
I wish I would've started a list on Jan 1, 2017 that had all the new "Cane" fans on this site. You FSU and UF trolls are so bad that its comical to us now lol...

Literally thinking the same thing. Never seen so many single digit porsters start tragic threads in my life.

And they all go, "I dunno guys" or "Help Me Out Guys" or "Hey did you hear..."

Mods really need to implement a no thread rule until a poster has shown himself for at least 500 post, imo. At first I said 100, but real trolls only hang around for a lil bit.
For starters, Kosi can extend plays while keeping his eyes downfield to make the big play..He has a cannon for an arm and great touch on the deepball and can make every throw, he put up huge numbers while being very efficient. He seems to be a good leader/kid with a good head on his shoulders and is looking to come in work and compete.... Those might be a few reasons why we're excited troll
Kosi will get a shot - a fair shot - just like the others.

Jacory just got screwed with coaching - no two ways around it.

Kaaya also got screwed through initial coaching and a crappy OLine - and yeah - he developed happy feet.

It'll sort itself out.

Imagine 2018 opponents trying to prepare for UM, and maybe not knowing which QB we'll be starting.
Kameka[]__[]Cane;2848481 said:
For starters, Kosi can extend plays while keeping his eyes downfield to make the big play..He has a cannon for an arm and great touch on the deepball and can make every throw, he put up huge numbers while being very efficient. He seems to be a good leader/kid with a good head on his shoulders and is looking to come in work and compete.... Those might be a few reasons why we're excited troll

cant base stuff off assumptions thats all im saying not trolling just because im not in agreement. shoot no one thought rosier was gonna win the backup job after spring so we shouldnt think their just gonna give this job to the kid.
Kosi will get a shot - a fair shot - just like the others.

Jacory just got screwed with coaching - no two ways around it.

Kaaya also got screwed through initial coaching and a crappy OLine - and yeah - he developed happy feet.

It'll sort itself out.

Imagine 2018 opponents trying to prepare for UM, and maybe not knowing which QB we'll be starting.

Thank you for having a brain lol
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