Nesta & Greg

Ford was eating double teams all game , he’s thr closest thing to “ dominant “ on the dL. Nesta is more of a quick pass rush guy. Which will help, tbh I’d like to see Miller get more time.

Agree on all this. Miller/nesta/ford trio next year will be the strength of this defense. Each of those guys is very stout. Most excited about miller - dude is active and strong and can move well for his size.
When highlights come out, watch Nesta and how much disruption he was making in the 4th qtr. He had the center on rollerskates, but was also keeping contain by staying in front of the QB to let Greg and co come off the edge.

Things just SEEMED difference on defense. There was a manny factor there. Hope this keeps up.
Was this the case during vatech? Not trolling, serious question- just trying to see player-vs-coach impact.